
Object-based type functionality.



[mixin] ish.type.obj.clone(x, vKeysOrFromToopt) → {Array.<variant>}

Copies the referenced keys into a new instance.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Description
x Array.<variant> Value representing the object to copy.
vKeysOrFromTo string | Array.<string> | object <optional>
Value representing the key(s) to copy into the new object, with the option to remap keys when an object is passed.
Type Description
Array.<variant> Value representing the passed value as a new instance.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.concat(vTarget, vSource(s)) → {object|function}

Concat's arrays and copies properties into an object.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Description
vTarget object | function Value representing the target object to receive properties.
vSource(s) object | function | Array.<object> | Array.<function()> representing the source object(s) whose arrays will be concat'ed and properties will be copied into the target.
Type Description
object | function Value representing the passed target object.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.cp(x, vMaxDepthopt) → {Array.<variant>}

Copies the passed value into a new instance.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x Array.<variant> Value representing the object to copy.
vMaxDepth boolean | integer <optional>
0 Value representing if a deep copy is to occur. false/0 performs a shallow copy, a positive integer indicates the max depth to perform a deep copy to, true and all other integer values perform a deep copy to an unlimited depth.
Type Description
Array.<variant> Value representing the passed value as a new instance.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.diff(x, y, oOptionsopt) → {object}

Determines the differences between the passed values.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Description
x object | function Value to interrogate.
y object | function Value to interrogate.
oOptions object <optional>
Value representing the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
compare function <optional>
Value representing the function that implements the compare, accepting 2 arguments (a, b) and returning truthy if a > b.
useCoercion boolean <optional>
true Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
caseInsensitive boolean <optional>
false Value representing if the values are to be compared in a case-insensitive manor.
trimWhitespace boolean <optional>
false Value representing if leading and trailing whitespace is to be trimmed prior to comparison.
includeMissingKeys boolean <optional>
false Value representing if keys present in y but missing from x are to be included in the reported differences.
caseInsensitiveKeys boolean <optional>
false Value representing if keys are to be treated as case insensitive.
pruneUndefinedValues boolean <optional>
false Value representing if if keys with undefined as their value are to be removed from the return value.
Type Description
object Value representing the differences between the passed values.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.empty() → {object}

Creates an empty object.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Note: Creating an object via {} results in an object that includes __proto__ and hasOwnProperty. This method returns an object with no properties.
Type Description
object Value representing an empty object.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.eq(x, y, oOptionsopt) → {boolean}

Determines if the passed values are equal.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Description
x object | function Value to interrogate.
y object | function Value to interrogate.
oOptions object <optional>
Value representing the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
compare function <optional>
Value representing the function that implements the compare, accepting 2 arguments (a, b) and returning truthy if a > b.
useCoercion boolean <optional>
true Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
caseInsensitive boolean <optional>
false Value representing if the values are to be compared in a case-insensitive manor.
trimWhitespace boolean <optional>
false Value representing if leading and trailing whitespace is to be trimmed prior to comparison.
maxDepth boolean | integer <optional>
0 Value representing if a deep comparison is to occur. false/0 performs a shallow comparison, a positive integer indicates the max depth to perform a deep comparison to, true and all other integer values perform a deep comparison to an unlimited depth.
Type Description
boolean Value representing if the passed values are equal.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.flatten(x, vOptionsopt) → {object|function|Array.<object>|Array.<function()>}

Flattens the structure of an object into a single depth object as parent_child_grandchild using ish.type.obj.rekey to preprocess key names.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x object | function | Array.<object> | Array.<function()> Value representing the object(s) to rekey.
vOptions string | boolean | object <optional>
Value representing the replacementChar, if we are to deleteRekeyed values or the following options:
oOptions.replacementChar string <optional>
"" Value representing the char (or characters) used to replace any unfriendly characters.
oOptions.trackRekeyed string <optional>
"" Value representing the key to store the remapped key data.
oOptions.deleteRekeyed boolean <optional>
true Value representing if the original key/value is to be deleted from the object.
Type Description
object | function | Array.<object> | Array.<function()> Value representing the rekeyed object(s) (i.e. the passed x is returned for convenience).

ish.type.obj.get(oSource, vKey, bReturnAllMatchingopt) → {variant|Array.<variant>}

Determines the value of the passed key within the passed value via a case-insensitive match, a RegExp match or truthy function return.
Note: As the key is searched for, the first matching key enumerated by the statement will be returned unless bReturnAllMatching is set to true.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
oSource object | function Value to interrogate.
vKey string | RegExp | function Value representing the key(s) to retrieve from the passed value or a function(sCurrentKey) returning truthy to indicate inclusion into the return value.
bReturnAllMatching boolean <optional>
false Value representing if multiple keys are to be retrieve from the passed value.
Type Description
variant | Array.<variant> Value representing the value of the passed key or an array representing all values of the passed key.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.has(x, vKeys, bKeysArePathsopt) → {boolean}

Determines if the referenced keys are present in the passed value.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x object | function Value representing the object to interrogate.
vKeys string | Array.<string> Value representing the key(s) to interrogate.
bKeysArePaths boolean <optional>
true Value representing if the passed keys represent dot-delimited paths (e.g., see: {@link: ish.resolve}).
Type Description
boolean Value representing if the referenced keys are present in the passed value., vOptionsopt) → {boolean}

Determines if the passed value represents an object.
Name Type Attributes Description
x variant Value to interrogate.
vOptions boolean | object <optional>
Value representing if empty objects are to be ignored or the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
nonEmpty boolean <optional>
false Value representing if empty objects are to be ignored.
strict boolean <optional>
false Value representing if only [object Objects] are to be allowed.
allowFn boolean <optional>
false Value representing if functions are to be allowed.
allowJSON boolean <optional>
false Value representing if JSON-strings are to be allowed.
requiredKeys boolean <optional>
Value listing the keys required to be present in the object.
interface boolean <optional>
false Value representing the required the keys and types (see: {@link: ish.type}).
Type Description
boolean Value representing if the passed value represents an object.

[mixin], bReturnReportopt) → {boolean|Array.<object>}

Determines if the passed value has any circular references.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x object | function Value to interrogate.
bReturnReport boolean <optional>
false Value indicating if an array of circular references is to be returned.
Type Description
boolean | Array.<object> Value representing if the passed value has any circular references or an array of objects describing any circular references.

[mixin], oInterface, bStrictopt) → {boolean}

Determines if the passed value conforms to the passed interface.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x object | function Value to interrogate.
oInterface object Value representing the interface, where each value represents a string representing a type under ish.type or a value representing the function that implements the test, accepting 1 argument (x) and returning truthy if the value is of a valid type.
bStrict boolean <optional>
false Value indicating if the passed value is not allowed to have any additional keys outside of the those in the passed interface.
Type Description
boolean Value representing if the passed value conforms to the passed interface.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.join(x, sDelimiteropt, sKeyDelimiteropt) → {Array.<variant>}

Joins the passed value into a string.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x object | function Value representing the object to join.
sDelimiter string <optional>
"" Value representing the delimiter to be included between values.
sKeyDelimiter string <optional>
Value representing if the keys are to be included within the string, defining the delimiter to be included between keys and their related values.
Type Description
Array.<variant> Value representing the passed value mutated into an array., vDefaultValopt) → {object}

Casts the passed value into an object.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x variant Value to interrogate.
vDefaultVal variant <optional>
{} Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
Type Description
object Value representing the passed value as an object type.

[mixin], oFromToopt, bSetToUndefinedopt) → {boolean}

Moves the referenced keys into the passed new keys.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x object | function | Array.<variant> Value representing the object(s) to interrogate.
oFromTo object <optional>
Value representing the keys to move.
bSetToUndefined boolean <optional>
false Value representing if the moved keys are to be deleted (false) or reset to undefined (true).
Type Description
boolean Value representing if the keys have been moved.

ish.type.obj.ownKeys(oSource, vOptionsopt) → {Array.<string>}

Determines the enumerable and/or non-enumerable keys of the passed value.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
oSource object Value to interrogate.
vOptions object | boolean <optional>
false Value representing if non-enumerable properties are to be included or the desired options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
includeNonEnumerable boolean <optional>
false Value representing if non-enumerable properties are to be included.
onlyNonEnumerable boolean <optional>
false Value representing if only non-enumerable properties are to be returned.
Type Description
Array.<string> Value representing the requested keys of the passed value.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.prune(x, vAddlKeysToPruneopt) → {boolean}

Removes values set to undefined along with any referenced keys from the passed value.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Description
x object | function Value representing the object to interrogate.
vAddlKeysToPrune string | Array.<string> <optional>
Value representing any additional key(s) to remove.
Type Description
boolean Value representing the remaining keys from the passed value.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.rekey(x, vOptionsopt) → {object|function|Array.<object>|Array.<function()>}

Removes any characters from object keys that require bracket-style notation (e.g. oObject["2 this is\n1 valid key"] becomes oObject.thisis1validkey)
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x object | function | Array.<object> | Array.<function()> Value representing the object(s) to rekey.
vOptions string | boolean | object <optional>
Value representing the replacementChar, if we are to deleteRekeyed values or the following options:
oOptions.replacementChar string <optional>
"" Value representing the char (or characters) used to replace any unfriendly characters.
oOptions.trackRekeyed string <optional>
"" Value representing the key to store the remapped key data.
oOptions.deleteRekeyed boolean <optional>
false Value representing if the original key/value is to be deleted from the object.
Type Description
object | function | Array.<object> | Array.<function()> Value representing the rekeyed object(s) (i.e. the passed x is returned for convenience).

[mixin] ish.type.obj.resolveFirst(oObject, a_vPaths) → {variant}

Provides access to an object structure's nested properties, returning the first found path.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Description
oObject object Value to interrogate.
a_vPaths Array.<string> | Array.<Array.<string>> Value representing the paths to the requested property's as a period-delimited string (e.g. "parent.child.array.0.key") or an array of strings.
Type Description
variant Value representing the variant at the referenced path.

ish.type.obj.rm(a_vArray, vTargets, vReplacements) → {boolean}

Removes the passed target(s) from the passed object (optionally replacing them with updated values).
Name Type Description
a_vArray Array.<variant> Values to interrogate.
vTargets variant | Array.<variant> Value(s) to remove.
vReplacements variant | Array.<variant> Value(s) to replace the removed items with.
Note: The number of replacements must match the number of targets.
Type Description
boolean Value representing if one or more of the passed value(s) were successfully removed / replaced.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.stringify(oObject) → {variant}

Provides an object structure as a string in Javascript's Object Literal Notation.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Description
oObject object Value to interrogate.
Type Description
variant Value representing the passed object as a string in Javascript's Object Literal Notation.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.toArr(x, sSetKeyAsopt) → {Array.<variant>}

Mutates the passed value into an array.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Description
x object | function Value representing the object to mutate.
sSetKeyAs string <optional>
Value representing the name of the key to set the original key's name under.
Type Description
Array.<variant> Value representing the passed value mutated into an array.

[mixin] ish.type.obj.unique(x, vPaths, oOptionsopt) → {Array.<variant>}

Determines the unique entries within the passed value.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Description
x Array.<object> | Array.<function()> Value representing the array to compare.
vPaths string | Array.<string> Value representing the values to interrogate.
oOptions object <optional>
Value representing the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
compare function <optional>
Value representing the function that implements the compare, accepting 2 arguments (a, b) and returning truthy if a > b.
useCoercion boolean <optional>
true Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
caseInsensitive boolean <optional>
false Value representing if the values are to be compared in a case-insensitive manor.
trimWhitespace boolean <optional>
false Value representing if leading and trailing whitespace is to be trimmed prior to comparison.
maxDepth boolean | integer <optional>
0 Value representing if a deep comparison is to occur. false/0 performs a shallow comparison, a positive integer indicates the max depth to perform a deep comparison to, true and all other integer values perform a deep comparison to an unlimited depth.
Type Description
Array.<variant> Value representing the passed values' unique entries.