
Collection of Type-based functionality (is and mk only)



ish.type(x, a_vOrderopt) → {function}

To Do:
  • Detail recognized a_vOrder values
Determines the type of the passed value.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x variant Value to interrogate.
a_vOrder Array.<variant> <optional>
ish.config.ish().typeOrder Type ordering to use during interrogation.
Type Description
function Value indicating the type of the passed value.

[mixin] ish.type.any(x, a_vReferenceValues, bUseCoercionopt) → {boolean}

Determines if the passed value is one of the reference values.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x variant Value to interrogate.
a_vReferenceValues Array.<variant> Value representing the reference values to compare to.
bUseCoercion boolean <optional>
false Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
Type Description
boolean Value representing if the passed value is present in the reference values.

[mixin] ish.type.query(vCollection, vQuery, oOptionsopt) → {Array.<variant>|variant}

Queries the passed value.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Description
vCollection Array.<variant> | object Value representing the collection to interrogate.
vQuery object | Array.<object> Value representing the query.
oOptions object <optional>
Value representing the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
firstEntryOnly boolean <optional>
false Value representing if only the first result is to be returned.
caseInsensitive boolean <optional>
false Value representing if the keys are to be searched for in a case-insensitive manor.
useCoercion boolean <optional>
false Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
useKeyValue boolean <optional>
false Value representing if the query is specified as a key/value.
Type Description
Array.<variant> | variant Value representing the passed values that matched the query.

[mixin] ish.type.register(sTypeName, vTest, vMkDefaultValopt) → {boolean}

Registers a new type interface under ish.type.
From Mixin: ish.type-ex.js must be included for ishJS to access this functionality.
Name Type Attributes Description
sTypeName string Value representing the type name to register.
This must be unique (e.g. not currently in use under ish.type).
vTest function | RegExp Value representing the test that verifies the type as a RegExp expression or a function that implements the test, accepting 1 argument (x) and returning truthy if the value is of a valid type.
vMkDefaultVal variant <optional>
Value representing the default value returned by the mk interface if a vDefaultVal is not provided in the call.
If this argument is omitted, a mk is not created.
Type Description
boolean Value representing if the new type interface was successfully registered under ish.type.
The ish.type[sTypeName] type interface is created with an is and optional mk functions. is accepts at least 1 argument which defines the variable to test. mk accepts 2 arguments (vValToTest, vDefraultVal) while calling the is interface, passing in vValToTest to determine if it is a valid type.