
ish.js's (renameable) global object.



ish.extend(vMaxDepthopt, vTarget, vSource) → {object|function}

Merges the content of the passed objects into the passed target, adding or overriding properties within the target. Heavily refactored code from

Right-most source object wins:

    var oResult = ish.extend({}, { i: 1 }, { i: 2 }); // `oResult.i` will equal `2`.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
vMaxDepth boolean | integer <optional>
true Value representing if a deep copy is to occur. false/1 performs a shallow copy, a positive integer indicates the max depth to perform a deep copy to, true and all other integer values perform a deep copy to an unlimited depth.
vTarget object | function Value representing the target object to receive properties.
vSource object | function Value(s) representing the source object(s) whose properties will be copied into the target.
Type Description
object | function Value representing the passed target.

ish.resolve(returnMetadataopt, bForceCreateopt, oObject, vPath, vValueopt) → {variant}

Provides access to (and optionally creates) an object structure's nested properties.

When forcing the creation of an object structure, data can be lost if an existing non-object property is used as a parent.
This will overwrite the boolean property nick with an object reference containing the property campbell.

    var neek = { nick: true };
    var deepProp = ish.resolve(true, neek, "nick.campbell");
Name Type Attributes Default Description
returnMetadata Symbol <optional>
!ish.resolve.returnMetadata Value representing if metadata is to be returned; { value: {variant}, created: {boolean}, existed: {boolean} }.
bForceCreate boolean <optional>
true Value representing if the path is to be created if it doesn't already exist. true creates the path if it does not already exist.
oObject object Value to interrogate.
vPath string | Array.<string> Value representing the path to the requested property as a period-delimited string (e.g. "parent.child.array.0.key") or an array of strings.
vValue variant <optional>
Value representing the value to set the referenced property to.
Type Description
variant Value representing the variant at the referenced path.