/** @file Additional Type Functionality mixin for ish.js
* @mixin ish.type
* @author Nick Campbell
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2014-2023, Nick Campbell
* @ignore
*/ //############################################################################################
/*global module, define, global, WeakMap */ //# Enable Node globals for JSHint
/*jshint maxcomplexity:9 */ //# Enable max complexity warnings for JSHint
(function () {
'use strict'; //<MIXIN>
function init(core, atob, btoa) {
var bServerside = core.config.ish().onServer, //# code-golf
_root = (bServerside ? global : window), //# code-golf
_undefined /*= undefined*/, //# code-golf
_null = null, //# code-golf
_Date_now = Date.now //# code-golf
/** Collection of additional Type-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.type
* @ignore
*/ //############################################################################################
core.oop.partial(core.type, function (oProtected) {
var oCoreType = {
is: {
/** Determines if the passed value is truthy.
* @function ish.type.is.truthy
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is truthy.
*/ //#####
truthy: function (x) {
return (
x !== 0 &&
x !== "" &&
x !== _null &&
x !== false &&
x !== _undefined &&
//# Rely on the inline polyfill of Number.isNaN from MDN to determine if x is NaN
//# NOTE: The following works because NaN is the only value in javascript which is not equal to itself.
//# See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isNaN
/*x !== NaN*/ !(typeof x === 'number' && x !== x)
}, //# type.is.truthy
numeric: {
/** Determines if the passed values are equal.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per the Javascript rules (see: {@link ish.type.float.mk}).
* @function ish.type.is.numeric:eq
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} y Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed values are equal.
*/ //#####
eq: function (x, y) {
var bReturnVal = false;
//# If the passed x and y .is.numeric, .mk them .floats and reset our bReturnVal to their comparison
if (core.type.is.numeric(x) && core.type.is.numeric(y)) {
bReturnVal = (core.type.float.mk(x) === core.type.float.mk(y));
return bReturnVal;
}, //# type.is.numeric.eq
/** Compares the passed value to the reference value, determining if it is greater then, less then or equal.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per the Javascript rules (see: {@link ish.type.float.mk}).
* @function ish.type.is.numeric:cmp
* @param {variant} vNumber Value representing the number to compare.
* @param {variant} vRelativeTo Value representing the relative number to compare to.
* @returns {integer} Value representing if the passed value is greater then (<code>1</code>), less then (<code>-1</code>) or equal to (<code>0</code>) the passed relative value with <code>undefined</code> indicating one of the passed values was non-numeric.
*/ //#####
cmp: function (vNumber, vRelativeTo) {
var iReturnVal = _undefined,
dX = core.type.float.mk(vNumber, _null),
dY = core.type.float.mk(vRelativeTo, _null)
if (core.type.is.numeric(dX) && core.type.is.numeric(dY)) {
if (dX < dY) {
iReturnVal = -1;
else if (dX > dY) {
iReturnVal = 1;
else {
iReturnVal = 0;
return iReturnVal;
}, //# type.is.numeric.cmp
/** Extracts the passed value's numeric characters.
* @function ish.type.is.numeric:extract
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=0] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {integer} Value representing the passed value's numeric characters.
*/ //#####
extract: function (x, vDefaultVal) {
var a_sReturnVal;
//# Force the passed x into a string for the .match below, .join'ing the results in our a_sReturnVal
x = core.type.str.mk(x);
a_sReturnVal = x.match(/\d/g) || [];
return core.type.int.mk(a_sReturnVal.join(""), (arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : 0));
}, //# type.is.numeric.extract
/** Sums the referenced numbers in the passed value.
* @function ish.type.is.numeric:sum
* @param {Array<integer>|object[]|object} vCollection Value representing the numbers to sum.
* @param {string|string[]} [vPath] Value representing the path to the requested property as a period-delimited string (e.g. "parent.child.array.0.key") or an array of strings.
* @returns {integer} Value representing sum of the passed values.
*/ //#####
sum: function (vCollection, vPath) {
var i,
fReturnVal = 0
if (core.type.arr.is(vCollection, true)) {
if (core.type.str.is(vPath, true) || core.type.arr.is(vPath, true)) {
for (i = 0; i < vCollection.length; i++) {
fReturnVal += core.type.float.mk(core.resolve(vCollection[i], vPath));
else {
for (i = 0; i < vCollection.length; i++) {
fReturnVal += core.type.float.mk(vCollection[i]);
else if (core.type.obj.is(vCollection, true)) {
for (i in vCollection) {
if (vCollection.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
fReturnVal += core.type.float.mk(vCollection[i]);
return fReturnVal;
}, //# type.is.numeric.sum
/** Statistical analysis (mean/average, median, mode, range, sum, count and sorted list of values) of the referenced numbers in the passed value.
* @function ish.type.is.numeric:stats
* @param {Array<integer>|object[]} a_vCollection Value representing the numbers to analyse.
* @param {string|string[]} [vPath] Value representing the path to the requested property as a period-delimited string (e.g. "parent.child.array.0.key") or an array of strings.
* @returns {integer} Value representing sum of the passed values.
*/ //#####
stats: function (a_vCollection, vPath) {
var sKey, fCurrent, i,
oMode = {},
oReturnVal = {
count: 0,
//average: mean,
//mean: undefined,
//median: undefined,
mode: [],
//sum: undefined,
//range: undefined,
values: []
if (core.type.arr.is(a_vCollection, true)) {
oReturnVal.sum = 0;
//# If we were passed a vPath, then a_vCollection is an array of objects
if (arguments.length === 2) {
for (i = 0; i < a_vCollection.length; i++) {
fCurrent = core.type.float.mk(core.resolve(a_vCollection[i], vPath));
oReturnVal.sum += fCurrent;
//# Else a_vCollection is an array of numeric values
else {
for (i = 0; i < a_vCollection.length; i++) {
fCurrent = core.type.float.mk(a_vCollection[i]);
oReturnVal.sum += core.type.float.mk(a_vCollection[i]);
oReturnVal.count = oReturnVal.values.length;
oReturnVal.mean = oReturnVal.average = (oReturnVal.sum / oReturnVal.count);
//# If we have an odd number of values in our .values, grab the middle most one
//# NOTE: We need to use Math.floor because array indexes are 0-based rather than 1-based
if (oReturnVal.count % 2 === 1) {
i = Math.floor(oReturnVal.count / 2);
oReturnVal.median = oReturnVal.values[i];
//# Else we have an even number of values in our .values, so we need to average the middle-most 2
//# NOTE: We need to -1 from the calculated i because array indexes are 0-based rather than 1-based
else {
i = (oReturnVal.count / 2);
oReturnVal.median = ((oReturnVal.values[i - 1] + oReturnVal.values[i]) / 2);
for (i = 0; i < oReturnVal.count; i++) {
oMode[oReturnVal.values[i]] = oMode[oReturnVal.values[i]] || 0;
//# Calculate the .mode(s) of the .values
fCurrent = 1;
for (sKey in oMode) {
if (oMode[sKey] > fCurrent) {
fCurrent = oMode[sKey];
oReturnVal.mode = [core.type.float.mk(sKey)];
else if (oMode[sKey] === fCurrent) {
//# Calculate the .range (largest value - smallest)
oReturnVal.range = (oReturnVal.values[oReturnVal.count - 1] - oReturnVal.values[0]);
return oReturnVal;
}, //# type.is.numeric.stats
/** Formats the passed value based on the passed format.
* @function ish.type.is.numeric:format
* @param {object} [vOptions] Value representing the number of decimal places or the following options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.decimalPlaces=2] Value representing the number of decimal places.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.decimal='.'] Value representing the decimal place delimiter.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.section=','] Value representing the thousands section delimiter.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.sectionLength=3] Value representing the thousands section length.
* @returns {string} Value representing the formatted number.
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/14428340/235704|StackOverflow.com}
*/ //#####
format: function (x, vOptions) {
var sRegExp;
//# Ensure the passed vOptions .is .obj (while setting it's defaults), ensure the passed x is a .float and set sRegExp
vOptions = core.extend(
decimalPlaces: 2,
decimal: ".",
section: ",",
sectionLength: 3
}, (core.type.int.is(vOptions) ?
{ decimalPlaces: vOptions } :
x = core.type.float.mk(x);
sRegExp = '\\d(?=(\\d{' + vOptions.sectionLength + '})+' + (vOptions.decimalPlaces > 0 ? '\\D' : '$') + ')';
//# If we have .decimalPlaces to limit, do the rounding via .toFixed now
if (vOptions.decimalPlaces > -1) {
x = x.toFixed(vOptions.decimalPlaces);
return (vOptions.decimal ?
x.replace('.', vOptions.decimal) :
).replace(new RegExp(sRegExp, 'g'), '$&' + vOptions.section);
}, //# type.is.numeric.format
hex: {
is: function (vValue) {
var bReturnVal = false;
try {
vValue = parseInt(vValue, 16);
bReturnVal = true;
} catch (e) {}
return bReturnVal;
}, //# type.is.numeric.hex.is
mk: function (vValue, vDefault) {
var sReturnVal = (arguments.length === 2 ? vDefault : 0);
if (core.type.int.is(vValue)) {
sReturnVal = core.type.float.mk(vValue).toString(16);
else if (core.type.is.numeric.hex.is(vValue)) {
sReturnVal = vValue;
return sReturnVal;
}, //# type.is.numeric.hex.mk
parse: function (vValue, vDefault) {
var iReturnVal = (arguments.length === 2 ? vDefault : 0);
try {
iReturnVal = parseInt(vValue, 16);
} catch (e) {}
return iReturnVal;
} //# type.is.numeric.hex.parse
base64: function () {
//# FROM: https://gist.github.com/GeorgioWan/16a7ad2a255e8d5c7ed1aca3ab4aacec
function hexToBase64(str) {
return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null,
str.replace(/\r|\n/g, "").replace(/([\da-fA-F]{2}) ?/g, "0x$1 ").replace(/ +$/, "").split(" "))
} //# hexToBase64
function base64ToHex(str) {
for (var i = 0, bin = atob(str.replace(/[ \r\n]+$/, "")), hex = []; i < bin.length; ++i) {
var tmp = bin.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
if (tmp.length === 1) tmp = "0" + tmp;
hex[hex.length] = tmp;
return hex.join("");
} //# base64ToHex
return {
encode: function (vValue, bPaddingCharacters) {
var sHex = core.type.is.numeric.hex.mk(vValue, null),
sReturnVal = ""
//# If we got a sHex vValue, convert it .hexToBase64 while optionally stripping the bPaddingCharacters
if (sHex /* !== null*/) {
sReturnVal = hexToBase64(sHex);
sReturnVal = (bPaddingCharacters ? sReturnVal : sReturnVal.replace(/=/g, ""));
return sReturnVal;
}, //# type.is.numeric.base64.encode
decode: function (sBase64) {
var sHex = "";
try {
sHex = base64ToHex(sBase64);
} catch (e) {}
return sHex;
} //# type.is.numeric.base64.decode
} //# type.is.numeric
}, //# core.type.is
/** Determines if the passed value is one of the reference values.
* @function ish.type.any
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant[]} a_vReferenceValues Value representing the reference values to compare to.
* @param {boolean} [bUseCoercion=false] Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is present in the reference values.
*/ //#####
any: function (x, a_vReferenceValues, bUseCoercion) {
var i,
fnTest = (bUseCoercion === true ?
function (vX, vTest) {
return vX == vTest;
} :
function (vX, vTest) {
return vX === vTest;
bReturnVal = false
if (core.type.arr.is(a_vReferenceValues, true)) {
for (i = 0; i < a_vReferenceValues.length; i++) {
if (fnTest(x, a_vReferenceValues[i])) {
bReturnVal = true;
return bReturnVal;
}, //# core.type.any
/** Queries the passed value.
* @function ish.type.query
* @param {variant[]|object} vCollection Value representing the collection to interrogate.
* @param {object|object[]} vQuery Value representing the query.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the following options:
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.firstEntryOnly=false] Value representing if only the first result is to be returned.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.caseInsensitive=false] Value representing if the keys are to be searched for in a case-insensitive manor.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.useCoercion=false] Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.useKeyValue=false] Value representing if the query is specified as a key/value.
* @returns {variant[]|variant} Value representing the passed values that matched the query.
*/ //#####
query: function () {
var yNoValue = core.type.symbol();
function doQuery(vKey, vQueryValue, oSource, oOptions) {
var a_sKeys, i,
bMatched = false,
oReturnVal = {
match: false,
matches: [],
items: []
function queryTestValue(vTestValue, sKey) {
//# If the vQueryValue .is .fn, call it with fn(vTestValue, oOptions)
if (core.type.fn.is(vQueryValue)) {
bMatched = vQueryValue(vTestValue, oSource, oOptions, sKey);
else if (vQueryValue instanceof RegExp) {
bMatched = !!(core.type.str.mk(vTestValue).match(vQueryValue));
//# Else we'll consider the vCurrent oQuery value as singular
else {
bMatched = (core.type.obj.is(oSource) &&
(oOptions.useCoercion && vTestValue == vQueryValue) ||
(vTestValue === vQueryValue)
if (bMatched) {
oReturnVal.match = true;
//path: _undefined,
key: sKey,
value: vTestValue
} //# queryTestValue
//# If the vKey .is a .regexp
if (core.type.regexp.is(vKey)) {
//# Pull the a_sKeys for the oSource
a_sKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(oSource);
for (i = 0; i < a_sKeys.length; i++) {
//# If the current a_sKeys is a .match
if (a_sKeys[i].match(vKey)) {
//# If we are looking for yNoValue in particular, .push the current a_sKeys into our .matches
if (vQueryValue === yNoValue) {
//path: _undefined,
key: a_sKeys[i],
value: oSource[a_sKeys[i]]
//# Make sure .match is true
oReturnVal.match = true;
//# Else call queryTestValue with the current a_sKeys
else {
oOptions.caseInsensitive ? core.type.obj.get(oSource, a_sKeys[i]) : core.resolve(oSource, a_sKeys[i]),
//# Else call queryTestValue with the vKey
else {
oOptions.caseInsensitive ? core.type.obj.get(oSource, vKey) : core.resolve(oSource, vKey),
return oReturnVal;
} //# doQuery
//# ["val1", "val2"] = core.type.query([{}, {}], ["path.to.val"])
//# [{}, {}] = core.type.query([{}, {}], { key: "val", key2: ["val1", "val2"], "path.to.key3": function(vTestValue, oSourceIndex, oOptions) { return true || false; } })
return function (vCollection, vQuery, oOptions) {
var a_oCollection, a_sKeys, vCurrent, oResults, h, i, j, k,
a_oReturnVal = [],
a_oReturnValQuery = []
//# Ensure the passed vQuery is an array
vQuery = core.type.arr.mk(vQuery, [vQuery]);
//# .extend the passed oOptions with the defaults (which also ensures the passed oOptions .is .obj)
oOptions = core.extend({
firstEntryOnly: false,
caseInsensitive: false,
useCoercion: false,
useKeyValue: false
}, oOptions);
//# Calculate our a_oCollection based on the passed vCollection
a_oCollection = (core.type.arr.is(vCollection) ?
vCollection : (core.type.obj.is(vCollection) ?
core.type.obj.toArr(vCollection, oOptions.setKeyAs) :
//# If we have a_oCollection
if (core.type.arr.is(a_oCollection, true)) {
//# Traverse the passed vQuery(ies)
for (h = 0; h < vQuery.length; h++) {
//# If we are to .useKeyValue, set the a_sKeys to the passed .key
if (oOptions.useKeyValue) {
a_sKeys = [ vQuery[h].key ];
//# Else pull the a_sKeys for the current vQuery
else {
a_sKeys = (core.type.obj.is(vQuery[h], { allowFn: true }) ?
Object.keys(vQuery[h]) :
//# If the current vQuery has a_sKeys
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sKeys, true)) {
//# Traverse our a_oCollection
for (i = 0; i < a_oCollection.length; i++) {
//# Traverse our vQuery's a_sKeys
for (j = 0; j < a_sKeys.length; j++) {
//# If we are to .useKeyValue, set the vCurrent .value (defaulting if there's yNoValue)
if (oOptions.useKeyValue) {
vCurrent = (core.type.is.value(vQuery[h]) && vQuery[h].hasOwnProperty("value") ? vQuery[h].value : yNoValue);
//# Else we are not to .useKeyValue, so pull from the vCurrent value directly from the vQuery
else {
vCurrent = vQuery[h][a_sKeys[j]];
//# If we have an .is .arr of vQuery values to traverse, do so now
if (core.type.arr.is(vCurrent)) {
for (k = 0; k < vCurrent.length; k++) {
//# If the vCurrent value .matches our current a_oCollection item, fall from the inner loop
oResults = doQuery(a_sKeys[j], vCurrent[k], a_oCollection[i], oOptions);
if (oResults.match) {
//# Else we'll consider the vCurrent vQuery value as singular, so collect the oResults from doQuery
else {
oResults = doQuery(a_sKeys[j], vCurrent, a_oCollection[i], oOptions);
//# If this is an AND-based vQuery and the vCurrent vQuery isn't an .match or this is an OR-based vQuery and we've already found our .match, fall from the middle loop
if ((!oOptions.or && !oResults.match) || (oOptions.or && oResults.match)) {
//# If the current a_oCollection record passed each vQuery value, .push the oResults.matches into our a_oReturnVal
if (oResults.match) {
a_oReturnVal = a_oReturnVal.concat(oResults.items); //a_oCollection[i]
a_oReturnValQuery = a_oReturnValQuery.concat(oResults.matches);
a_oReturnVal.$query = a_oReturnValQuery;
//# If we are looking for the .firstEntryOnly, reset h to fall from the outer loop then fall from the middle loop
if (oOptions.firstEntryOnly) {
h = vQuery.length;
return (oOptions.firstEntryOnly ? a_oReturnVal[0] : a_oReturnVal);
}(), //# core.type.query
/** Registers a new type interface under <code>ish.type</code>.
* @function ish.type.register
* @param {string} sTypeName Value representing the type name to register.
* <br/><note>This must be unique (e.g. not currently in use under <code>ish.type</code>).</note>
* @param {function|RegExp} vTest Value representing the test that verifies the type as a <code>RegExp<code> expression or a function that implements the test, accepting 1 argument (<code>x</code>) and returning truthy if the value is of a valid type.
* @param {variant} [vMkDefaultVal] Value representing the default value returned by the <code>mk</code> interface if a <code>vDefaultVal</code> is not provided in the call.
* <br/><note>If this argument is omitted, a <code>mk</code> is not created.</note>
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the new type interface was successfully registered under <code>ish.type</code>.
* <br/><note>The <code>ish.type[sTypeName]</code> type interface is created with an <code>is</code> and optional <code>mk</code> functions. <code>is</code> accepts at least 1 argument which defines the variable to test. <code>mk</code> accepts 2 arguments (<code>vValToTest</code>, <code>vDefraultVal</code>) while calling the <code>is</code> interface, passing in <code>vValToTest</code> to determine if it is a valid type.</note>
*/ //#####
register: function (sTypeName, vTest, vMkDefaultVal) {
Example: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-validate-ssn-social-security-number-using-regular-expression/
ish.type.register("ssn", /^(?!666|000|9\d{2})\d{3}-(?!00)\d{2}-(?!0{4})\d{4}$/, "000-00-0000");
^ represents the starting of the string.
(?!666|000|9\\d{2})\\d{3} represents the first 3 digits should not starts with 000, 666, or between 900 and 999.
– represents the string followed by a hyphen (-).
(?!00)\\d{2} represents the next 2 digits should not starts with 00 and it should be any from 01-99.
– represents the string followed by a hyphen (-).
(?!0{4})\\d{4} represents the next 4 digits can’t 0000 and it should be any from 0001-9999.
$ represents the ending of the string.
var oInterface = {
is: (core.type.fn.is(vTest) ? vTest : (
core.type.regexp.is(vTest) ?
function (x) {
return vTest.test(x + "");
} :
bReturnVal = (
core.type.str.is(sTypeName, true) &&
core.type[sTypeName] === undefined &&
//# If the caller passed in a valid sTypeName and vTest
if (bReturnVal) {
//# If the caller passed in a vMkDefaultVal, setup the .mk oInterface
if (arguments.length > 2) {
oInterface.mk = function (x, vDefaultVal) {
return (oInterface.is(x) ?
x : (
arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : vMkDefaultVal
//# Set the oInterface under the unique sTypeName
core.type[sTypeName] = oInterface;
return bReturnVal;
//# TODO tests, docs
regexp: {
is: function (x) {
return x instanceof RegExp;
/** Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.uuid
*/ //#####
uuid: function() {
var fnReturnValue, d,
crypto_randomUUID = core.resolve(_root, "crypto.randomUUID")
function fixVersion(iVersion) {
iVersion = core.type.int.mk(iVersion, 0);
return (iVersion < 1 || iVersion > 5 ? 4 : iVersion);
} //# fixVersion
//# If _root.Uint8Array and _root.crypto are available, use them in our fnReturnValue
if (core.type.fn.is(_root.Uint8Array) && core.type.fn.is(core.resolve(_root, "crypto.getRandomValues"))) {
fnReturnValue = function (iVersion) {
//# If this is a iVersion 4 request, use crypto_randomUUID
if (iVersion === 4) {
return crypto_randomUUID();
//# Else use the inline version
else {
/*jslint bitwise: true */ //# Enable bitwise operators for JSHint
return ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, function (c) {
return (c ^ _root.crypto.getRandomValues(new _root.Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16);
}).replace(/^(.{13})-4/, "$1-" + fixVersion(iVersion));
//# Else something went wrong using the ES6 approach, so fall back to the old skool way
else {
fnReturnValue = function (iVersion) {
//# If this is a iVersion 4 request, use crypto_randomUUID
if (iVersion === 4) {
return crypto_randomUUID();
//# Else use the inline version
else {
d = (
Date.now() + (core.type.fn.call(core.resolve(_root, "performance.now")) || 0)
/*jslint bitwise: true */ //# Enable bitwise operators for JSHint
return ('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-' + fixVersion(iVersion) + 'xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx').replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
d = Math.floor(d / 16);
return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16);
var i,
a_bLookupTable = []
//# Pre-populate our a_bLookupTable
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
a_bLookupTable[i] = (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + (i).toString(16);
//# Set our fnReturnValue to the
//# Based on code from: Jeff Ward, https://stackoverflow.com/a/21963136/235704
fnReturnValue = function () {
var xffffffff = 0xffffffff,
iPrefNow = (core.type.fn.is(core.resolve(_root, "performance.now")) ? _root.performance.now() : 0),
d0 = (Math.random() + iPrefNow) * xffffffff | 0,
d1 = (Math.random() + iPrefNow) * xffffffff | 0,
d2 = (Math.random() + iPrefNow) * xffffffff | 0,
d3 = (Math.random() + iPrefNow) * xffffffff | 0
return a_bLookupTable[d0&0xff] + a_bLookupTable[d0>>8&0xff] + a_bLookupTable[d0>>16&0xff] + a_bLookupTable[d0>>24&0xff] +
'-' + a_bLookupTable[d1&0xff] + a_bLookupTable[d1>>8&0xff] +
'-' + a_bLookupTable[d1>>16&0x0f|0x40] + a_bLookupTable[d1>>24&0xff] +
'-' + a_bLookupTable[d2&0x3f|0x80] + a_bLookupTable[d2>>8&0xff] +
'-' + a_bLookupTable[d2>>16&0xff] + a_bLookupTable[d2>>24&0xff] + a_bLookupTable[d3&0xff] + a_bLookupTable[d3>>8&0xff] + a_bLookupTable[d3>>16&0xff] + a_bLookupTable[d3>>24&0xff]
//# If we were not able to successfully collect crypto_randomUUID, reroute it's calls to our fnReturnValue
if (!core.type.fn.is(crypto_randomUUID)) {
crypto_randomUUID = fnReturnValue;
return core.extend(
/** Generates a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
* @function ish.type.uuid.get
* @$aka ish.type.uuid
* @param {integer} [iVersion=4] Value representing the UUID version to create, with valid values ranging between <code>1</code>-<code>5</code>.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing UUID.
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/2117523/235704|StackOverflow.com}
*/ //#####
function (iVersion) {
return fnReturnValue(iVersion);
}, {
get: fnReturnValue,
/** Determines if the passed value represents a UUID.
* @function ish.type.uuid.is
* @param {string} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean|object} [vOptions] Value representing if Nil UUIDs are to be ignored or the following options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.excludeNilUUID=false] Value representing if Nil UUIDs are to be ignored.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.allowBrackets=false] Value representing if enclosing brackets (<code>{}</code>) are to be allowed.
* @param {integer} [vOptions.version] Value representing the required UUID version, with valid values ranging between <code>1</code>-<code>5</code>.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents a UUID.
* @see {@link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122#section-4.1.7|ietf.org}
*/ //#####
is: function (x, vOptions) {
var oOptions = core.type.obj.mk(vOptions),
bExcludeNilUUID = (vOptions === true || oOptions.excludeNilUUID === true),
sVersion = (fixVersion(oOptions.version) === oOptions.version ?
oOptions.version :
reTest = new RegExp(bExcludeNilUUID ?
"^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[" + sVersion + "][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$" :
"^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0," + sVersion + "][0-9a-f]{3}-[089ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$",
bReturnVal = false
//# If x .is a .str
if (core.type.str.is(x, true)) {
//# If we are to .allowBrackets, .trim and remove any {}'s
if (oOptions.allowBrackets) {
x = core.type.uuid.format(x);
bReturnVal = reTest.test(x);
return bReturnVal;
}, //# type.uuid.is
/** Casts the passed value into a UUID.
* @function ish.type.uuid.mk
* @param {string} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=ish.type.uuid()] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {object} Value representing the passed value as a UUID.
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultVal) {
var vReturnVal;
if (core.type.uuid.is(x, true)) {
vReturnVal = x;
else if (arguments.length > 1) {
vReturnVal = vDefaultVal;
else {
vReturnVal = core.type.uuid();
return vReturnVal;
}, //# type.uuid.mk
/** Removes any non-canonical brackets (e.g. <code>{}</code>) from the passed value.
* @function ish.type.uuid.format
* @param {string} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} [bUppercase=false] Value representing if the UUID should be represented in uppercase letters.
* @returns {object} Value representing the passed value as a formatted UUID.
*/ //#####
format: function (x, bUppercase) {
//# Ensure the passed x .is a .str, then .trim and leading/trailing spaces and {}'s and case it based on the passed bUppercase
x = core.type.str.mk(x)
.replace(/^\{/, "").replace(/\}$/, "")
[bUppercase === true ? "toUpperCase" : "toLowerCase"]()
if (/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/i.test(x)) {
x = x.replace(/^([a-f0-9]{8})([a-f0-9]{4})([a-f0-9]{4})([a-f0-9]{4})([a-f0-9]{12})$/i, "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5");
//# If the above formatted x .is a .uuid (ensuring that we do not enter an infinite loop by passing allowBrackets = false), return it to the caller, else return a (falsy) null-string
//# NOTE: As we are not explicitly .excludeNilUUID, this will properly format it as well.
return (
core.type.uuid.is(x /*, { allowBrackets: false }*/) ?
x :
/** Encodes and decodes Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) in Base64.
* @function ish.type.uuid.base64
* @note UUIDs encoded in Base64 rather than hexadecimal (Base16) produce up to 39% shorter string lengths. UUIDs are 128bit numbers encoded in hexadecimal resulting in 36 character strings (32 plus 4 dashes). Encoding the 128bit number in Base64 reduces the string length to 24 characters (22 plus 2 optional padding characters).
* @param {variant} [vValue=ish.type.uuid()] Value representing a standard UUID to be returned as a Base64 encoded UUID or a Base64 encoded UUID to be returned as a standard UUID.
* @returns {string} Value representing a new Base64 encoded UUID, the passed UUID in Base64, the passed Base64 encoded UUID as a standard UUID or a <code>null-string</code> if the passed UUID was not recognized.
*/ //#####
base64: function (vValue) {
var sReturnVal;
//# If no vValue was passed (implying a UUID creation) or it .is a .uuid, .base64.encode it
if (arguments.length === 0 || core.type.uuid.is(vValue)) {
sReturnVal = core.type.is.numeric.base64.encode(
(arguments.length === 0 ? core.type.uuid() : core.type.uuid.format(vValue)).replace(/-/g, "")
//# Else a vValue was passed, so .decode it as a .base64 vValue
else {
sReturnVal = core.type.uuid.format(
return sReturnVal;
}(), //# core.type.uuid
bool: {
mk: {
/** Casts the passed value into a boolean based on language.
* @function ish.type.bool.mk:fuzzy
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=undefined] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @param {string[]} [a_sTruthy=['1','true','yes','on']] Value representing the lowercase strings to interpret as `true` values.
* @param {string[]} [a_sFalsy=['0','false','no','off']] Value representing the lowercase strings to interpret as `false` values.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing the passed value as a boolean type.
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Falsy|Mozilla.org}
*/ //#####
fuzzy: function () {
//# Setup the logic to be returned
function fuzzy(x, vDefaultVal, a_sTruthy, a_sFalsy) {
var bReturnVal = core.type.bool.mk(x, _undefined);
//# If our call to .bool.mk fails, we've got work to do
if (bReturnVal === _undefined) {
//# Ensure the passed arguments are in the expected format
x = core.type.str.mk(x).trim().toLowerCase();
vDefaultVal = (arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : _undefined);
//# Ensure the passed a_sTruthy and a_sFalsy .is an .arr, defaulting if nothing was passed
//# NOTE: 'true'/'false' are handled within core.type.bool.mk above.
a_sTruthy = core.type.arr.mk(a_sTruthy, fuzzy.truthy);
a_sFalsy = core.type.arr.mk(a_sFalsy, fuzzy.falsy);
//# If x is within our a_sTruthy, set our bReturnVal accordingly
if (a_sTruthy.indexOf(x) > -1) {
bReturnVal = true;
//# Else if x is within our a_sFalsy, set our bReturnVal accordingly
else if (a_sFalsy.indexOf(x) > -1) {
bReturnVal = false;
//# Else set our bReturnVal to the vDefaultVal as all other attempts to resolve the boolean value of x have failed
else {
bReturnVal = vDefaultVal;
return bReturnVal;
} //# fuzzy
//# Attach the default .truthy and .falsy arrays then return
fuzzy.truthy = [/*'1', 'true',*/ 'yes' ,'on'];
fuzzy.falsy = [/*'0', 'false',*/ 'no' ,'off'];
return fuzzy;
}, //# core.type.bool
//# eq, cmp, cp, age, yyyymmdd, only
date: {
/** Determines if the passed values are equal.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.date.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.date.eq
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} y Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed values are equal.
* @see {@link http://stackoverflow.com/a/493018/235704|StackOverflow.com}
*/ //#####
eq: function (x, y) {
var dDateX = core.type.date.mk(x, _null);
var dDateY = core.type.date.mk(y, _null);
//# NOTE: `new Date("1970/01/01") === new Date("1970/01/01")` is always false as they are 2 different objects, while <= && >= will give the expected result
//# SEE: Comment from Jason Sebring @ http://stackoverflow.com/a/493018/235704
return (core.type.date.is(dDateX) && core.type.date.is(dDateY) && dDateX <= dDateY && dDateX >= dDateY);
}, //# type.date.eq
/** Compares the passed value to the reference value, determining if it is greater then, less then or equal.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.date.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.date.cmp
* @param {variant} x Value representing the date to compare.
* @param {variant} [vRelativeTo=new Date()] Value representing the relative date to compare to.
* @returns {integer} Value representing if the passed value is greater then (<code>1</code>), less then (<code>-1</code>) or equal to (<code>0</code>) the passed relative value with <code>undefined</code> indicating one of the passed values was not a reconized date.
*/ //#####
cmp: function (x, vRelativeTo) {
var iReturnVal = _undefined,
dDateX = core.type.date.mk(x, _null),
dDateY = (arguments.length < 2 ? new Date() : core.type.date.mk(vRelativeTo, _null))
//# If the passed dates are valid, determine dDateX's relationship to dNow
if (core.type.date.is(dDateX) && core.type.date.is(dDateY)) {
if (dDateX < dDateY) {
iReturnVal = -1;
else if (dDateX > dDateY) {
iReturnVal = 1;
else {
iReturnVal = 0;
return iReturnVal;
}, //# type.date.cmp
/** Copies the passed value into a new instance.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.date.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.date.cp
* @param {variant} x Value representing the date to copy.
* @returns {date} Value representing the passed value as a new instance.
*/ //#####
cp: function (x) {
var dReturnVal, // = _undefined
dParsed = core.type.date.mk(x, _null)
//# If the caller passed in a valid d(ate),
if (core.type.date.is(dParsed)) {
dReturnVal = new Date(dParsed.getTime());
return dReturnVal;
}, //# type.date.cp
/** Determines the full years since the passed value.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.date.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.date.age
* @param {variant} x Value representing the date of birth.
* @returns {integer} Value representing the full years since the passed value.
*/ //#####
age: function (x) {
var dAgeSpan,
dDOB = core.type.date.mk(x, _null),
iReturnVal = -1
//# If the passed dob is a valid date
if (core.type.date.is(dDOB)) {
//# Set dAgeSpan based on the milliseconds from epoch
dAgeSpan = new Date(Date.now() - dDOB);
iReturnVal = Math.abs(dAgeSpan.getUTCFullYear() - 1970);
return iReturnVal;
}, //# date.age
/** Determines the difference between two dates.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.date.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.date.diff
* @param {variant} x Value representing the first date to compare.
* @param {variant} [y=new Date()] Value representing the second date to compare.
* @param {string} [eUnitOfTime="d"] Value representing the unit of time to return; <code>s</code> seconds, <code>m</code> minutes, <code>h</code> hours, <code>d</code> days, <code>w</code> weeks, <code>M</code> months, <code>Y</code> years.
* @returns {integer} Value representing the difference between two dates.
*/ //#####
diff: function (x, y, eUnitOfTime) {
var iMS,
dX = core.type.date.mk(x),
dY = core.type.date.mk(y),
dReturnVal = null
//# Determine the eUnitOfTime, setting iMS accordingly (or dReturnVal)
switch (core.type.str.mk(eUnitOfTime, "d")) {
case "s": {
iMS = 1000;
case "m": {
iMS = 1000 * 60;
case "h": {
iMS = 1000 * 60 * 60;
case "w": {
iMS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
case "M": { //# month
dReturnVal = (dY.getMonth() - dX.getMonth() + (12 * (dY.getFullYear() - dX.getFullYear())));
case "Y": {
dReturnVal = (dY.getFullYear() - dX.getFullYear());
case "d":
default: {
iMS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
if (dReturnVal === null) {
dReturnVal = ((dY - dX) / iMS);
return dReturnVal;
}, //# date.diff
/** Determines the date part only of the passed value.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.date.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.date.only
* @param {variant} [x=new Date()] Value representing the date.
* @param {variant} [vDefault=undefined] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {integer} Value representing the date part only of the passed value.
*/ //#####
only: function (x, vDefault) {
return core.type.date.mk(core.type.date.yyyymmdd.apply(this, [x, vDefault]) + " 00:00:00");
}, //# date.only
/** Resets the datetime offset of the passed value to the local system's datetime offset.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.date.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.date.utcToLocalOffset
* @param {variant} [x=new Date()] Value representing the date.
* @returns {integer} Value representing the passed value reset to the local system's datetime offset.
*/ //#####
utcToLocalOffset: function (x) {
var dDate = core.type.date.mk(x);
return new Date(
dDate.getUTCFullYear(), dDate.getUTCMonth(), dDate.getUTCDate(),
dDate.getUTCHours(), dDate.getUTCMinutes(), dDate.getUTCSeconds()
} //# date.utcToLocalOffset
}, //# core.type.date
//# eq, cmp, lpad, rpad, begins, ends, contains, sub
str: function () {
function doPad(s, sChar, iLength, bLPad) {
var sReturnVal = core.type.str.mk(s);
iLength = core.type.int.mk(iLength);
sChar = core.type.str.mk(sChar, " ");
//# If we are supposed to bLPad the passed s(tring)
if (bLPad) {
//# Left pad out this [string] while it's .length is less than the passed iLength
while (sReturnVal.length < iLength) {
sReturnVal = sChar + sReturnVal;
//# Else we are supposed to RPad the passed s(tring)
else {
//# Left pad out this [string] while it's .length is less than the passed iLength
while (sReturnVal.length < iLength) {
sReturnVal = sReturnVal + sChar;
return sReturnVal;
} //# doPad
function doSearch(s, a_vReference, fnTest) {
var i, bResult,
bReturnVal = false
for (i = 0; i < a_vReference.length; i++) {
bResult = doSearchCompare(s, a_vReference[i], fnTest);
if (bResult === true) {
bReturnVal = bResult; //iResult;
else if (bResult !== false) {
bReturnVal = bResult; //iResult;
return bReturnVal;
} //# doSearch
function doSearchCompare(x, q, fnTest) {
var sX = core.type.str.mk(x),
sReference = core.type.str.mk(q),
bReturnVal = false
//# If the passed s(tring) .starts with sReference, set our bReturnVal to true
if (fnTest(sX.indexOf(sReference), sX.length, sReference.length)) {
bReturnVal = true;
//# Else if the passed s(tring) .starts with sReference after .trim'ing and .toLowerCase'ing, set our bReturnVal to 1 (truthy)
else {
sX = sX.trim().toLowerCase();
sReference = sReference.trim().toLowerCase();
if (fnTest(sX.indexOf(sReference), sX.length, sReference.length)) {
bReturnVal = 1;
return bReturnVal;
} //# doSearchCompare
return {
/** Determines if the passed values are equal.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.str.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.str.eq
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} y Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} [bCaseInsensitive=true] Value representing if the keys are to be searched for in a case-insensitive manor.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed values are equal.
*/ //#####
eq: function (x, y, bCaseInsensitive) {
x = core.type.str.mk(x, "");
y = core.type.str.mk(y, "");
//# Unless specifically told not to, compare the passed string as bCaseInsensitive
return (bCaseInsensitive !== false ?
(x.toLowerCase() === y.toLowerCase()) :
(x === y)
}, //# type.str.eq
/** Compares the passed value to the reference value(s), determining if it is equal, equal when case-insensitive and trimmed or not equal.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.str.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.str.cmp
* @param {variant} x Value representing the string to compare.
* @param {variant|variant[]} vReference Value representing the reference string(s) to compare to.
* @returns {boolean|integer} Value representing if the passed value is equal (<code>true</code>), equal when case-insensitive and trimmed (<code>1</code>) or not equal (<code>false</code>) to the passed reference string(s).
*/ //#####
cmp: function () {
//# .compare's two strings, returning truthy or false based on their relationship
function compare(x, y) {
var vReturnVal = false,
s1 = core.type.str.mk(x),
s2 = core.type.str.mk(y)
//# If the strings match as-is, reset our vReturnVal to 1
if (s1 === s2) {
vReturnVal = true;
//# Else if the strings match after .trim'ing and .toLowerCase'ing, reset our vReturnVal to -1
else if (s1.trim().toLowerCase() === s2.trim().toLowerCase()) {
vReturnVal = 1; //# truthy
return vReturnVal;
} //# compare
return function (x, vReference) {
var i,
bReturnVal = false
//# If the passed vReference .is an .arr, traverse it, bReturnVal'ing on the first .compare hit
if (core.type.arr.is(vReference)) {
for (i = 0; i < vReference.length; i++) {
bReturnVal = compare(x, vReference[i]);
if (bReturnVal) {
//# Else the passed vReference .is not an .arr, so bReturnVal the result of .compare
else {
bReturnVal = compare(x, vReference);
return bReturnVal;
}(), //# type.str.cmp.*
/** Prepends the passed character onto the passed value to a minimum length.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.str.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.str.lpad
* @param {variant} x Value representing the string to pad.
* @param {string} sChar Value representing the character to pad with.
* @param {integer} iLength Value representing the minimum length to pad to.
* @returns {string} Value representing the passed value prepended with the pad character to the minimum length.
*/ //#####
lpad: function (x, sChar, iLength) {
return doPad(x, sChar, iLength, true);
}, //# type.str.lpad
/** Appends the passed character onto the passed value to a minimum length.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.str.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.str.rpad
* @param {variant} x Value representing the string to pad.
* @param {string} sChar Value representing the character to pad with.
* @param {integer} iLength Value representing the minimum length to pad to.
* @returns {string} Value representing the passed value appended with the pad character to the minimum length.
*/ //#####
rpad: function (x, sChar, iLength) {
return doPad(x, sChar, iLength, false);
}, //# type.str.rpad
/** Compares the passed value to the reference value, determining if it begins with, begins with when case-insensitive and trimmed or does not begin with the reference value.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.str.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.str.begins
* @param {variant} x Value representing the string to compare.
* @param {variant|variant[]} vReference Value representing the reference string(s) to compare to.
* @returns {boolean|integer} Value representing if the passed value begins with (<code>true</code>), begins with when case-insensitive and trimmed (<code>1</code>) or does not begin with (<code>false</code>) to the passed reference value.
*/ //#####
begins: function (x, vReference) {
return doSearch(x, core.type.arr.mk(vReference, [vReference]), function (iIndexOf /*, iX, iReference*/) {
return (iIndexOf === 0);
}, //# type.str.begins
/** Compares the passed value to the reference value, determining if it ends with, ends with when case-insensitive and trimmed or does not end with the reference value.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.str.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.str.ends
* @param {variant} x Value representing the string to compare.
* @param {variant|variant[]} vReference Value representing the reference string(s) to compare to.
* @returns {boolean|integer} Value representing if the passed value ends with (<code>true</code>), ends with when case-insensitive and trimmed (<code>1</code>) or does not end with (<code>false</code>) to the passed reference value.
*/ //#####
ends: function (x, vReference) {
return doSearch(x, core.type.arr.mk(vReference, [vReference]), function (iIndexOf, iX, iReference) {
return (iIndexOf != -1 && iIndexOf === (iX - iReference));
}, //# type.str.ends
/** Compares the passed value to the reference value, determining if it is contained within, contained within when case-insensitive and trimmed or is not contained within with the reference value.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.str.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.str.contains
* @param {variant} x Value representing the string to compare.
* @param {variant|variant[]} vReference Value representing the reference string(s) to compare to.
* @returns {boolean|integer} Value representing if the passed value is contained within (<code>true</code>), contained within when case-insensitive and trimmed (<code>1</code>) or is not contained within (<code>false</code>) to the passed reference value.
*/ //#####
contains: function (x, vReference) {
return doSearch(x, core.type.arr.mk(vReference, [vReference]), function (iIndexOf /*, iX, iReference*/) {
return (iIndexOf > -1);
}, //# type.str.contains
/** Removes the referenced leading and trailing characters from the passed value.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.str.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.str.sub
* @param {variant} x Value representing the string.
* @param {integer} iFromStart Value representing the number of characters to remove from the beginning of the passed value.
* @param {integer} iFromEnd Value representing the number of characters to remove from the end of the passed value.
* @returns {string} Value representing the remaining characters from the passed value.
*/ //#####
sub: function (x, iFromStart, iFromEnd) {
var sReturnVal = core.type.str.mk(x),
iStart = core.type.int.mk(iFromStart),
iEnd = sReturnVal.length - core.type.int.mk(iFromEnd)
return sReturnVal.substring(
(iStart < 0 ? 0 : iStart),
(iEnd < 0 ? 0 : iEnd)
}, //# type.str.sub
/** Interpolates variables within the passed value.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.str.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.str.replace
* @param {variant} x Value representing the string.
* @param {object} oData Value representing the data to interpolate within the passed value.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the following options:
* @param {RegExp} [oOptions.pattern] Value representing the regular expression that defines the interpolation delimiters.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.start="{"] Value representing the leading interpolation delimiter.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.end="}"] Value representing the trailing interpolation delimiter.
* @returns {string} Value representing the results of the passed value's interpolation.
*/ //#####
replace: function() {
var rePattern = /{([^{]+)}/g;
return function(x, oData, oOptions) {
var reCurrentPattern, vCurrent;
x = core.type.str.mk(x);
oData = core.type.obj.mk(oData);
oOptions = core.type.obj.mk(oOptions);
reCurrentPattern = oOptions.pattern || rePattern;
if (oOptions.start && oOptions.end) {
reCurrentPattern = new RegExp(oOptions.start + "([^" + oOptions.start + "]+)" + oOptions.end, "g");
return x.replace(reCurrentPattern, function(ignore, sKey) {
vCurrent = core.resolve(oData, sKey);
return (core.type.fn.is(vCurrent) ?
vCurrent() :
}(), //# type.str.replace
/** Creates a Base64-encoded ASCII string from a binary string (i.e., a string in which each character in the string is treated as a byte of binary data).
* @function ish.type.str.atob
* @param {variant} x Value representing the binary string containing base64-encoded data.
* @returns {string} Value representing the the results of the passed value's Base64 decoded data.
* @see {@link https://dirask.com/posts/Node-js-atob-btoa-functions-equivalents-1Aqb51|Node.js - atob / btoa functions equivalents}
*/ //#####
//# https://dirask.com/posts/Node-js-atob-btoa-functions-equivalents-1Aqb51
atob: function (encodedData) {
return atob(encodedData);
}, //# type.str.atob
/** Decodes a Base64-encoded ASCII string of data which has been encoded using Base64 encoding.
* @function ish.type.str.btoa
* @param {string} encodedData Value representing the binary string.
* @returns {string} Value representing the results of the passed value's Base64 representation.
* @see {@link https://dirask.com/posts/Node-js-atob-btoa-functions-equivalents-1Aqb51|Node.js - atob / btoa functions equivalents}
*/ //#####
btoa: function (stringToEncode) {
return btoa(stringToEncode);
} //# type.str.btoa
}(), //# core.type.str
//# cp
fn: {
//# SEE: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22534864/235704
/*cp: function (fn) {
var sKey;
function newFn() {
var fnReturnVal, i,
sEval = "",
a = core.type.fn.convert(arguments)
//try {
// fnReturnVal = new fn(...a);
//} catch (e) {
if (a.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
sEval += "a[" + i + "],";
sEval = sEval.substr(0, sEval.length - 1);
fnReturnVal = eval("new fn(" + sEval + ")");
return fnReturnVal;
} //# newFn
function fnReturnVal() {
if (this instanceof fnReturnVal) {
return newFn.apply(_null, arguments);
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
} //# fnReturnVal
for (sKey in fn) {
if (fn.hasOwnProperty(sKey)) {
fnReturnVal[sKey] = fn[sKey];
return fnReturnVal;
}*/ //# type.fn.cp
/** Injects dependencies into the passed function from the passed value.
* @function ish.type.fn.inject
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to execute.
* @param {object} oDependencies Value representing the dependencies to inject.
* @param {boolean} [bNoCallWhenMissing=false] Value representing if the passed function is to be called if dependencies are missing.
* @returns {object} =interface Value representing the following properties:
* @returns {boolean} =interface.success Value indicating if the passed function was executed.
* @returns {string[]} =interface.missing Value indicating the missing dependencies.
*/ //#####
inject: function (fn, oDependencies, bNoCallWhenMissing) {
var i,
oMetadata = core.type.fn.metadata(fn),
a_sKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(oDependencies),
oReturnVal = {
success: (oMetadata.is && core.type.arr.is(a_sKeys, true)),
missing: []
//# If we have a fn and oDependencies to .inject, traverse the .parameters
if (oReturnVal.success) {
for (i = 0; i < oMetadata.parameters.length; i++) {
//# If the oDependencies don't have the current .parameter
if (a_sKeys.indexOf(oMetadata.parameters[i]) === -1) {
//# Reset the current .parameters with the related oDependencies
//# NOTE: Unknown a_sKeys will set as undefined
oMetadata.parameters[i] = oDependencies[oMetadata.parameters[i]];
//# Redetermine our .success based on bNoCallWhenMissing or .missing.length
oReturnVal.success = (!bNoCallWhenMissing || oReturnVal.missing.length === 0);
//# If we're not to bNoCallWhenMissing, asynchronously .run the fn with the above replaced .parameters
if (oReturnVal.success) {
setTimeout(function () {
core.type.fn.run(fn, { args: oMetadata.parameters });
return oReturnVal;
}, //# fn.inject
/** Wraps the passed function, ensuring it is executed as much as possible without ever executing more than once per wait duration.
* <br/>The passed function is executed via <code>function.apply()</code>.
* @function ish.type.fn.throttle
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to execute.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the desired options:
* @param {variant} [oOptions.context=undefined] Value representing the context (e.g. <code>this</code>) the passed function is executed under.
* @param {integer} [oOptions.wait=500] Value representing the minimum number of milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second) between each call.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.leading=true] Value representing if the passed function is to be executed immediately on the first call.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.trailing=false] Value representing if the passed function is to be executed at the conclusion of the last wait time.
* @returns {function} Function that returns a value representing the passed function's return value from the most recent call.
* @see {@link http://underscorejs.org/docs/underscore.html|UnderscoreJS.org}
*/ //#####
throttle: function (fn, oOptions) {
var context, args, result,
timeout = _null,
previous = 0,
later = function () {
previous = oOptions.leading === false ? 0 : _Date_now();
timeout = _null;
result = fn.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = _null;
oOptions = oProtected.processFnOptions(oOptions, {
leading: true,
trailing: false
}, 500);
return function (/*arguments*/) {
var remaining,
now = _Date_now()
if (!previous && oOptions.leading === false) previous = now;
remaining = oOptions.wait - (now - previous);
context = oOptions.context;
args = core.type.fn.convert(arguments);
if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > oOptions.wait) {
if (timeout) {
timeout = _null;
previous = now;
result = fn.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = _null;
} else if (!timeout && oOptions.trailing !== false) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
return result;
}, //# fn.throttle
/** Wraps the passed function, ensuring it cannot be executed until the wait duration has passed without a call being made.
* <br/>The passed function is executed via <code>function.apply()</code>.
* @function ish.type.fn.debounce
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to execute.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the desired options:
* @param {variant} [oOptions.context=undefined] Value representing the context (e.g. <code>this</code>) the passed function is executed under.
* @param {integer} [oOptions.wait=500] Value representing the minimum number of milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second) between each call.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.leading=false] Value representing if the passed function is to be executed immediently on the first call.
* @returns {function} Function that returns a value representing the passed function's return value from the most recent call.
* @example
* var myEfficientFn = ish.type.fn.debounce(function () {
* // All the taxing stuff you do
* }, 250);
* window.addEventListener('resize', myEfficientFn);
*/ //#####
debounce: function (fn, oOptions) {
var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result,
later = function () {
var last = _Date_now() - timestamp;
if (last < oOptions.wait && last >= 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, oOptions.wait - last);
} else {
timeout = _null;
if (!oOptions.leading) {
result = fn.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = _null;
oOptions = oProtected.processFnOptions(oOptions, {
//context: _undefined,
leading: false
}, 500);
return function (/*arguments*/) {
var callNow = oOptions.leading && !timeout;
context = oOptions.context;
args = core.type.fn.convert(arguments);
timestamp = _Date_now();
if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, oOptions.wait);
if (callNow) {
result = fn.apply(context, args);
context = args = _null;
return result;
}, //# fn.debounce
/** Creates a proxy function that forwards calls to all registered functions.
* @function ish.type.fn.proxy
* @returns {function} =proxy Value representing the proxy function that forwards calls to all registered functions along with an interface with the following properties:
* @returns {function} =proxy.add Registers the passed function to the parent proxy function; <code>add(fn)</code>:
* <table class="params">
* <tr><td class="name"><code>fn</code><td><td class="type param-type">function<td><td class="description last">Value representing the function to register.</td></tr>
* <tr><td class="name">Returns:<td><td class="type param-type">boolean<td><td class="description last">Value representing if the passed function has been successfully registered.</td></tr>
* </table>
* @returns {function} =proxy.rm Unregisters the passed function from the parent proxy function; <code>rm(fn)</code>:
* <table class="params">
* <tr><td class="name"><code>fn</code><td><td class="type param-type">function<td><td class="description last">Value representing the function to unregister.</td></tr>
* <tr><td class="name">Returns:<td><td class="type param-type">boolean<td><td class="description last">Value representing if the passed function has been successfully unregistered.</td></tr>
* </table>
*/ //#####
proxy: function (bPreventDefault) {
var a_fns = [];
function callProxy(fn, _arguments, _this) {
setTimeout(function () {
core.type.fn.run(fn, { args: _arguments, context: _this });
}, 0);
} //# callProxy
return core.extend(
function proxy(/*arguments*/) {
for (var i = 0; i < a_fns.length; i++) {
callProxy(a_fns[i], arguments, this);
return (bPreventDefault === true);
}, {
/** Registers the passed function to the parent proxy function.
* @function ish.type.fn.proxy:add
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to register.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed function has been successfully registered.
* @ignore
*/ //#####
add: function (fn) {
var bReturnVal = core.type.fn.is(fn);
if (bReturnVal) {
return bReturnVal;
}, //# type.fn.proxy.add
/** Unregisters the passed function from the parent proxy function.
* @function ish.type.fn.proxy:rm
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to unregister.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed function has been successfully unregistered.
* @ignore
*/ //#####
rm: function (fn) {
var iIndex = a_fns.indexOf(fn),
bReturnVal = (iIndex > -1)
if (bReturnVal) {
a_fns.splice(iIndex, 1);
return bReturnVal;
} //# type.fn.proxy.rm
} //# type.fn.proxy
}, //# core.type.fn
//# cmp, cp, unique, matches, randomize, of, countOf, sort
arr: {
//eq: function () {}, //# type.arr.eq
/** Compares the passed value to the reference value, determining if the values match, match when coerced or match in a different order.
* @function ish.type.arr.cmp
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the array to compare.
* @param {variant[]} y Value representing the reference array.
* @param {boolean} [bInOrderOnly=false] Value representing if the comparison is to be in matching order only.
* @returns {integer|boolean} Value representing if the values match (<code>true</code>), match when coerced (<code>1</code>) or match in a different order (<code>2</code>) the passed relative value with <code>false</code> indicating the arrays do not match.
*/ //#####
cmp: function (x, y, bInOrderOnly) {
var a_vYClone, iIndex, i,
vReturnVal = (
core.type.arr.is(x) && core.type.arr.is(y) &&
x.length === y.length
iLen = (vReturnVal ? x.length : 0)
//# If the passed x and y .is .arr and both have the same iLen
if (vReturnVal) {
//# Traverse the passed arrays, flipping our vReturnVal if an index isn't === or ==
for (i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
if (x[i] !== y[i]) {
if (x[i] == y[i]) {
vReturnVal = 1;
else {
vReturnVal = (bInOrderOnly ? false : 2);
//# If an index didn't match via coercion (e.g. ==) and we're not looking for bInOrderOnly, see if both arrays have the same values in a different order
if (vReturnVal === 2) {
//# Create a a_vYClone of y
//# NOTE: We have to create a clone as a simple list of found iIndexes won't work because values could be repeated
a_vYClone = y.slice(0);
//# Traverse x, determining the iIndex in a_vYClone as we go
for (i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
iIndex = a_vYClone.indexOf(x[i]);
//# If we could not find the current iIndex, flip our vReturnVal and fall from the loop
if (iIndex === -1) {
vReturnVal = false;
//# Else remove the iIndex from a_vYClone
else {
a_vYClone.splice(iIndex, 1);
return vReturnVal;
}, //# type.arr.cmp
/** Copies the passed value into a new instance.
* @function ish.type.arr.cp
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the array to copy.
* @param {boolean|integer} [vMaxDepth=0] Indicates if a deep copy is to occur. <code>false</code>/<code>0</code> performs a shallow copy, a positive integer indicates the max depth to perform a deep copy to, <code>true</code> and all other integer values perform a deep copy to an unlimited depth.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed value as a new instance.
*/ //#####
cp: function (x, vMaxDepth) {
var vCurrent, i,
a_vReturnVal /* = _undefined */
vMaxDepth = core.type.int.mk((vMaxDepth === true ? -1 : vMaxDepth), 0);
//# If the caller passed in a valid a(rray)
if (core.type.arr.is(x)) {
if (vMaxDepth !== 0) {
a_vReturnVal = [];
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
vCurrent = x[i];
if (core.type.arr.is(vCurrent)) {
a_vReturnVal.push(core.type.arr.cp(vCurrent, vMaxDepth - 1));
else if (core.type.obj.is(vCurrent)) {
a_vReturnVal.push(core.type.obj.cp(vCurrent, vMaxDepth - 1));
else if (core.type.date.is(vCurrent)) {
else if (core.type.fn.is(vCurrent)) {
else if (core.type.dom.is(vCurrent)) {
a_vReturnVal.push(core.type.dom.cp(vCurrent, true));
else {
//# Else we don't need to do a vMaxDepth, so set our a_vReturnVal to a .slice'd clone of the a(rray)
else {
a_vReturnVal = x.slice(0);
return a_vReturnVal;
}, //# type.arr.cp
/** Determines the unique entries within the passed value.
* @function ish.type.arr.unique
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the array to compare.
* @param {object|boolean} [vOptions=false] Value representing if the passed value is to be compared in a case-insensitive manor.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.caseInsensitive=false] Value representing if the keys are to be searched for in a case-insensitive manor.
* @param {string} [vOptions.path=""] Value representing the path to the requested property as a period-delimited string (e.g. "parent.child.array.0.key") or an array of strings.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed values' unique entries.
*/ //#####
unique: function (x, vOptions) {
var s_vValues, vCurrentValue, iCurrentIndex, i, j,
a_vReturnVal = [],
oOptions = core.type.obj.mk(vOptions, { caseInsensitive: vOptions === true })
//# If the caller passed in a valid .arr
if (core.type.arr.is(x)) {
//# If the caller passed in a .path to .resolve, setup our s_vValues
if (oOptions.path) {
s_vValues = [];
//# Traverse the passed .arr, determine the vCurrentValue and iCurrentIndex as we gp
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
vCurrentValue = core.resolve(x[i], oOptions.path);
iCurrentIndex = s_vValues.indexOf(vCurrentValue);
//# If the vCurrentValue was not found
if (iCurrentIndex === -1) {
//# If we are looking for .caseInsensitive s_vValues, traverse them resetting iCurrentIndex if a .cmp match is found
if (oOptions.caseInsensitive) { //} && core.type.str.is(vCurrentValue)) {
for (j = 0; j < s_vValues.length; j++) {
if (core.type.str.cmp(s_vValues[j], vCurrentValue)) {
iCurrentIndex = j;
//# If the vCurrentValue was (still) not found, .push the vCurrentValue into the arrays
if (iCurrentIndex === -1) {
//# Else this is a standard .arr .reduce search for unique values
else {
a_vReturnVal = x.reduce(function (acc, v) {
if (acc.indexOf(v) === -1 && (!oOptions.caseInsensitive || acc.indexOf((v + "").toLowerCase()) === -1)) {
return acc;
}, []);
return a_vReturnVal;
}, //# type.arr.unique
/** Determines the matching entries within the passed values.
* @function ish.type.arr.matches
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the array to compare.
* @param {variant[]} y Value representing the reference array.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed values' matching entries.
*/ //#####
matches: function (x, y) {
var a_vReturnVal = [];
if (core.type.arr.is(x) && core.type.arr.is(y)) {
a_vReturnVal = x.filter(function (v) {
return y.indexOf(v) !== -1;
return a_vReturnVal;
}, //# type.arr.matches
/** Randomizes the entries within the passed value.
* @function ish.type.arr.randomize
* @param {variant[]} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed value's randomized entries.
*/ //#####
randomize: function (x) {
var a_vReturnVal = [];
if (core.type.arr.is(x)) {
a_vReturnVal = x.sort(function (/*a, b*/) {
return Math.random() >= 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
return a_vReturnVal;
}, //# type.arr.randomize
/** Extracts the passed paths from the within the passed value.
* @function ish.type.arr.extract
* @param {variant[]} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {string|Array<string>} a_vPath Value representing the path to the requested property as a period-delimited string (e.g. "parent.child.array.0.key") or an array of strings.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the extracted entries from the passed value.
*/ //#####
extract: function (x, vPath) {
var i,
o_vReturnVal = []
if (core.type.arr.is(x)) {
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
o_vReturnVal.push(core.resolve(x[i], vPath));
return o_vReturnVal;
}, //# type.arr.extract
/** Counts the instances of the passed value within the passed collection.
* @function ish.type.arr.countOf
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the array to interrogate.
* @param {variant} vValue Value representing the entries to count.
* @returns {integer} Value representing the count of the passed value within the passed collection.
*/ //#####
countOf: function(x, vValue) {
var iReturnVal = 0;
if (core.type.arr.is(x)) {
iReturnVal = x.filter(function (v) {
return v === vValue;
return iReturnVal;
}, //# type.arr.countOf
sort: function () {
//# Natural Sort implementation for feeding into Array.sort()
//# FROM: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15478954/sort-array-elements-string-with-numbers-natural-sort/15479354#15479354
function naturalCompare(a, b) {
var an, bn, nn,
ax = [],
bx = []
a.replace(/(\d+)|(\D+)/g, function(_, $1, $2) { ax.push([$1 || Infinity, $2 || ""]); });
b.replace(/(\d+)|(\D+)/g, function(_, $1, $2) { bx.push([$1 || Infinity, $2 || ""]); });
while (ax.length && bx.length) {
an = ax.shift();
bn = bx.shift();
nn = (an[0] - bn[0]) || an[1].localeCompare(bn[1]);
if (nn) return nn;
return (ax.length - bx.length);
} //# naturalCompare
return core.extend(
/** Sorts the entries in the passed value into a new array via Javascript's default sort.
* @function ish.type.arr.sort
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the array to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} bReverse Value representing if the entries are to be reversed.
* @returns {variant[]} Value the entries in the passed value into a new array via Javascript's default sort.
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15478954/sort-array-elements-string-with-numbers-natural-sort/15479354#15479354|StackOverflow.com}
*/ //#####
function (x, bReverse) {
var a_vReturnVal = core.type.arr.mk(x).slice(0).sort();
return (bReverse ? a_vReturnVal.reverse() : a_vReturnVal);
}, {
/** Sorts the entries in the passed value into a new array via a natural sort.
* @function ish.type.arr.sort:natural
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the array to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} bReverse Value representing if the entries are to be reversed.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the entries in the passed value into a new array via a natural sort.
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15478954/sort-array-elements-string-with-numbers-natural-sort/15479354#15479354|StackOverflow.com}
*/ //#####
natural: function (a_vArray, bReverse) {
if (core.type.arr.is(a_vArray)) {
var a_vReturnVal = a_vArray.slice(0).sort(naturalCompare);
return (bReverse === true ? a_vReturnVal.reverse() : a_vReturnVal);
}, //# natural
/** Sorts the entries in the passed value into a new array via the comparator.
* @function ish.type.arr.sort:by
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the array to interrogate.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the following options:
* @param {string} [oOptions.path=""] Value representing the path to the requested property as a period-delimited string (e.g. "parent.child.array.0.key") or an array of strings.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.reverse=false] Value representing if the entries are to be reversed.
* @param {function} [oOptions.compare=function (a, b) { return ish.resolve(a, oOptions.path) > ish.resolve(b, oOptions.path); }] Value representing the function that implements the compare, accepting 2 arguments (<code>a</code>, <code>b</code>) and returning truthy if <code>a > b</code>.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the entries in the passed value into a new array via the comparator.
*/ //#####
by: function (a_vArray, vOptions) {
var a_vReturnVal /*= undefined*/,
oOptions = core.type.obj.mk(vOptions),
sPath = core.type.str.mk(oOptions.path),
bReverse = (oOptions.reverse === true),
fnCompare = core.type.fn.mk(oOptions.compare, function (a, b) {
var vA = core.resolve(a, sPath),
vB = core.resolve(b, sPath),
iReturn = 0
if (vA < vB) {
iReturn = 1;
else if (vA > vB) {
iReturn = -1;
return (iReturn * (bReverse ? 1 : -1));
//# If the caller passed in a valid arr.is
if (core.type.arr.is(a_vArray, true)) {
//# Clone the a_vArray into our a_vReturnVal
a_vReturnVal = a_vArray.slice(0);
return a_vReturnVal;
} //# by
}() //# type.arr.sort
}, //# core.type.arr
//# cp, clone, toArr, join, mv, rm, has
obj: function () {
function doCopy(oSource, oFromTo, a_sOwnKeys) {
var sKey, i,
oReturnVal = {}
for (i = 0; i < a_sOwnKeys.length; i++) {
sKey = a_sOwnKeys[i];
oReturnVal[oFromTo[sKey]] = oSource[sKey];
return oReturnVal;
} //# doCopy
function objCompare(oOptions) {
var fnCompares = [];
oOptions.useCoercion ?
function (vSource, vCompare) { return vSource == vCompare; } :
function (vSource, vCompare) { return vSource === vCompare; }
oOptions.caseInsensitive ? (
oOptions.trim ?
function (vSource, vCompare) { return core.type.str.is(vSource) && core.type.str.cmp(vSource, vCompare); } :
function (vSource, vCompare) { return core.type.str.is(vSource) && core.type.str.eq(vSource, vCompare, true); }
) : (
oOptions.trim ?
function (vSource, vCompare) { return core.type.str.is(vSource) && core.type.str.mk(vSource).trim() === core.type.str.mk(vCompare).trim(); } :
function (vSource, vCompare) { return core.type.str.is(vSource) && core.type.str.mk(vSource) === core.type.str.mk(vCompare); }
//# If we are still to recurse, setup the fnCompares to do so
if (core.type.int.is(oOptions.maxDepth) && oOptions.maxDepth !== 0) {
function (vSource, vCompare) {
return core.type.obj.is(vSource) &&
core.type.obj.eq(vSource, vCompare, core.extend({}, oOptions, { maxDepth: oOptions.maxDepth - 1 }))
//# If there is a .compare .fn in the oOptions, .push it into the fnCompares
if (core.type.fn.is(oOptions.compare)) {
//# Return the comparison wrapper function to the caller
return function (vSource, vCompare) {
var i,
bReturnVal = false
for (i = 0; i < fnCompares.length; i++) {
if (fnCompares[i](vSource, vCompare)) {
bReturnVal = true;
return bReturnVal;
} //# objCompare
return {
is: {
/** Determines if the passed value conforms to the passed interface.
* @function ish.type.obj.is:interface
* @param {object|function} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {object} oInterface Value representing the interface, where each value represents a string representing a type under <code>ish.type</code> or a value representing the function that implements the test, accepting 1 argument (<code>x</code>) and returning truthy if the value is of a valid type.
* @param {boolean} [bStrict=false] Value indicating if the passed value is not allowed to have any additional keys outside of the those in the passed interface.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value conforms to the passed interface.
*/ //#####
interface: function (x, oInterface, bStrict) {
var a_sKeys, sKey, i,
bReturnVal = (core.type.obj.is(x, { allowFn: true }) && core.type.obj.is(oInterface, true))
//# If the caller passed in valid values, pull the a_sKeys from the oInterface
if (bReturnVal) {
a_sKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(oInterface);
//# Traverse the a_sKeys, pulling each sKey as we go
for (i = 0; i < a_sKeys.length; i++) {
sKey = a_sKeys[i];
//# If the current sKey .is a .str, try to .resolve it to core.type[sKey].is
if (core.type.str.is(oInterface[sKey])) {
oInterface[sKey] = core.resolve(core.type, [oInterface[sKey], "is"]);
//# If x doesn't .hasOwnProperty, or the current sKey .is(n't) a .fn or the oInterface's test returns falsy, flip our bReturnVal and fall from the loop
if (sKey in x || //!x.hasOwnProperty(sKey) ||
!core.type.fn.is(oInterface[sKey]) ||
) {
bReturnVal = false;
//# If x passed all tests above and we are supposed to be bStrict, ensure x has no other a_sKeys
//# NOTE: As we tested all of the oInterface's a_sKeys above, so long as x's .ownKeys are the same .length we know there are no additional keys in x
if (bReturnVal && bStrict === true) {
bReturnVal = (core.type.obj.ownKeys(x).length === a_sKeys.length);
return bReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.is.interface
/** Determines if the passed value has any circular references.
* @function ish.type.obj.is:cyclic
* @param {object|function} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} [bReturnReport=false] Value indicating if an array of circular references is to be returned.
* @returns {boolean|object[]} Value representing if the passed value has any circular references or an array of objects describing any circular references.
*/ //#####
cyclic: function cr(x, bReturnReport) {
var a_sKeys = [],
a_oStack = [],
wm_oSeenObjects = new WeakMap(), //# see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/WeakMap
oReturnVal = {
found: false,
report: []
//# Ensure the passed bReturnReport .is .bool, defaulted to false
bReturnReport = core.type.bool.mk(bReturnReport, false);
//# Setup the recursive logic to locate any circular references while kicking off the initial call
(function doIsCyclic(oTarget, sKey) {
var a_sTargetKeys, sCurrentKey, i;
//# If we've seen this oTarget before, flip our .found to true
if (wm_oSeenObjects.has(oTarget)) {
oReturnVal.found = true;
//# If we are to bReturnReport, add the entries into our .report
if (bReturnReport) {
instance: oTarget,
source: a_sKeys.slice(0, a_oStack.indexOf(oTarget) + 1).join('.'),
duplicate: a_sKeys.join('.') + "." + sKey
//# Else if oTarget is an instanceof Object, determine the a_sTargetKeys and .set our oTarget into the wm_oSeenObjects
else if (oTarget instanceof Object) {
a_sTargetKeys = Object.keys(oTarget);
wm_oSeenObjects.set(oTarget /*, undefined*/);
//# If we are to bReturnReport, .push the current level's/call's items onto our stacks
if (bReturnReport) {
if (sKey) { a_sKeys.push(sKey); }
//# Traverse the a_sTargetKeys, pulling each into sCurrentKey as we go
//# NOTE: If you want all properties, even non-enumerables, see Object.getOwnPropertyNames() so there is no need to call .hasOwnProperty (per: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/keys)
for (i = 0; i < a_sTargetKeys.length; i++) {
sCurrentKey = a_sTargetKeys[i];
//# If we've already .found a circular reference and we're not bReturnReport, fall from the loop
if (oReturnVal.found && !bReturnReport) {
//# Else if the sCurrentKey is an instanceof Object, recurse to test
else if (oTarget[sCurrentKey] instanceof Object) {
doIsCyclic(oTarget[sCurrentKey], sCurrentKey);
//# .delete our oTarget into the wm_oSeenObjects
//# NOTE: Not 100% sure why this is required, but without it .source is missing above and less .duplicates are found(!?)
//# If we are to bReturnReport, .pop the current level's/call's items off our stacks
if (bReturnReport) {
if (sKey) { a_sKeys.pop(); }
}(x, '')); //# doIsCyclic
return (bReturnReport ? oReturnVal.report : oReturnVal.found);
} //# type.obj.is.cyclic
}, //# type.obj.is
/** Determines if the passed values are equal.
* @function ish.type.obj.eq
* @param {object|function} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {object|function} y Value to interrogate.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the following options:
* @param {function} [oOptions.compare=undefined] Value representing the function that implements the compare, accepting 2 arguments (<code>a</code>, <code>b</code>) and returning truthy if <code>a > b</code>.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.useCoercion=true] Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.caseInsensitive=false] Value representing if the values are to be compared in a case-insensitive manor.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.trimWhitespace=false] Value representing if leading and trailing whitespace is to be trimmed prior to comparison.
* @param {boolean|integer} [oOptions.maxDepth=0] Value representing if a deep comparison is to occur. <code>false</code>/<code>0</code> performs a shallow comparison, a positive integer indicates the max depth to perform a deep comparison to, <code>true</code> and all other integer values perform a deep comparison to an unlimited depth.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed values are equal.
*/ //#####
eq: function (x, y, oOptions) {
var fnCompare, i,
a_sSourceKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(x),
a_sCompareKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(y),
bReturnVal = false
//# If both x and y's .ownkeys match (ignoring the order of the respective arrays)
if (core.type.arr.cmp(a_sSourceKeys, a_sCompareKeys /*, false*/)) {
//# Set the defaults for the passed oOptions (forcing it into an .is .obj as we go) then calculate our fnCompare
oOptions = core.extend({
//compare: core.type.fn.noop,
useCoercion: true,
caseInsensitive: false,
trimWhitespace: false,
maxDepth: 0
}, oOptions);
oOptions.maxDepth = (
oOptions.maxDepth === false ?
0 :
oOptions.maxDepth === true ?
-1 :
fnCompare = objCompare(oOptions);
bReturnVal = true;
for (i = 0; i < a_sSourceKeys.length; i++) {
if (!fnCompare(x[a_sSourceKeys[i]], y[a_sSourceKeys[i]])) {
bReturnVal = false;
return bReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.eq
/** Determines the unique entries within the passed value.
* @function ish.type.obj.unique
* @param {object[]|function[]} x Value representing the array to compare.
* @param {string|string[]} vPaths Value representing the values to interrogate.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the following options:
* @param {function} [oOptions.compare=undefined] Value representing the function that implements the compare, accepting 2 arguments (<code>a</code>, <code>b</code>) and returning truthy if <code>a > b</code>.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.useCoercion=true] Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.caseInsensitive=false] Value representing if the values are to be compared in a case-insensitive manor.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.trimWhitespace=false] Value representing if leading and trailing whitespace is to be trimmed prior to comparison.
* @param {boolean|integer} [oOptions.maxDepth=0] Value representing if a deep comparison is to occur. <code>false</code>/<code>0</code> performs a shallow comparison, a positive integer indicates the max depth to perform a deep comparison to, <code>true</code> and all other integer values perform a deep comparison to an unlimited depth.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed values' unique entries.
*/ //#####
unique: function (x, vPaths, oOptions) {
var fnCompare, vCurrentVal, i, j, k, bFound,
a_sPaths = core.type.arr.mk(vPaths, [vPaths]),
a_vReturnVal = []
//# Set the defaults for the passed oOptions (forcing it into an .is .obj as we go) then calculate our fnCompare
oOptions = core.extend({
//compare: core.type.fn.noop,
useCoercion: true,
caseInsensitive: false,
trimWhitespace: false,
maxDepth: 0
}, oOptions);
oOptions.maxDepth = (
oOptions.maxDepth === false ?
0 :
oOptions.maxDepth === true ?
-1 :
fnCompare = objCompare(oOptions);
//# If the passed x value .is and .arr
if (core.type.arr.is(x, true)) {
//# Traverse our a_sPaths
for (i = 0; i < a_sPaths.length; i++) {
//# Traverse the passed x value, flipping bFound to false on each loop
for (j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
bFound = false;
//# If the current x index .hasOwnProperty, set the vCurrentVal and look at it further
if (x[j] && x[j].hasOwnProperty(a_sPaths[i])) {
vCurrentVal = x[j];
//# Traverse our a_vReturnVal, fnCompare'ing each entry with the vCurrentVal and falling from the loop if it's bFound
for (k = 0; k < a_vReturnVal.length; k++) {
if (fnCompare(core.resolve(a_vReturnVal[k], a_sPaths[i]), core.resolve(vCurrentVal, a_sPaths[i]))) {
bFound = true;
//# If the vCurrentVal wasn't bFound in our a_vReturnVal, .push the vCurrentVal in
if (!bFound) {
x = a_vReturnVal;
a_vReturnVal = [];
a_vReturnVal = x;
return a_vReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.unique
/** Copies the passed value into a new instance.
* @function ish.type.obj.cp
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the object to copy.
* @param {boolean|integer} [vMaxDepth=0] Value representing if a deep copy is to occur. <code>false</code>/<code>0</code> performs a shallow copy, a positive integer indicates the max depth to perform a deep copy to, <code>true</code> and all other integer values perform a deep copy to an unlimited depth.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed value as a new instance.
*/ //#####
cp: function (x, vMaxDepth) {
var oReturnVal /* = _undefined */;
//# If the caller passed in a valid o(bject), .extend our oReturnVal as a new .is .obj
if (core.type.obj.is(x)) {
oReturnVal = (vMaxDepth ?
core.extend(vMaxDepth, {}, x) :
core.extend({}, x)
return oReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.cp
/** Copies the referenced keys into a new instance.
* @function ish.type.obj.clone
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the object to copy.
* @param {string|string[]|object} [vKeysOrFromTo] Value representing the key(s) to copy into the new object, with the option to remap keys when an object is passed.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed value as a new instance.
*/ //#####
clone: function (x, vKeysOrFromTo) {
var i, a_sOwnKeys,
oFromTo = {},
vReturnVal /*= undefined*/
if (core.type.str.is(vKeysOrFromTo)) {
vKeysOrFromTo = [vKeysOrFromTo];
//# If the caller passed in an .is .arr of keys, set it into our a_sOwnKeys
//# NOTE: `core.type.obj.is` returns true for arrays, so this test must come first
if (core.type.arr.is(vKeysOrFromTo)) {
a_sOwnKeys = vKeysOrFromTo;
oFromTo = {};
//# Traverse a_sOwnKeys, setting each into our (flat) oFromTo definition
for (i = 0; i < a_sOwnKeys.length; i++) {
oFromTo[a_sOwnKeys[i]] = a_sOwnKeys[i];
//# Else if the caller passed in a mapping .is .obj, set it into our oFromTo definition and collect a_sOwnKeys
else if (core.type.obj.is(vKeysOrFromTo)) {
oFromTo = vKeysOrFromTo;
a_sOwnKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(oFromTo);
//# If the caller passed in a mapping .is .obj, set it into our oFromTo definition and collect a_sOwnKeys
//# NOTE: `core.type.obj.is` returns true for arrays, `{ strict: true }` is required
if (core.type.obj.is(vKeysOrFromTo, { strict: true })) {
oFromTo = vKeysOrFromTo;
a_sOwnKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(oFromTo);
//# Else we need to look to the other sources
else {
//# If the caller passed in an .is .arr of keys, set it into our a_sOwnKeys
if (core.type.arr.is(vKeysOrFromTo)) {
a_sOwnKeys = vKeysOrFromTo;
//# Else if x .is .obj, pull it's .ownKeys
else if (core.type.obj.is(x)) {
a_sOwnKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(x);
//# If we were able to collect the a_sOwnKeys above
if (a_sOwnKeys) {
//# Traverse a_sOwnKeys, setting each into our (flat) oFromTo definition
for (i = 0; i < a_sOwnKeys.length; i++) {
oFromTo[a_sOwnKeys[i]] = a_sOwnKeys[i];
//# If vKeysOrFromTo was either an .is .arr or .is .obj
if (a_sOwnKeys) {
//# If the passed x .is .arr, set our vReturnVal to an array
if (core.type.arr.is(x)) {
vReturnVal = [];
//# Traverse the x, .push'ing each .doCopy into our vReturnVal
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
vReturnVal.push(doCopy(x[i], oFromTo, a_sOwnKeys));
//# Else if the passed x .is .obj, .doCopy directly into our vReturnVal
else if (core.type.obj.is(x)) {
vReturnVal = doCopy(x, oFromTo, a_sOwnKeys);
return vReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.clone
/** Removes any characters from object keys that require bracket-style notation (e.g. <code>oObject["2 this is\n1 valid key"]</code> becomes <code>oObject.thisis1validkey</code>)
* @function ish.type.obj.rekey
* @param {object|function|object[]|function[]} x Value representing the object(s) to rekey.
* @param {string|boolean|object} [vOptions] Value representing the <code>replacementChar</code>, if we are to <code>deleteRekeyed</code> values or the following options:
* @param {string} [oOptions.replacementChar=""] Value representing the char (or characters) used to replace any unfriendly characters.
* @param {string} [oOptions.trackRekeyed=""] Value representing the key to store the remapped key data.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.deleteRekeyed=false] Value representing if the original key/value is to be <code>delete</code>d from the object.
* @returns {object|function|object[]|function[]} Value representing the rekeyed object(s) (i.e. the passed <code>x</code> is returned for convenience).
*/ //#####
rekey: function (x, vOptions) {
var a_sKeys, oReplacedKeys, oCurrent, oOptions, sFriendlyKeyName, sChar, i, j,
a_oX = (core.type.arr.is(x) ? x : [x])
//# Process the passed vOptions into oOptions
oOptions = core.extend({
replacementChar: (core.type.str.is(vOptions) ? vOptions : ""),
trackRekeyed: "",
deleteRekeyed: (core.type.bool.is(vOptions) ? vOptions : false)
}, vOptions);
sChar = oOptions.replacementChar || "_";
//# Traverse the a_oX(s), pulling the oCurrent a_oX, it's a_sKeys and resetting oReplacedKeys as we go
for (i = 0; i < a_oX.length; i++) {
oCurrent = a_oX[i];
a_sKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(oCurrent);
oReplacedKeys = {};
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sKeys, true)) {
//# Traverse the a_sKeys for the oCurrent a_oX, determining the sFriendlyKeyName as we go
for (j = 0; j < a_sKeys.length; j++) {
sFriendlyKeyName = a_sKeys[j].replace(/[^a-z0-9_$]/gi, oOptions.replacementChar).replace(/^[0-9]{1,}/, oOptions.replacementChar);
//# If the oCurrent a_sKeys has non-friendly characters
if (sFriendlyKeyName !== a_sKeys[j]) {
//# If the sFriendlyKeyName already exists in our oCurrent a_oX, append as many sChar's as required to make it unique
if (a_sKeys.indexOf(sFriendlyKeyName) !== -1) {
do {
sFriendlyKeyName += sChar;
} while (a_sKeys.indexOf(sFriendlyKeyName) !== -1);
//# Place our sFriendlyKeyName mapping into oReplacedKeys and set a new value in the oCurrent a_oX
oReplacedKeys[sFriendlyKeyName] = { original: a_sKeys[j], remapped: sFriendlyKeyName };
oCurrent[sFriendlyKeyName] = oCurrent[a_sKeys[j]];
//# If we are to .deleteRekeyed, remove the a_sKeys[j] now
if (oOptions.deleteRekeyed) {
delete oCurrent[a_sKeys[j]];
//# If we are .trackRekeyed, attach the oReplacedKeys under the set key name
if (core.type.str.is(oOptions.trackRekeyed, true)) {
oCurrent[oOptions.trackRekeyed] = oReplacedKeys;
//# For convenience, return the passed (though updated by reference) x to the caller
return x;
}, //# type.obj.rekey
/** Flattens the structure of an object into a single depth object as <code>parent_child_grandchild</code> using <code>ish.type.obj.rekey</code> to preprocess key names.
* @function ish.type.obj.flatten
* @param {object|function|object[]|function[]} x Value representing the object(s) to rekey.
* @param {string|boolean|object} [vOptions] Value representing the <code>replacementChar</code>, if we are to <code>deleteRekeyed</code> values or the following options:
* @param {string} [oOptions.replacementChar=""] Value representing the char (or characters) used to replace any unfriendly characters.
* @param {string} [oOptions.trackRekeyed=""] Value representing the key to store the remapped key data.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.deleteRekeyed=true] Value representing if the original key/value is to be <code>delete</code>d from the object.
* @returns {object|function|object[]|function[]} Value representing the rekeyed object(s) (i.e. the passed <code>x</code> is returned for convenience).
*/ //#####
flatten: function f(x, vOptions) {
let a_sKeys, a_sCurrentKeys, oCurrent, i, j,
oReturnVal /* = _undefined */
vOptions = core.extend({
deleteRekeyed: true
}, vOptions);
//# If the passed x .is .obj, .rekey it (passing along the vOptions) and collect the a_sKeys
if (core.type.obj.is(x, true)) {
oReturnVal = core.type.obj.rekey(x, vOptions);
a_sKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(oReturnVal);
//# Traverse the a_sKeys
//# NOTE: We don't need to test for a_sKeys being an .arr due to the .is .obj test above
for (i = 0; i < a_sKeys.length; i++) {
//# NOTE: Shell environment variable naming restrictions: [a-zA-Z_]{1,}[a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,}
if (a_sKeys[i].indexOf("$") > -1) {
//# TODO
//# If the current a_sKeys .is an .obj (including .arr), pull the oCurrent object and it's .ownKeys
if (core.type.obj.is(oReturnVal[a_sKeys[i]], true)) { // || core.type.arr.is(oReturnVal[a_sKeys[i]])) {
oCurrent = core.type.obj.flatten(oReturnVal[a_sKeys[i]], vOptions);
a_sCurrentKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(oCurrent);
//# If we have a_sCurrentKeys traverse them, placing each key under a underscored path
//# NOTE: This test is required due to no testing of oCurrent prior to .ownKeys
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sCurrentKeys, true)) {
for (j = 0; j < a_sCurrentKeys.length; j++) {
oReturnVal[a_sKeys[i] + "_" + a_sCurrentKeys[j]] = oCurrent[a_sCurrentKeys[j]];
//# delete the current a_sKeys[i] as it was recreated above as a flat structure
delete oReturnVal[a_sKeys[i]];
return oReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.flatten
/** Mutates the passed value into an array.
* @function ish.type.obj.toArr
* @param {object|function} x Value representing the object to mutate.
* @param {string} [sSetKeyAs=undefined] Value representing the name of the key to set the original key's name under.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed value mutated into an array.
*/ //#####
toArr: function (x, sSetKeyAs) {
var a_vReturnVal, i,
bSetKey = core.type.str.is(sSetKeyAs, true),
a_sKeys = (core.type.obj.is(x, { allowFn: true }) ? Object.keys(x) : _undefined)
//# If the passed x .is .obj, setup our a_vReturnVal
if (a_sKeys) {
a_vReturnVal = [];
//# Traverse the a_sKeys, .push'ing each into our a_vReturnVal and bSetKey (if necessary)
for (i = 0; i < a_sKeys.length; i++) {
if (bSetKey) {
x[a_sKeys[i]][sSetKeyAs] = a_sKeys[i];
return a_vReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.toArr
/** Concat's arrays and copies properties into an object.
* @function ish.type.obj.concat
* @param {object|function} vTarget Value representing the target object to receive properties.
* @param {object|function|object[]|function[]} vSource(s) representing the source object(s) whose arrays will be concat'ed and properties will be copied into the target.
* @returns {object|function} Value representing the passed target object.
*/ //#####
concat: function (vTarget, vSource, bConcatNonArrays) {
var vCurrentSource, a_sCurrentKeys, i, j,
a_vSources = core.type.arr.mk(vSource, [vSource])
//# If the passed vTarget is valid
if (core.type.obj.is(vTarget, { allowFn: true })) {
//# Traverse the passed a_vSources, pulling the vCurrentSource and a_sCurrentKeys as we go
for (i = 0; i < a_vSources.length; i++) {
vCurrentSource = a_vSources[i];
a_sCurrentKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(vCurrentSource);
//# If we were able to pull a_sCurrentKeys for the vCurrentSource, traverse them
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sCurrentKeys, true)) {
for (j = 0; j < a_sCurrentKeys.length; j++) {
//# If our vTarget already .has the a_sCurrentKeys
if (core.type.obj.has(vTarget, a_sCurrentKeys[j], false)) {
//# If vCurrentSource's a_sCurrentKeys .is .arr
if (core.type.arr.is(vCurrentSource[a_sCurrentKeys[j]], true)) {
//# If the vTarget's a_sCurrentKeys .is .arr and it's not the same array as in vCurrentSource, concat the values
if (core.type.arr.is(vTarget[a_sCurrentKeys[j]])) {
if (vTarget[a_sCurrentKeys[j]] !== vCurrentSource[a_sCurrentKeys[j]]) {
vTarget[a_sCurrentKeys[j]] = vTarget[a_sCurrentKeys[j]].concat(vCurrentSource[a_sCurrentKeys[j]]);
//# Else if we are bConcatNonArrays, transform the vTarget's a_sCurrentKeys into an array including the vCurrentSource's value
else if (bConcatNonArrays) {
vTarget[a_sCurrentKeys[j]] = [vTarget[a_sCurrentKeys[j]]].concat(vCurrentSource[a_sCurrentKeys[j]]);
//# Else if we are bConcatNonArrays
else if (bConcatNonArrays) {
//# If the vTarget's a_sCurrentKeys .is .arr, push the vCurrentSource's value in
if (core.type.arr.is(vTarget[a_sCurrentKeys[j]])) {
//# Else transform the vTarget's a_sCurrentKeys into an array including the vCurrentSource's value
else {
vTarget[a_sCurrentKeys[j]] = [
//# Else this a_sCurrentKeys is new for our vTarget, so set it from the vCurrentSource
else {
vTarget[a_sCurrentKeys[j]] = vCurrentSource[a_sCurrentKeys[j]];
return vTarget;
/** Joins the passed value into a string.
* @function ish.type.obj.join
* @param {object|function} x Value representing the object to join.
* @param {string} [sDelimiter=""] Value representing the delimiter to be included between values.
* @param {string} [sKeyDelimiter=undefined] Value representing if the keys are to be included within the string, defining the delimiter to be included between keys and their related values.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed value mutated into an array.
*/ //#####
join: function (x, sDelimiter, sKeyDelimiter) {
var i,
a_sOwnKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(x),
bIncludeKeys = core.type.str.is(sKeyDelimiter),
sReturnVal = ""
//# Ensure the passed sDelimiter .is a .str, defaulting to "" if need be
sDelimiter = core.type.str.mk(sDelimiter);
//# If we were able to collect the passed x's a_sOwnKeys
if (a_sOwnKeys) {
//# If we are supposed to bIncludeKeys, build our sReturnVal accordingly
if (bIncludeKeys) {
for (i = 0; i < a_sOwnKeys.length - 1; i++) {
sReturnVal += a_sOwnKeys[i] + sKeyDelimiter + x[a_sOwnKeys[i]] + sDelimiter;
//# Append the final key onto our sReturnVal
sReturnVal += a_sOwnKeys[i] + sKeyDelimiter;
//# Else we are not supposed to bIncludeKeys, building our sReturnVal accordingly
else {
for (i = 0; i < a_sOwnKeys.length - 1; i++) {
sReturnVal += x[a_sOwnKeys[i]] + sDelimiter;
//# Append the final value onto our sReturnVal
sReturnVal += x[a_sOwnKeys[i]];
return sReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.join
/** Moves the referenced keys into the passed new keys.
* @function ish.type.obj.mv
* @param {object|function|variant[]} x Value representing the object(s) to interrogate.
* @param {object} [oFromTo] Value representing the keys to move.
* @param {boolean} [bSetToUndefined=false] Value representing if the moved keys are to be <code>delete</code>d (<code>false</code>) or reset to <code>undefined</code> (<code>true</code>).
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the keys have been moved.
*/ //#####
mv: function (x, oFromTo, bSetToUndefined) {
var bReturnVal = core.type.obj.is(oFromTo, { nonEmpty: true });
//# If the caller passed in a valid oFromTo, toss our arguments into the oProtected.processObj
if (bReturnVal) {
bReturnVal = oProtected.processObj(x, oFromTo, bSetToUndefined);
return bReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.mv
/** Determines if the referenced keys are present in the passed value.
* @function ish.type.obj.has
* @param {object|function} x Value representing the object to interrogate.
* @param {string|string[]} vKeys Value representing the key(s) to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} [bKeysArePaths=true] Value representing if the passed keys represent dot-delimited paths (e.g. <code>grandparent.parent.array.1.property</code>, see: {@link: ish.resolve}).
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the referenced keys are present in the passed value.
*/ //#####
has: function (x, vKeys, bKeysArePaths) {
var i,
a_sKeys = (core.type.arr.is(vKeys) ? vKeys : [vKeys]),
bReturnVal = core.type.obj.is(x, { allowFn: true })
//# If x is valid
if (bReturnVal) {
//# If the bKeysArePaths traverse the a_sKeys accordingly
if (bKeysArePaths !== false) {
for (i = 0; i < a_sKeys.length; i++) {
//# If the current a_sKeys doesn't .existed in x, unflip our bReturnVal and fall from the loop
if (!core.resolve(core.resolve.returnMetadata, x, a_sKeys[i]).existed) {
bReturnVal = false;
//# Else we just have to traverse the a_sKeys as-is
else {
for (i = 0; i < a_sKeys.length; i++) {
//# If this a_sKeys isn't a .hasOwnProperty of x, unflip our bReturnVal and fall from the loop
if (!x.hasOwnProperty(a_sKeys[i])) {
bReturnVal = false;
return bReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.has
/** Removes values set to <code>undefined</code> along with any referenced keys from the passed value.
* @function ish.type.obj.prune
* @param {object|function} x Value representing the object to interrogate.
* @param {string|string[]} [vAddlKeysToPrune] Value representing any additional key(s) to remove.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing the remaining keys from the passed value.
*/ //#####
prune: function (x, vAddlKeysToPrune) {
var sCurrentKey, i,
a_sOwnKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(x),
oReturnVal = core.type.obj.empty()
//# Ensure the passed vAddlKeysToPrune is an .arr
vAddlKeysToPrune = core.type.arr.mk(vAddlKeysToPrune, vAddlKeysToPrune);
for (i = 0; i < a_sOwnKeys.length; i++) {
sCurrentKey = a_sOwnKeys[i];
if (x[sCurrentKey] !== _undefined && vAddlKeysToPrune.indexOf(sCurrentKey) === -1) {
oReturnVal[sCurrentKey] = x[sCurrentKey];
return oReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.prune
/** Determines the differences between the passed values.
* @function ish.type.obj.diff
* @param {object|function} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {object|function} y Value to interrogate.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the following options:
* @param {function} [oOptions.compare=undefined] Value representing the function that implements the compare, accepting 2 arguments (<code>a</code>, <code>b</code>) and returning truthy if <code>a > b</code>.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.useCoercion=true] Value representing if coercion is to be used during comparisons.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.caseInsensitive=false] Value representing if the values are to be compared in a case-insensitive manor.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.trimWhitespace=false] Value representing if leading and trailing whitespace is to be trimmed prior to comparison.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.includeMissingKeys=false] Value representing if keys present in <code>y</code> but missing from <code>x</code> are to be included in the reported differences.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.caseInsensitiveKeys=false] Value representing if keys are to be treated as case insensitive.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.pruneUndefinedValues=false] Value representing if if keys with <code>undefined</code> as their value are to be removed from the return value.
* @returns {object} Value representing the differences between the passed values.
*/ //#####
diff: function (x, y, oOptions) {
var fnCompare, i,
a_sSourceKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(x),
a_sCompareKeys = core.type.obj.ownKeys(y),
oReturnVal = core.type.obj.empty()
//# If we have a_sSourceKeys and a_sCompareKeys (which also determines that the passed x and y .is .obj)
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sSourceKeys) && core.type.arr.is(a_sCompareKeys)) {
//# Set the defaults for the passed oOptions (forcing it into an .is .obj as we go) then calculate our fnCompare
oOptions = core.extend({
//compare: core.type.fn.noop,
useCoercion: true,
caseInsensitive: true,
trimWhitespace: true,
//maxDepth: 0,
includeMissingKeys: true,
caseInsensitiveKeys: true,
pruneUndefinedValues: false
}, oOptions, { maxDepth: null });
fnCompare = objCompare(oOptions);
//# If we are to find .caseInsensitiveKeys, use core.type.obj.get to resolve each a_sSourceKeys
if (oOptions.caseInsensitiveKeys) {
//# Traverse the a_sSourceKeys, fnCompare'ing the passed x to the y (loading any mismatches into our oReturnVal) as we go
for (i = 0; i < a_sSourceKeys.length; i++) {
if (!fnCompare(core.type.obj.get(x, a_sSourceKeys[i]), core.type.obj.get(y, a_sSourceKeys[i]))) {
oReturnVal[a_sSourceKeys[i]] = y[a_sSourceKeys[i]];
//# .rm the current a_sSourceKeys from our a_sCompareKeys
core.type.arr.rm(a_sCompareKeys, a_sSourceKeys[i]);
//# Else the a_sSourceKeys are case sensitive, so resolve each a_sSourceKeys normally
else {
//# Traverse the a_sSourceKeys, fnCompare'ing the passed x to the y (loading any mismatches into our oReturnVal) as we go
for (i = 0; i < a_sSourceKeys.length; i++) {
if (!fnCompare(x[a_sSourceKeys[i]], y[a_sSourceKeys[i]])) {
oReturnVal[a_sSourceKeys[i]] = y[a_sSourceKeys[i]];
//# .rm the current a_sSourceKeys from our a_sCompareKeys
core.type.arr.rm(a_sCompareKeys, a_sSourceKeys[i]);
//# If we are to .includeMissingKeys, traverse any remaining a_sCompareKeys and set them into our oReturnVal
if (oOptions.includeMissingKeys) {
for (i = 0; i < a_sCompareKeys.length; i++) {
oReturnVal[a_sCompareKeys[i]] = y[a_sCompareKeys[i]];
return (oOptions.pruneUndefinedValues ? core.type.obj.prune(oReturnVal) : oReturnVal);
}, //# type.obj.diff
/** Provides access to an object structure's nested properties, returning the first found path.
* @function ish.type.obj.resolveFirst
* @param {object} oObject Value to interrogate.
* @param {Array<string>|Array<Array<string>>} a_vPaths Value representing the paths to the requested property's as a period-delimited string (e.g. "parent.child.array.0.key") or an array of strings.
* @returns {variant} Value representing the variant at the referenced path.
*/ //#####
resolveFirst: function (oObject, a_vPaths) {
var i, oResolved,
vReturnVal /*= undefined */
//# If the caller passed in valid arguments, traverse the a_vPaths
if (core.type.obj.is(oObject) && core.type.arr.is(a_vPaths, true)) {
for (i = 0; i < a_vPaths.length; i++) {
//# .resolve the current a_vPaths, .returnMetadata'ing into oResolved
oResolved = core.resolve(core.resolve.returnMetadata, oObject, a_vPaths[i]);
//# If the current a_vPaths .existed, reset our vReturnVal and fall from the loop
if (oResolved.existed) {
vReturnVal = oResolved.value;
return vReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.resolveFirst
/** Provides an object structure as a string in Javascript's Object Literal Notation.
* @note <code>JSON.stringify</code> returns <code>Object</code>s in JSON (e.g. with quoted keys <code>{ "key": "value" }</code>) while <code>ish.type.obj.stringify</code> returns <code>Object</code>s in Javascript's Object Literal notation (e.g. <code>{ key: "value" }</code>).
* @function ish.type.obj.stringify
* @param {object} oObject Value to interrogate.
* @returns {variant} Value representing the passed object as a string in Javascript's Object Literal Notation.
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/11233515/235704|StackOverflow.com}
*/ //#####
stringify: function n(oObject) {
var a_sKeys, i,
sReturnVal = ""
//# If the passed oObject .is and .obj
if (core.type.obj.is(oObject)) {
a_sKeys = Object.keys(oObject); //core.type.obj.ownKeys(oObject);
for (i = 0; i < a_sKeys.length; i++) {
a_sKeys[i] = a_sKeys[i] + ":" + core.type.obj.stringify(oObject[a_sKeys[i]]);
sReturnVal = "{" + a_sKeys.join(",") + "}";
/*return Object
.map(key => `${key}:${core.type.obj.stringify(oObject[key])}`)
//# Else the passed oObject .is not an .obj, so stringify using the native JSON.stringify
else {
sReturnVal = JSON.stringify(oObject);
return sReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.stringify
/** Creates an empty object.
* @$note Creating an object via <code>{}</code> results in an object that includes <code>__proto__</code> and <code>hasOwnProperty</code>. This method returns an object with no properties.
* @function ish.type.obj.empty
* @returns {object} Value representing an empty object.
* @see {@link https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-tricks|DavidWalsh.name}
*/ //#####
empty: function () {
return Object.create(_null);
} //# type.obj.empty
}() //# core.type.obj
if (!bServerside) {
//# cp
oCoreType.dom = function () {
function pender(vDomParent, vDomToAdd, bPrepend) {
var i,
_parent = core.type.dom.mk(vDomParent, null),
_domToAdd = core.type.dom.mk(vDomToAdd, null),
bReturnVal = !!(_parent && vDomToAdd)
//# If we have a _parent and _domToAdd, bPrepend or .appendChild it
if (bReturnVal) {
if (core.type.arr.is(vDomToAdd)) {
if (bPrepend) {
for (i = vDomToAdd.length; i > 0; i--) {
_domToAdd = core.type.dom.mk(vDomToAdd[i], null);
if (_domToAdd) {
_parent.insertBefore(_domToAdd, _parent.childNodes[0]);
else {
for (i = 0; i < vDomToAdd.length; i++) {
_domToAdd = core.type.dom.mk(vDomToAdd[i], null);
if (_domToAdd) {
else if (core.type.dom.is(_domToAdd)) {
if (bPrepend) {
_parent.insertBefore(_domToAdd, _parent.childNodes[0]);
else {
return bReturnVal;
} //# pender
return {
// eq:
// cmp:
/** Copies the passed value into a new instance using {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/cloneNode|cloneNode}.
* @$note This is functionally a type-safe wrapper of {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/cloneNode|cloneNode}.
* @function ish.type.dom.cp
* @param {variant[]} x Value representing the DOM element to copy.
* @param {boolean} [bDeepCopy=false] Value representing if the children of the DOM element should also be cloned. <code>false</code> performs a copy of the DOM element only while <code>true</code> also performs a copy of the child DOM elements.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed value as a new instance.
*/ //#####
cp: function (x, bDeepCopy) {
if (core.type.dom.is(x) && core.type.fn.is(x.cloneNode)) {
return x.cloneNode(bDeepCopy === true);
}, //# type.dom.cp
/** Prepends the passed value into the referenced parent as the first element.
* @$note The passed DOM elements are passed through {@link: ish.type.dom.mk}.
* @function ish.type.dom.prepend
* @param {variant} vDomParent Value representing the parent DOM element.
* @param {variant} vDomToAdd Value representing the DOM element to insert.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value was successfully inserted.
*/ //#####
prepend: function (vDomParent, vDomToAdd) {
return pender(vDomParent, vDomToAdd, true);
}, //# type.dom.prepend
/** Appends the passed value into the referenced parent as the last element.
* @$note The passed DOM elements are passed through {@link: ish.type.dom.mk}.
* @function ish.type.dom.append
* @param {variant} vDomParent Value representing the parent DOM element.
* @param {variant} vDomToAdd Value representing the DOM element to insert.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value was successfully inserted.
*/ //#####
append: function (vDomParent, vDomToAdd) {
return pender(vDomParent, vDomToAdd /*, false*/);
}, //# type.dom.append
/** Replaces the referenced DOM element with the passed value.
* @$note The passed DOM elements are passed through {@link: ish.type.dom.mk}.
* @function ish.type.dom.replace
* @param {variant} vTarget Value representing the target DOM element to replace.
* @param {variant} vReplacement Value representing the DOM element to insert.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value was successfully inserted.
*/ //#####
replace: function (vTarget, vReplacement) {
var _target = core.type.dom.mk(vTarget, null),
_replacement = (vReplacement ? core.type.dom.parse(vReplacement)[0] : null), //# TODO: add looping
bReturnVal = !!(_target && _target.parentNode)
//# If the _target and _replacement are valid, .replaceChild now
if (bReturnVal) {
if (_replacement) {
_target.parentNode.replaceChild(_replacement, _target);
else {
return bReturnVal;
} //# type.dom.replace
}(); //# core.type.dom
return oCoreType;
}); //# core.type
//# .fire the plugin's loaded event
//# Return core to allow for chaining
return core;
} //# init
diff: function ($assert) {
var o1 = { n: 1, i: 2, c: 3, k: 4, camp: "Camp" },
o2 = { n: 1, e: 22, k: 4, camp: " camP " },
oResult1 = { i: undefined, c: undefined, camp: " camP " },
oResult2 = { i: undefined, c: undefined }
//# If we are running server-side
//# NOTE: Compliant with UMD, see: https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/templates/returnExports.js
//# NOTE: Does not work with strict CommonJS, but only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { //if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && this.module !== module && module.exports) {
module.exports = function (core) {
return init(
//x => Buffer.from(x, 'base64').toString(),
function (x) { return Buffer.from(x, 'base64').toString('binary'); },
//x => Buffer.from(x).toString('base64')
function (x) { return Buffer.from(x, 'binary').toString('base64'); }
//# Else if we are running in an .amd environment, register as an anonymous module
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], function (core) {
return init(core, window.atob, window.btoa);
//# Else we are running in the browser, so we need to setup the _document-based features
else {
return init(window.head.ish || document.querySelector("SCRIPT[ish]").ish, window.atob, window.btoa);