/** @file Q: Are you using Vanilla Javascript?<br/>A: ...ish
* <div style="font-size: 75%; margin-top: 20px;">
* JSish => `Zero-dependency OOP-organized Javascript code snippets, including:
* <ul>
* <li>Type-safety and type-casting - assisting developers in overcoming issues related to loose typing via Vanilla Javascript (rather than syntactic sugar à la TypeScript);</li>
* <li>OOP features - partial class definitions with shared private members and multiple inheritance;</li>
* <li>Strong typing of function signatures along with support for dynamic polymorphism/function overloading;</li>
* <li>Dependency injection;</li>
* <li>Object traversal, extension and querying features;</li>
* <li>Custom events;</li>
* <li>Data interpolation - CSV, XML, Punycode and POJO parsing;</li>
* <li>Additional Types - Enumerations, UUID;</li>
* <li>Large/small number support;</li>
* <li>Support back to IE8, with most features supported back to IE6;</li>
* <li>Growing unit test coverage with <code><a href="https://www.chaijs.com/api/assert/" target="_new">Chai.Assert</a></code>;</li>
* <li>Isomorphic - client- and server-side code in one codebase.</li>
* </ul>
* with all non-UI features available both client-side (in-browser) and server-side (Node/etc.).
* <p style="margin-top: 20px;">
* All features are organized in individually includable mixins organized by namespace/major features with only the core <code>ish.js</code> functionality required to bootstrap.
* </p>`
* </div>
* @version 0.14.2024-02-03
* @author Nick Campbell
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2014-2024, Nick Campbell
*/ /**
* ish.js's (renameable) global object.
* @namespace ish
*/ //############################################################################################
/*global module, define, global, require, process, __dirname*/ //# Enable Node globals for JSHint
/*jshint maxcomplexity:9 */ //# Enable max complexity warnings for JSHint
(function (/*global, module, require, process, __dirname*/) {
'use strict';
var _Object_prototype_toString = Object.prototype.toString, //# code-golf
bServerside = (function () { //# Are we running under nodeJS (or possibly have been required as a CommonJS module), SEE: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4224606/how-to-check-whether-a-script-is-running-under-node-js
try { return (process && _Object_prototype_toString.call(process) === '[object process]'); }
catch (e) { return false; }
_root = (bServerside ? global : window), //# code-golf
_document = (bServerside ? {} : document), //# code-golf
_undefined /*= undefined*/, //# code-golf
_null = null, //# code-golf
oPrivate = {},
oTypeIsIsh = { //# Set the .ver and .target under .type.is.ish (done here so it's at the top of the file for easy editing) then stub out the .app and .lib with a new .pub oInterfaces for each
config: {
ver: '0.14.2024-02-03',
onServer: bServerside,
debug: true,
//script: _undefined,
target: "ish",
plugins: {
//import: [],
//path: "", // _document.currentScript.src,
//cache: false,
//importedBy: ""
typeOrder: [
'int', 'float', /*'numeric',*/
'date', 'str',
'fn', 'dom', 'arr', /*'collection',*/ 'obj',
public: {
//is: function () {},
//import: function () {},
expectedErrorHandler: function expectedErrorHandler(/*e*/) {}
oInterfaces = {
pub: function () {
return {
data: {},
//options: {},
ui: {}
}, //# oInterfaces
core = {
//config: function (oConfig) { return function () {}; },
//resolve: function () {},
//extend: function () {},
//require: function () {},
//type: {},
//oop: {},
//io: {},
//ui: {},
//app: oInterfaces.pub(),
//lib: oInterfaces.pub() //# + sync
//# Null function used as a placeholder when a valid function reference is required
function noop() {} //# noop
/** Collection of Type-based functionality (<code>is</code> and <code>mk</code> only)
* @namespace ish.type
*/ //############################################################################################
core.type = function () {
//# Thanks to Symbol()s not wanting to be casted to strings or numbers (i.e. parseFloat, regexp.test, new Date), we need to wrap the test below for the benefit of ish.type()
function mkStr(s) {
try {
s = (s + "");
} catch (e) {
s = "";
return s;
/** Determines the type of the passed value.
* @function ish.type.!
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant[]} [a_vOrder=ish.config.ish().typeOrder] Type ordering to use during interrogation.
* @returns {function} Value indicating the type of the passed value.
* @todo Detail recognized a_vOrder values
*/ //#####
function type(x, a_vOrder) {
var fnCurrent, vCurrent, i,
fnReturnVal /* = _undefined */
//# Ensure the passed a_vOrder is an array, defaulting to our .typeOrder if none was passed
a_vOrder = core.type.arr.mk(a_vOrder, core.config.ish().typeOrder);
//# If we have a a_vOrder to traverse, do so now calculating each fnCurrent as we go
//# NOTE: We avoid using core.type.fn.* below to keep the code requirements to just that which is defined herein
if (core.type.arr.is(a_vOrder, true)) {
for (i = 0; i < a_vOrder.length; i++) {
//# Try to .resolve the current a_vOrder from core.type.*||core.type.is.*, else .mk it a .fn (defaulting to .noop on failure)
//# NOTE: We avoid using core.resolve below to keep the code requirements to just that which is defined herein
vCurrent = a_vOrder[i];
fnCurrent = (
(core.type[vCurrent] || {}).is ||
core.type.is[vCurrent] ||
//# If the passed x returns true from the fnCurrent (indicating that it's of that type), reset our fnReturnVal and fall form the loop
//# NOTE: If fnCurrent is set to .noop above, it return nothing/undefined which is interpreted as false below
if (fnCurrent(x)) {
fnReturnVal = fnCurrent;
return fnReturnVal;
} //# ish.type
/** Determines if the passed value is an instance of the referenced type.
* @namespace ish.type.is
*/ /**
* Determines if the passed value is an instance of the passed type.
* @function ish.type.is.!
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} t Type to use during interrogation.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is an instance of the passed type.
*/ //#####
type.is = function isType(x, t) {
try {
return (x instanceof t);
} catch (e) {
return false;
}; //# ish.type.is
/** Determines if the passed value is a native Javascript function or object.
* @function ish.type.is.native
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a native Javascript function or object.
* @see {@link http://davidwalsh.name/essential-javascript-functions|DavidWalsh.name}
*/ //#####
type.is.native = function () {
var toString = Object.prototype.toString, // Used to resolve the internal `[[Class]]` of values
fnToString = Function.prototype.toString, // Used to resolve the decompiled source of functions
reHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, // Used to detect host constructors (Safari > 4; really typed array specific)
reNative = RegExp('^' + // Compile a regexp using a common native method as a template. We chose `Object#toString` because there's a good chance it is not being mucked with.
String(toString) // Coerce `Object#toString` to a string
.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]/\\]/g, '\\$&') // Escape any special regexp characters
.replace(/toString|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, '$1.*?') +
'$' // Replace mentions of `toString` with `.*?` to keep the template generic. Replace thing like `for ...` to support environments like Rhino which add extra info such as method arity.
return function isNative(x) {
var _type = typeof x;
return _type == 'function' ?
reNative.test(fnToString.call(x)) : // Use `Function#toString` to bypass x's own `toString` method and avoid being faked out.
(x && _type == 'object' && reHostCtor.test(toString.call(x))) || // Fallback to a host object check because some environments will represent things like typed arrays as DOM methods which may not conform to the normal native pattern.
/*native: function () {
var toString = Object.prototype.toString, // Used to resolve the internal `[[Class]]` of x
fnToString = Function.prototype.toString, // Used to resolve the decompiled source of functions
reHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, // Used to detect host constructors (Safari > 4; really typed array specific)
reNative = RegExp('^' + // Compile a regexp using a common native method as a template. We chose `Object#toString` because there's a good chance it is not being mucked with.
String(toString) // Coerce `Object#toString` to a string
.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\]/g, '\\$&') // Escape any special regexp characters
// Replace mentions of `toString` with `.*?` to keep the template generic.
// Replace thing like `for ...` to support environments like Rhino which add extra info such as method arity.
.replace(/toString|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, '$1.*?') +
return function (x) {
var type = typeof x;
return x == 'function' ?
reNative.test(fnToString.call(x)) : // Use `Function#toString` to bypass the x's own `toString` method and avoid being faked out.
// Fallback to a host object check because some environments will represent things like typed arrays as DOM methods which may not conform to the normal native pattern.
(x && type == 'object' && reHostCtor.test(toString.call(x))) || false
}(), //# ish.type.is.native*/
}(); //# ishtype.is.native
/** Determines if the passed value is a list type (e.g. HTMLCollection|HTMLFormControlsCollection|HTMLOptionsCollection|NodeList|NamedNodeMap|Arguments + Object to support <IE9).
* @function ish.type.is.collection
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {object|boolean} [vOptions=false] Value representing if empty collections are to be ignored or the desired options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.disallow0Length=false] Value representing if empty collections are to be ignored.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.allowObject=false] Value representing if Objects are to be included in the test (to support <IE9).
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.allowArray=false] Value representing if Arrays are to be included in the test.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a collection type.
*/ //#####
type.is.collection = function isCollection(x, vOptions) {
var oOptions = core.type.obj.mk(vOptions),
bDisallow0Length = (vOptions === true || oOptions.disallow0Length)
return (
(oOptions.allowObject && core.type.obj.is(x, { nonEmpty: bDisallow0Length })) ||
(oOptions.allowArray && core.type.arr.is(x, bDisallow0Length)) ||
(x && core.type.is.numeric(x.length) && (!bDisallow0Length || x.length > 0)) &&
/^\[object (HTMLCollection|HTMLFormControlsCollection|HTMLOptionsCollection|NodeList|NamedNodeMap|Arguments)\]$/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(x))
}; //# ish.type.is.collection
/** Determines if the passed value is a numeric value (includes implicit casting per the Javascript rules, see: {@link: ish.type.int.mk}).
* @function ish.type.is.numeric
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a numeric type.
*/ //#####
type.is.numeric = function isNumeric(x) {
var reNumber = /^[-0-9]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]{1,})?$/, // (bAllowCommaDecimal === true ? /^[-0-9]?[0-9]*([\.\,][0-9]{1,})?$/ : /^[-0-9]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]{1,})?$/),
bReturnVal = false
//# Thanks to Symbol()s not wanting to be casted to strings or numbers (i.e. parseFloat, regexp.test, new Date), we need to wrap the test below for the benefit of ish.type()
try {
bReturnVal = (
reNumber.test(x) &&
!isNaN(parseFloat(x)) &&
} catch (e) {}
return bReturnVal;
}; //# ish.type.is.numeric
/** Determines if the passed value is an instance of ish.js.
* @function ish.type.is.ish
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is an instance of ish.js.
*/ //#####
type.is.ish = function isIsh(x) {
return (arguments.length === 0 || x === core);
}; //# ish.type.is.ish
/** Boolean-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.bool
*/ //#####
type.bool = {
/** Determines if the passed value represents a boolean.
* @function ish.type.bool.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} [bAllowString=false] Value representing if strings are to be considered valid.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents a boolean.
*/ //#####
is: function isBool(x, bAllowString) {
var sB = mkStr(x).toLowerCase().trim();
return !!(
_Object_prototype_toString.call(x) === '[object Boolean]' ||
(bAllowString && (sB === "true" || sB === "false"))
}, //# bool.is
/** Casts the passed value into a boolean.
* @function ish.type.bool.mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=truthy_value_of_x] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing the passed value as a boolean type.
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultVal) {
var bReturnVal = (
arguments.length > 1 ?
vDefaultVal : (
x ? true : false
//# Since the bReturnVal was defaulted to the vDefaultVal above, pull it's value back into our vDefaultVal
vDefaultVal = bReturnVal;
if (core.type.bool.is(x)) {
bReturnVal = x;
else if (x == 0 || x == 1) {
bReturnVal = !!core.type.int.mk(x);
else if (core.type.str.is(x, true)) {
x = x.trim().toLowerCase();
bReturnVal = (x === 'true' || (
x === 'false' ? false : vDefaultVal
return bReturnVal;
} //# bool.mk
}; //# ish.type.bool
/** Integer-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.int
*/ //#####
type.int = {
/** Determines if the passed value represents an integer (includes implicit casting per the Javascript rules, see: {@link: ish.type.int.mk}).
* @function ish.type.int.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents an integer.
*/ //#####
is: function isInt(x) {
var fX = core.type.float.mk(x);
return (core.type.is.numeric(x) && fX % 1 === 0);
}, //# int.is
/** Casts the passed value into an integer (includes implicit casting per the Javascript rules, see below).
* @function ish.type.int.mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=0] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @param {integer} [iRadix=10] Value between 2-36 that represents the radix (the base in mathematical numeral systems) passed into <code>parseInt</code>.
* @returns {integer} Value representing the passed value as an integer type.
* @example
* <caption>
* Javascript has some funky rules when it comes to casting numeric values, and they are at play in this function.
* <br/>In short, the first non-whitespace numeric characters are used in the cast, until any non-numeric character is hit.
* </caption>
* "12 monkeys!" === 12;
* " 12 monkeys!" === 12;
* "12monkeys!" === 12;
* "1.2 monkeys!" === 1.2;
* "1,2 monkeys!" === 1; // (not 1.2, sorry Europe)
* "1 2 monkeys!" === 1; // (not 12)
* "1,200 monkeys!" === 1; // (not 1200)
* "11 - there were 12 monkeys!" === 11;
* "twelve (12) monkeys!" === undefined;
* "$12 monkeys!" === undefined;
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultVal, iRadix) {
var iReturnVal = parseInt(x, (iRadix > 1 && iRadix < 37 ? iRadix : 10));
return (!isNaN(iReturnVal) ?
iReturnVal :
(arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : 0)
} //# int.mk
}; //# ish.type.int
/** Floating Point Number-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.float
*/ //#####
type.float = {
/** Determines if the passed value represents a floating point number (includes implicit casting per the Javascript rules, see: {@link: ish.type.int.mk}).
* @function ish.type.float.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents a floating point number.
*/ //#####
is: function isFloat(x) {
var fX = core.type.float.mk(x);
return (core.type.is.numeric(x) && fX % 1 !== 0);
}, //# float.is
/** Casts the passed value into a floating point number (includes implicit casting per the Javascript rules, see: {@link: ish.type.int.mk}).
* @function ish.type.float.mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=0] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @param {integer} [iRadix=10] Value between 2-36 that represents the radix (the base in mathematical numeral systems) passed into <code>parseFloat</code>.
* @returns {float} Value representing the passed value as an floating point number type.
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultVal, iRadix) {
var fReturnVal;
//# Thanks to Symbol()s not wanting to be casted to strings or numbers (i.e. parseFloat, regexp.test, new Date), we need to wrap the test below for the benefit of ish.type()
try {
fReturnVal = parseFloat(x, (iRadix > 1 && iRadix < 37 ? iRadix : 10));
} catch (e) {}
return (!isNaN(fReturnVal) ?
fReturnVal :
(arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : 0)
} //# float.mk
}; //# ish.type.float
/** Date-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.date
*/ //#####
type.date = function () {
function mkDate(d, vOptions) {
var bIsDate = _Object_prototype_toString.call(d) === "[object Date]";
//# Ensure the passed vOptions is an .obj
vOptions = core.type.obj.mk(vOptions, { allowNumeric: vOptions === true });
//# If the passed d(ate) isn't an [object Date] and we've not been told to be .strict
if (!bIsDate && !vOptions.strict) {
//# If the passed d(ate) .is.numeric, parse it as a float (to allow for the widest values) and reset bIsDate
//# NOTE: We have to do this before .is .str as "0" will resolve to a string
if (vOptions.allowNumeric && core.type.is.numeric(d)) {
d = new Date(parseFloat(d));
bIsDate = !isNaN(d.valueOf());
//# Else if the passed d(ate) .is .str, try throwing it at new Date() and reset bIsDate
//# NOTE: `new Date("32")` in Chrome return a 2032-based date while `new Date(32)` returns 1970-1-1 + 32ms, hence the exclusion of .is.numeric strings
else if (core.type.str.is(d) && !core.type.is.numeric(d)) {
d = new Date(d);
bIsDate = !isNaN(d.valueOf());
return {
b: bIsDate,
d: d
} //# mkDate
return {
/** Determines if the passed value represents a date.
* @function ish.type.date.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean|object} [vOptions] Value representing if numeric values are to be ignored or the following options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.allowNumeric=false] Value representing if numeric values are to be ignored.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.strict=false] Value representing if only <code>[object Date]</code> are to be allowed.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents a date.
*/ //#####
is: function isDate(x, vOptions) {
return mkDate(x, vOptions).b;
}, //# date.is
/** Casts the passed value into a date.
* @function ish.type.date.mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=new Date()] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {Date} Value representing the passed value as a date type.
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultVal) {
var oResult = mkDate(x, true);
return (oResult.b ?
oResult.d :
(arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : new Date())
} //# date.mk
}(); //# ish.type.date
/** String-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.str
*/ //#####
type.str = {
/** Determines if the passed value represents a string.
* @function ish.type.str.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} [bDisallowNullString=false] Value representing if null-strings (e.g. "") are to be disallowed.
* @param {boolean} [bTrimWhitespace=false] Value representing if leading and trailing whitespace is to be trimmed prior to integration.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents a string.
*/ //#####
is: function isStr(x, bDisallowNullString, bTrimWhitespace) {
return (
(typeof x === 'string' || x instanceof String) &&
(!bDisallowNullString || x !== "") &&
(!bTrimWhitespace || mkStr(x).trim() !== "")
}, //# str.is
/** Casts the passed value into a string.
* @function ish.type.str.mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=""] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {string} Value representing the passed value as a string type.
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultVal) {
var sS = (core.type.obj.is(x, { strict: true }) ? JSON.stringify(x) : mkStr(x));
return ((x || x === false || x === 0) && sS ?
sS :
(arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : "")
} //# str.mk
}; //# ish.type.str
/** Function-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.fn
*/ //#####
type.fn = {
/** Determines if the passed value represents a function.
* @function ish.type.fn.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents a function.
* @see {@link https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-detect-async-function|DavidWalsh.name}
*/ //#####
is: function isFn(x) {
return (
_Object_prototype_toString.call(x) === '[object Function]' ||
(x && x.constructor && x.constructor.name === "AsyncFunction")
}, //# fn.is
/** Casts the passed value into a function.
* @function ish.type.fn.mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=ish.type.fn.noop] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {function} Value representing the passed value as a function type.
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultVal) {
var vResolved,
fnResolve = core.resolve || function (_passedRoot, sKey) { return _passedRoot[sKey]; },
fnReturnVal = (arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : noop)
//# If the passed x .is a .fn, reset our fnReturnVal to it
if (core.type.fn.is(x)) {
fnReturnVal = x;
//# Else we need to see if f can be vResolved
else {
vResolved = (core.type.str.is(x) || core.type.arr.is(x) ? fnResolve(_root, x) : _undefined);
//# If the passed f .is a .str or .arr and we vResolved it to a .fn, reset our fnReturnVal to it
if (core.type.fn.is(vResolved)) {
fnReturnVal = vResolved;
return fnReturnVal;
} //# fn.mk
}; //# ish.type.fn
/** Array-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.arr
*/ //#####
type.arr = {
/** Determines if the passed value represents an array.
* @function ish.type.arr.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} [bDisallow0Length=false] Value representing if zero length arrays are to be ignored.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents an array.
*/ //#####
is: function isArr(x, bDisallow0Length) {
return (_Object_prototype_toString.call(x) === '[object Array]' &&
(!bDisallow0Length || x.length > 0)
}, //# arr.is
/** Casts the passed value into an array.
* @function ish.type.arr.mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=[]] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed value as an array type.
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultVal) {
//# Preconvert a .collection reference into an array
x = (core.type.is.collection(x) ? Array.prototype.slice.call(x) : x);
return (core.type.arr.is(x) ?
x :
(arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : [])
} //# arr.mk
}; //# ish.type.arr
/** Object-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.obj
*/ //#####
type.obj = function () {
function mkJSON(v) {
try {
return JSON.parse(v);
} catch (e) {/*oTypeIsIsh.public.expectedErrorHandler(e);*/}
} //# mkJSON
function objBase(v, bAllowFn, bAllowJSON, bStrict) {
var bReturnVal = !!(
v && v === Object(v) && (bAllowFn || !core.type.fn.is(v)) &&
(!bStrict || _Object_prototype_toString.call(v) === '[object Object]')
//# If we failed the test above, we are bAllow(ing)JSON and the passed v(ariant) .is .str
if (!bReturnVal && bAllowJSON && core.type.str.is(v, true)) {
//# .mkJSON the passed v(ariant), resetting our bReturnVal based on it's success
v = mkJSON(v);
bReturnVal = !!(v);
return {
b: bReturnVal,
o: v
} //# objBase
return {
/** Determines if the passed value represents an object.
* @function ish.type.obj.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean|object} [vOptions] Value representing if empty objects are to be ignored or the following options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.nonEmpty=false] Value representing if empty objects are to be ignored.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.strict=false] Value representing if only <code>[object Objects]</code> are to be allowed.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.allowFn=false] Value representing if functions are to be allowed.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.allowJSON=false] Value representing if JSON-strings are to be allowed.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.requiredKeys=undefined] Value listing the keys required to be present in the object.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.interface=false] Value representing the required the keys and types (see: {@link: ish.type}).
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents an object.
*/ //#####
is: function isObj(x, vOptions) {
var fnTest, a_sInterfaceKeys, i, bReturnVal,
oSettings = (vOptions && vOptions === Object(vOptions) ? vOptions : {}),
a_sRequiredKeys = oSettings.requiredKeys,
oInterface = oSettings.interface,
bDisallowEmptyObject = !!(vOptions === true || oSettings.nonEmpty)
//# Call objBase to determine the validity of the passed o(bject), storing the results back in out o(bject) and bReturnVal
x = objBase(x, oSettings.allowFn, oSettings.allowJSON, oSettings.strict);
bReturnVal = x.b;
x = x.o;
//# If the passed o(bject) is valid
if (bReturnVal) {
//# Reset our bReturnVal based on bDisallowEmptyObject
bReturnVal = (!bDisallowEmptyObject || Object.keys(x).length !== 0);
//# If we still have a valid Object and we have a_sRequiredKeys, traverse them
if (bReturnVal && core.type.arr.is(a_sRequiredKeys, true)) {
for (i = 0; i < a_sRequiredKeys.length; i++) {
//# If the current a_sRequiredKeys is missing from our o(bject), flip our bReturnVal and fall from the loop
if (!x.hasOwnProperty(a_sRequiredKeys[0])) {
bReturnVal = false;
//# If we still have a valid Object and we have an oInterface, collect it's a_sInterfaceKeys
//# NOTE: We use the lower-level call to Object.keys rather than core.type.arr.ownKeys as this is a lower-level ish function
if (bReturnVal && objBase(oInterface).b) {
a_sInterfaceKeys = Object.keys(oInterface);
//# Traverse the a_sInterfaceKeys, processing each to ensure they are present in the passed o(bject)
for (i = 0; i < a_sInterfaceKeys.length; i++) {
fnTest = oInterface[a_sInterfaceKeys[i]];
fnTest = (core.type.fn.is(fnTest) ? fnTest : core.resolve(core.type, [a_sInterfaceKeys[i], "is"]));
//# If the passed o(bject) doesn't have the current a_sInterfaceKeys or it's invalid per the current fnTest, reset our bReturnVal and fall from the loop
if (!x.hasOwnProperty(a_sInterfaceKeys[i]) || !core.type.fn.call(fnTest, null, x[a_sInterfaceKeys[i]])) {
bReturnVal = false;
return bReturnVal;
}, //# obj.is
/** Casts the passed value into an object.
* @function ish.type.obj.mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal={}] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {object} Value representing the passed value as an object type.
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultVal) {
//# If the passed o(bject) .is .str, try to .mkJSON
if (core.type.str.is(x, true)) {
x = mkJSON(x);
return (core.type.obj.is(x, { allowFn: true }) ?
x :
(arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultVal : {})
}, //# obj.mk
}(); //# ish.type.obj
/** Symbol-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.symbol
*/ //#####
//# NOTE: This base interface is more complicated than the others above due to the requirement of .exists and the use of .get and it's base function.
type.symbol = function () {
var fnReturnVal = function () {
return core.type.symbol.mk();
/** Safely returns a unique symbol, returning a unique object if <code>symbol</code> is not supported.
* @function ish.type.symbol.get
* @$aka ish.type.symbol
* @returns {symbol} Value representing a unique symbol or object.
*/ //#####
//# NOTE: fnReturnVal and .get have the same definition below but separate definitions to avoid ish.type.symbol.get having a recursive structure.
fnReturnVal.get = function () {
return core.type.symbol.mk();
/** Determines if the Symbol type is present in the current environment.
* @function ish.type.symbol.exists
* @returns {symbol} Value representing if the Symbol type is present in the current environment.
*/ //#####
fnReturnVal.exists = function () {
return (core.type.fn.is(_root.Symbol) && typeof _root.Symbol() === 'symbol');
}; //# symbol.exists
/** Determines if the passed value represents a symbol.
* @function ish.type.symbol.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {symbol} Value representing if the passed value represents a symbol.
*/ //#####
fnReturnVal.is = function isSymbol(x) {
//# NOTE: Since the typeof call is gated by .symbol.exists below, we need to selectively enable esnext for this function in JSHint below (besides, it's not a real error, just ES6 safety from JSHint)
/* jshint esnext: true */
return (core.type.symbol.exists() && typeof x === 'symbol');
}; //# symbol.is
/** Casts the passed value into a symbol.
* @function ish.type.symbol.mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal=Symbol()] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {symbol} Value representing the passed value as a symbol type.
*/ //#####
fnReturnVal.mk = function (x, vDefaultVal) {
return (core.type.symbol.is(x) ?
x :
(arguments.length <= 1 ?
//# If .symbol.exists, create a new Symbol(), optionally using the passed x if it .is .str, else use a new blank object if !.symbol.exists
(core.type.symbol.exists() ? _root.Symbol(core.type.str.is(x) ? x : _undefined) : {}) :
}; //# symbol.mk
return fnReturnVal;
}(); //# ish.type.symbol
return type;
}(); //# ish.type.*.is|mk
/** Provides access to (and optionally creates) an object structure's nested properties.
* @function ish.resolve
* @param {Symbol} [returnMetadata=!ish.resolve.returnMetadata] Value representing if metadata is to be returned; <code>{ value: {variant}, created: {boolean}, existed: {boolean} }</code>.
* @param {boolean} [bForceCreate=true] Value representing if the path is to be created if it doesn't already exist. <code>true</code> creates the path if it does not already exist.
* @param {object} oObject Value to interrogate.
* @param {string|string[]} vPath Value representing the path to the requested property as a period-delimited string (e.g. "parent.child.array.0.key") or an array of strings.
* @param {variant} [vValue] Value representing the value to set the referenced property to.
* @returns {variant} Value representing the variant at the referenced path.
* @example
* <caption>
* When forcing the creation of an object structure, data can be lost if an existing non-object property is used as a parent.
* <br/>This will overwrite the boolean property <code>nick</code> with an object reference containing the property <code>campbell</code>.
* </caption>
* var neek = { nick: true };
* var deepProp = ish.resolve(true, neek, "nick.campbell");
*/ //############################################################################################
core.resolve = function (/*[core.resolve.returnMetadata], [bForceCreate], oObject, vPath|a_sPath, [vValue]*/) {
var vReturnVal, vValue, vPath, oObject, a_sPath, i, bCurrentIsObj, bHaveValue, bForceCreate,
bPathExists = true,
oIsObjOptions = { allowFn: true },
a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), //# NOTE: core.type.fn.convert(arguments) is not always available at this low-level :(
bReturnMetadata = (a[0] === core.resolve.returnMetadata),
bCreated = false,
isVal = function (v) {
return (v !== _null && v !== _undefined);
//# If a[0] is .returnMetadata, remove it from the a(rguments)
if (bReturnMetadata) {
//# Setup our local variables based on the passed a(rguments)
if (a[0] === true) {
bForceCreate = true;
oObject = a[1];
vPath = a[2];
//# If the caller passed in a vValue
if (a.length > 3) {
bHaveValue = true;
vValue = a[3];
} else {
bForceCreate = false;
oObject = a[0];
vPath = a[1];
//# If the caller passed in a vValue
if (a.length > 2) {
bHaveValue = true;
vValue = a[2];
//# Now that the passed oObject is known, set our vReturnVal accordingly
vReturnVal = (core.type.obj.is(oObject, oIsObjOptions) ? oObject : _undefined);
//# If the passed oObject .is .obj and vPath .is .str or .is .arr
if (isVal(oObject) && (core.type.str.is(vPath) || (core.type.arr.is(vPath, true) && core.type.str.is(vPath[0])))) {
//# Populate our a_sPath and reset our vReturnVal to the passed oObject (as it may be a native type with properties)
a_sPath = (core.type.arr.is(vPath) ? vPath : vPath.split("."));
vReturnVal = oObject;
//# Traverse the a_sPath
for (i = 0; i < a_sPath.length; i++) {
bCurrentIsObj = core.type.obj.is(vReturnVal, oIsObjOptions);
//# If the bCurrentIsObj
if (bCurrentIsObj) {
//# If the current vPath segment exists
if (a_sPath[i] in vReturnVal) {
//# Set oObject as the last object reference and vReturnVal as the current object reference
oObject = vReturnVal;
vReturnVal = oObject[a_sPath[i]];
//# Else if we are supposed to bForceCreate the current vPath segment
else if (bForceCreate) {
//# Set the oObject as the last object reference and create the new object at the current vPath segment while setting vReturnVal as the current object reference
oObject = vReturnVal;
vReturnVal = oObject[a_sPath[i]] = {};
bCreated = true;
//# Else the current vPath segment doesn't exist and we're not supposed to bForceCreate it, so reset our vReturnVal to undefined, flip bPathExists and fall from the loop
else {
vReturnVal = _undefined;
bPathExists = false;
//# Else if we have an isVal in vReturnVal and the current a_sPath exists under it, set our vReturnVal to it
//# NOTE: We cannot use core.type.is.val below as this is a lower-level function
else if (isVal(vReturnVal) && vReturnVal[a_sPath[i]] !== _undefined) {
vReturnVal = vReturnVal[a_sPath[i]];
//# Else if we are bForce(ing)Create or we bHaveValue and this is the last index
else if (bForceCreate || (bHaveValue && i === a_sPath.length - 1)) {
//# Set a new object reference in vReturnVal then set it into oObject's last object reference
//# NOTE: We enter the outer loop knowing the initial vReturnVal bCurrentIsObj, so there is no need to worry about a [0 - 1] index below as we will never enter this if on the first loop
oObject[a_sPath[i]] = vReturnVal = {};
bCreated = true;
//# Else if we're not on the final vPath segment
else { //if (i < a_sPath.length - 1) {
//# The current vPath segment doesn't exist and we're not bForce(ing)Create, so reset our vReturnVal to undefined, flip bPathExists and fall from the loop
vReturnVal = _undefined;
bPathExists = false;
//# If we bHaveValue and the bPathExists, set it now
if (bHaveValue && bPathExists) {
oObject[a_sPath[a_sPath.length - 1]] = vReturnVal = vValue;
return (
bReturnMetadata ? {
value: vReturnVal,
created: bCreated,
existed: (bPathExists && !bCreated)
} :
}; //# ish.resolve
/** Unique value indicating if metadata is to be returned by <code>ish.resolve</code>.
* @property ish.resolve.returnMetadata
* @returns Value representing if metadata is to be returned by <code>ish.resolve</code>.
* @ignore
*/ //#####
core.resolve.returnMetadata = core.type.symbol();
/** Merges the content of the passed objects into the passed target, adding or overriding properties within the target.
* <span style="display: none;">Heavily refactored code from http://gomakethings.com/vanilla-javascript-version-of-jquery-extend/<span>
* @function ish.extend
* @param {boolean|integer} [vMaxDepth=true] Value representing if a deep copy is to occur. <code>false</code>/<code>1</code> performs a shallow copy, a positive integer indicates the max depth to perform a deep copy to, <code>true</code> and all other integer values perform a deep copy to an unlimited depth.
* @param {object|function} vTarget Value representing the target object to receive properties.
* @param {...object|...function} vSource Value(s) representing the source object(s) whose properties will be copied into the target.
* @returns {object|function} Value representing the passed target.
* @example
* <caption>
* Right-most source object wins:
* </caption>
* var oResult = ish.extend({}, { i: 1 }, { i: 2 }); // `oResult.i` will equal `2`.
*/ //############################################################################################
core.extend = function (/*[vMaxDepth], vTarget, vSource, vSource2...*/) {
var a_sKeys, oTarget, oSource, sKey, iExtendDepth, i, j, k, bOverMaxDepth,
a = arguments,
//fnIsDom = core.type.fn.mk(core.resolve(core, "type.dom.is")),
fnHasOwnProp = function (oPassedSource, sPassedKey) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(oPassedSource, sPassedKey);
//# If the first argument .is .int or .bool, setup the local vars accordingly
if (core.type.int.is(a[0]) || core.type.bool.is(a[0])) {
iExtendDepth = (
a[0] === true ?
0 :
a[0] === false ?
1 :
oTarget = a[1];
i = 2;
//# Else the first argument is our oTarget, so setup the local vars accordingly
else {
iExtendDepth = 0;
oTarget = a[0];
i = 1;
//# Ensure our oTarget is an object
oTarget = (core.type.obj.is(oTarget, { allowFn: true }) ? oTarget : {}); //# Object(oTarget)
//# Traverse the passed oSource objects
for (/*i = i*/; i < a.length; i++) {
oSource = a[i];
a_sKeys = Object.keys(oSource || {});
//# If the oSource .is a .fn and the oTarget doesn't have that sKey yet, copy it in as-is (ignoring iExtendDepth as we can't copy functions)
//# TODO: Should this be set / override? E.g. not test for fnHasOwnProp
if (core.type.fn.is(oSource) && !fnHasOwnProp(oTarget, sKey)) {
oTarget = oSource;
//# Else if the oSource doesn't have any Object.keys, (safely) .warn that it's being ignored
/*else if (a_sKeys.length === 0) { // && (core.type.date.is(oSource) || core.type.is.native(oSource) || fnIsDom(oSource))
//try {
// core.io.console.warn("ish.extend: Non-extendable source object ignored ", oSource);
//} catch (e) {}
//# If the oSource .is a .date, copy it (ignoring iExtendDepth as we can't copy dates)
if (core.type.date.is(oSource)) {
oTarget = new Date(oSource);
//# Else if the oSource doesn't have any of it's own Object.keys or it .is a .native or .dom, set it into the oTarget as-is
//# NOTE: Technically .is .native and .dom tests are unnecessary as Object.keys doesn't return any a_sKeys for these objects
else if (core.type.is.native(oSource) || fnIsDom(oSource)) {
oTarget = oSource;
//# Else we have to traverse the oSource's a_sKeys
else if (a_sKeys.length > 0) {
//# Traverse the sKeys in the oSource object
for (j = 0; j < a_sKeys.length; j++) { // sKey in oSource
sKey = a_sKeys[j];
//# If the oSource fnHasOwnProp of sKey, we'll need to set it into our oTarget
if (oSource[sKey] !== _undefined && fnHasOwnProp(oSource, sKey)) {
//# Determine if we're bOverMaxDepth, .warn'ing if we are
bOverMaxDepth = (iExtendDepth < -100);
if (bOverMaxDepth) {
core.io.console.warn("ish.extend: Copy depth exceeds 100; aborting deep copy."); //, oTarget, oSource);
//# If we're in the midst of a deep copy and the sKey .is an .arr, setup the oTarget[sKey] as a new array
//# NOTE: .arr goes first as []'s return true from .is .obj
if (!bOverMaxDepth && iExtendDepth !== 1 && core.type.arr.is(oSource[sKey])) {
oTarget[sKey] = oSource[sKey].slice();
//# Traverse the newly created oTarget[sKey] array, .extending any .is .obj's or .arr's as we go
for (k = 0; k < oTarget[sKey].length; k++) {
if (core.type.obj.is(oTarget[sKey][k]) || core.type.arr.is(oTarget[sKey][k])) {
oTarget[sKey][k] = core.extend(iExtendDepth - 1, {}, oSource[sKey][k]);
//# Else if we're in the midst of a deep copy and the sKey .is an .obj, .extend it into our oTarget[sKey]
else if (!bOverMaxDepth && iExtendDepth !== 1 && core.type.obj.is(oSource[sKey])) {
oTarget[sKey] = core.extend(iExtendDepth - 1, oTarget[sKey], oSource[sKey]);
//# Else if the sKey .is a .date (.strict'ly speaking)
else if (core.type.date.is(oSource[sKey], { strict: true })) {
oTarget[sKey] = new Date(oSource[sKey]);
//# Else treat the oSource[sKey] as a value, setting it into oTarget[sKey]
else {
//try {
oTarget[sKey] = oSource[sKey];
//} catch (e) {/*expectederror*/}
return oTarget;
}; //# ish.extend
/** Configuration-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.config
*/ /**
* Creates an interface that merges the content of the passed options into the underlying configuration, overriding any original values.
* @function ish.config.!
* @param {object} oConfig Object that stores the underlying configuration values.
* @returns {function} Function that manages and returns the object representing the configuration values.
* @example
* <caption>
* When used internally for <code>ish</code> mixins, the recommended pattern to setup a related <code>ish.config</code> entry is:
* </caption>
* ish.config.mixinPath = ish.config({ some: "mixin configuration value" });
*/ //############################################################################################
core.config = function (oConfig) {
return function (oOptions) {
//# If oOptions were passed in, .extend them into our oConfig
if (arguments.length > 0) { core.extend(oConfig, oOptions); }
//# Always return an unattached deep copy of the oConfig to the caller
return core.extend(true, {}, oConfig);
}; //# ish.config
/** Collection of Object-Oriented Programming-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.oop
*/ //############################################################################################
core.oop = function() {
var oOopData = {
i: [], //# i(ndex)
p: [] //# p(rotected)
oAddedDataTypes = {
n: [], //# n(ames)
d: [] //# d(faultValues)
oReturnVal = {
/** Javascript implementation of OOP's partial "class" concept, allowing a single object to be defined across multiple locations and/or files (with support for <code>protected</code> members).
* @function ish.oop.partial
* @param {object|function} vTarget Target object to receive properties.
* @param {object|function} vPartial Source object whose properties will be copied into the target.
* Functions receive a single argument and their <code>this</code> context set to the target object's protected interfaces; e.g. <code>vPartial(oProtectedMembers)</code>.
*/ //#####
partial: function (vTarget, vPartial) {
var oProtected,
oIsObjOrFn = { allowFn: true }
//# If the passed vTarget and vPartial are valid
if (core.type.obj.is(vTarget, oIsObjOrFn) && core.type.obj.is(vPartial, oIsObjOrFn)) {
//# Setup the entry in the oOopData, collecting the oProtected interfaces as we go
oProtected = setOopEntry(vTarget /*, oProtected, {}*/);
//# .extend the vPartial result into our vTarget, passing in the oProtected interfaces as both the first argument and as `this` to vPartial
core.type.fn.is(vPartial) ?
vPartial.apply(oProtected, [oProtected]) : //# We can't eat our own dog food here as core.type.fn.* uses core.oop.partial! - core.type.fn.call(vPartial, oProtected, [oProtected]) :
//# Else the arguments are invalid, so throw the error
else {
throw "ish.oop.partial: Object or function required for `vTarget` and `vPartial`.";
}, //# core.oop.partial
/** Merges the passed object into the passed target's protected members, adding or overriding properties within the target's protected members.
* @function ish.oop.protected
* @param {object|function} vTarget Target object to receive protected member properties.
* @param {object} oProtected Source object whose properties will be copied into the target's protected members.
* @returns {object} Object representing the target's protected members.
*/ //#####
protected: function (vTarget, oProtected) {
//# Pass the call off to .setOopEntry
//# NOTE: We don't simply expose setOopEntry as core.opp.protected because we want to gate the oAddedDateTypes feature
return setOopEntry(vTarget, oProtected /*, {}*/);
} //# core.oop.protected
//# Safely maintains the entries within oOopData
function setOopEntry(vTarget, oProtected, oAddedDateTypes) {
var fnSetDataType, i,
iIndex = oOopData.i.indexOf(vTarget)
//# Ensure the passed oAddedDateTypes .is an .obj
oAddedDateTypes = core.type.obj.mk(oAddedDateTypes);
//# If the vTarget is new
if (iIndex === -1) {
//# Ensure the passed oProtected .is an .obj
oProtected = core.type.obj.mk(oProtected);
//# .push the vTarget and oProtected entries into our oOopData, ensuring the passed oProtected .is an .obj
oOopData.i.push(vTarget); //# i(ndex)
oOopData.p.push(oProtected); //# p(rotected)
//# Setup fnSetDataType to .push the new sNames in
fnSetDataType = function (sName) {
oOopData[sName].push(oAddedDateTypes[sName] || oAddedDataTypes.d[sName]);
//# Else the vTarget is already registered, so .extend and collect the oProtected entry
else {
oProtected = core.extend(oOopData.p[iIndex], oProtected);
//# Setup fnSetDataType to update the iIndex for only those sNames passed in oAddedDateTypes
fnSetDataType = function (sName) {
if (oAddedDateTypes.hasOwnProperty(sName)) {
oOopData[sName][iIndex] = oAddedDateTypes[sName];
//# Traverse the oAddedDataTypes (if any), setting each .n(ame) to the passed oAddedDateTypes or its .d(faultValue) as we go
for (i = 0; i < oAddedDataTypes.n.length; i++) {
//# .fire our .event now that the oOopData is completely setup
//core.io.event.fire("ish.oop._setOopEntry", [vTarget, oProtected]);
return oProtected;
} //# setOopEntry
//# Properly adds a data type to be tracked as part of oOopData
function addOopDataType(sName, vDefaultValue) {
var i = oAddedDataTypes.n.indexOf(sName), //# n(ames)
bReturnVal = (i === -1 && sName !== "i" && sName !== "p")
//# If this is a new sName, .push it into oAddedDataTypes
//# NOTE: We don't specifically track i(ndex) or p(rotected) in oAddedDataTypes even though they can be overridden, but it works as designed below even in these circumstances
if (bReturnVal) {
oAddedDataTypes.n.push(sName); //# n(ames)
oAddedDataTypes.d.push(vDefaultValue); //# d(faultValues)
//# Create then populate the sName with the vDefaultValue for the existing oOopData
oOopData[sName] = [];
for (i = 0; i < oOopData.i.length; i++) {
return bReturnVal;
} //# addOopDataType
//# Register ourselves with ourselves so that we can .partial-class... ourselves
//# NOTE: Since we know that our oReturnVal/core.oop isn't already being tracked, we can call setOopEntry directly rather than going through oReturnVal.protected
setOopEntry(oReturnVal, {
oopData: oOopData,
addOopDataType: addOopDataType,
setOopEntry: setOopEntry
} /*, {}*/);
return oReturnVal;
}(); //# core.oop
/** Collection of variable Type-based functionality (non-<code>is</code>/<code>mk</code> core features).
* @namespace ish.type
* @ignore
*/ //############################################################################################
core.oop.partial(core.type, function (oProtected) {
function doPrune(oSource, vKeys, bSetToUndefined) {
var a_sKeys, sKey, i,
bRemap = false,
iReturnVal = 0
//# If the passed vKeys is an array, set it into a_sKeys
if (core.type.arr.is(vKeys)) {
a_sKeys = vKeys;
//# Else vKeys is a oMapping definition, so pull its .keys and flip bRemap
else if (core.type.obj.is(vKeys)) {
a_sKeys = Object.keys(vKeys);
bRemap = true;
//# Traverse the a_sKeys (if they were set above)
if (a_sKeys) {
for (i = 0; i < a_sKeys.length; i++) {
sKey = a_sKeys[i];
//# If the current sKey exists in our oSource, inc our iReturnVal
if (oSource.hasOwnProperty(sKey)) {
//# If we're supposed to bRemap, do so now
if (bRemap) {
oSource[vKeys[sKey]] = oSource[sKey];
//# Either bSetToUndefined or delete the current sKey
if (bSetToUndefined) {
oSource[sKey] = _undefined;
else {
delete oSource[sKey];
return iReturnVal;
} //# doPrune
function processObj(vSource, vKeys, bSetToUndefined) {
var i,
//bSetToUndefined = ,
iReturnVal = 0
//# If the caller passed in an .is .arr vSource, traverse it passing each entry into doPrune as we go
if (core.type.arr.is(vSource, true)) {
for (i = 0; i < vSource.length; i++) {
iReturnVal += doPrune(vSource[i], vKeys, bSetToUndefined);
//# Else if the caller passed in an .is .obj, pass it off to doPrune
else if (core.type.obj.is(vSource)) {
iReturnVal = doPrune(vSource, vKeys, bSetToUndefined);
return iReturnVal;
} //# processObj
//# Processes the passed options into an Object for use in core.type.fn.*
function processFnOptions(oOptions, oDefaults, iWait) {
return core.extend(1,
{ context: {} },
(iWait !== _undefined && core.type.obj.is(oOptions) ? {
wait: core.type.int.mk(oOptions.wait, iWait)
} : _null)
} //# processFnOptions
//# Add .processObj and .processFnOptions into the oProtected interfaces for core.type
//# NOTE: `this.processObj = processObj` also works
oProtected.processObj = processObj;
oProtected.processFnOptions = processFnOptions;
//# Add type.is.ish.import into oTypeIsIsh
//# NOTE: Since `import` is a reserved(ish) word, we have to use []-notation
/** Imports ish.js mixin functionality.
* @function ish.type.is.ish:import
* @param {string[]} a_sImport Value representing the mixin paths to import.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the following options:
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.callback=fire:ish.pluginsLoaded] Value representing the function to be called on completion; <code>oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.onAppend=setAttribute:importedBy] Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; <code>oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.onError=undefined] Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; <code>oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.waitSeconds=7] Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.baseUrl=""] Value representing the base URL to prepend on the <code>src</code> attribute (must end with <code>/</code>).
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.urlArgs=""] Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the <code>src</code> attribute (must start with <code>?</code>).
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.importedBy="ish.type.is.ish.import"] Value to be set in the DOM element's <code>importedBy</code> attribute.
*/ //#####
oTypeIsIsh.public['import'] = function (a_sImport, oOptions) {
var i;
//# Ensure the passed a_sImport and oOptions are valid and setup
//# NOTE: We don't test/gate based on a_sImport being an .arr.is because this way we ensure the ish.pluginsLoaded .event is always .fire'd
//# NOTE: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ish/ish.js" ish='{ "target": "$z", "plugins": { "import": ["lib.ui","app.tags","app.ui"], "baseUrl": "js/ish/", "cache": false } }'></script>
a_sImport = core.type.arr.mk(a_sImport, (core.type.str.is(a_sImport, true) ? [a_sImport] : []));
oOptions = core.extend({
callback: function (a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded) {
core.io.event.fire("ish.pluginsLoaded", [a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded]);
onAppend: function (_dom /*, sUrl*/) {
if (!bServerside && _dom) {
_dom.setAttribute("importedBy", oOptions.importedBy || "ish.type.is.ish.import");
}, core.config.ish().plugins, oOptions);
//# Traverse the a_sImport's, appending `.js` to each
for (i = 0; i < a_sImport.length; i++) {
a_sImport[i] += ".js";
//# .require the (now URL'd) a_sImport's
core.require(a_sImport, oOptions);
}; //# type.is.ish.import
/** ish.js configuration values.
* @function ish.config.ish
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the updated configuration values.
* @returns {object} Value representing ish.js's configuration values.
*/ //#####
core.config.ish = core.config(oTypeIsIsh.config);
return {
is: {
//# Extend our .public oTypeIsIsh interfaces onto the above-defined type.is.ish function
ish: oTypeIsIsh.public,
/** Determines if the passed value is set (i.e. !== <code>undefined</code> && !== <code>null</code>).
* @function ish.type.is.value
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is set.
*/ //#####
value: function (x) {
return (x !== _undefined && x !== _null);
}, //# type.is.value
/** Determines if the passed value is a primitive (i.e. <code>null</code>, <code>undefined</code>, <code>Boolean</code>, <code>Number</code>, <code>String</code> or <code>Symbol</code>).
* @function ish.type.is.primitive
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a primitive.
*/ //#####
primitive: function (x) {
return (
x === _null ||
x === _undefined ||
core.type.bool.is(x) ||
core.type.is.numeric(x) ||
core.type.str.is(x /*, false*/) ||
}, //# type.is.primitive
//numeric: {
// /*
// Function: range
// Determines if the passed value is within the passed range.
// Parameters:
// vValue - The variant to interrogate, where the <code>length</code> property used for the numeric comparison (if present).
// vType - Function or String denoting the type testing logic which returns <code>truthy</code> if <code>vValue</code> is of <code>vType</code>.
// (Optional) nMin - Numeric value representing the minimum allowed value (can be passed as <code>undefined</code> for no defined minimum).
// (Optional) nMax - Numeric value representing the maximum allowed value (can be passed as <code>undefined</code> for no defined maximum).
// Returns:
// Boolean value representing if the passed value is within the passed range or <code>undefined</code> if the vType cannot be resolved to a function.
// */
// range: function (vValue, vType, nMin, nMax) {
// var fnTest = (core.type.fn.is(vType) ? vType : core.resolve(core.type, [vType, "is"])),
// bReturnVal = (core.type.fn.is(fnTest) ? core.type.fn.call(fnTest, null, [vValue]) : _undefined)
// ;
// //# If we were able to successfully verify vValue with the fnTest, reset vValue to the numeric value to interrogate
// if (bReturnVal) {
// vValue = (core.type.is.numeric(core.resolve(vValue, "length")) ? vValue.length : vValue);
// //# Reset our bReturnVal to the result of the range comparison
// bReturnVal = (
// (nMin === _undefined || vValue >= nMin) &&
// (nMax === _undefined || vValue <= nMax)
// );
// }
// return bReturnVal;
// }
//}, //# type.is.numeric
}, //# core.type.is.*
bool: {
is: {
/** Determines if the passed value represents a tristate boolean (e.g. <code>true</code>, <code>false</code> or 'unknown' as represented by <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>).
* @function ish.type.bool.is:tristate
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {boolean} [bAllowString=false] Value representing if strings are to be considered valid.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents a tristate boolean.
* @see {@link https://moi.vonos.net/2016/01/sql-null-tristate/|SQL Null Tristate}
* @see {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-valued_logic#SQL|Wikipedia.org}
*/ //#####
tristate: function (x, bAllowString) {
var sX = core.type.str.mk(x).trim().toLowerCase();
return (
core.type.bool.is(x, bAllowString) || (
!core.type.is.value(x) ||
(bAllowString && (sX === "null" || sX === "undefined"))
/** Determines if the passed value represents true.
* @$note Values interpreted as <code>true</code> are: <code>true</code>, <code>"true"</code> (case-insensitive and trimmed) and non-<code>0</code> integers.
* @function ish.type.bool.is:true
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents true.
*/ //#####
'true': function(x) {
var sX = core.type.str.mk(x).trim().toLowerCase();
return !!(
x === true ||
(core.type.str.is(x) && sX === "true") ||
(core.type.int.is(x) && x !== 0)
}, //# core.type.bool
date: {
time: function () {
var sMidnight = "00:00:00.0",
//reTimeString = /^\s*(\d\d?)(?::?(\d\d))?(?::(\d\d))?(?!\d)(\.\d+)?\s*(pm?|am?)?/i //# NOTE: ?: means non-capturing group and ?! is zero-width negative lookahead
reTimeString = /^\s*([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]?)(?::?(\d\d))?(?::(\d\d))?(?!\d)(\.\d+)?\s*(pm?|am?)?/i //# NOTE: ?: means non-capturing group and ?! is zero-width negative lookahead
return {
/** Determines if the passed value is a time string.
* @function ish.type.date.time:is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a time string.
*/ //#####
is: function (x) {
//return /^([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])(:([0-5][0-9]))?(\W?[ap]m?)?$/i.test(x);
return !!core.type.date.time.mk(x, false);
/** Casts the passed value into a time string.
* @function ish.type.date.time:mk
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {variant} [vDefaultVal='00:00:00.0'] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {string} Value representing the passed value as a time string.
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/50769298/235704|StackOverflow.com}
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, vDefaultTime) {
var sMiderian, iHour, iMin, iSec, iMS,
sReturnVal = (arguments.length > 1 ? vDefaultTime : sMidnight),
a_sTime = core.type.str.mk(x).match(reTimeString)
//# If the passed x .is a .time string, parse out it's iHour, iMin, iSec, iMS and sMiderian
if (a_sTime) {
iHour = core.type.int.mk(a_sTime[1]);
iMin = core.type.int.mk(a_sTime[2]);
iSec = core.type.int.mk(a_sTime[3]);
iMS = core.type.int.mk(core.type.str.mk(a_sTime[4]).substr(1));
sMiderian = core.type.str.mk(a_sTime[5]).substr(0, 1).toLowerCase();
//# If the parsed data is valid, fix iHour (if necessary) and set our sReturnVal
if (iHour < 24 && iMin < 60 && iSec < 60) {
if (sMiderian === 'a' && iHour === 12) iHour = 0;
if (sMiderian === 'p' && iHour !== 12) iHour += 12;
if (iHour === 24) iHour = 0;
sReturnVal = core.type.str.lpad(iHour, "0", 2) + ":" + core.type.str.lpad(iMin, "0", 2) + ":" + core.type.str.lpad(iSec, "0", 2) + "." + iMS;
return sReturnVal;
/** Determines the number of seconds from midnight the time string represents.
* @function ish.type.date.time:seconds
* @param {variant} [x=new Date()] Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing the number of seconds from midnight the time string represents.
*/ //#####
seconds: function (x) {
var iReturnVal = 0;
//# If x wasn't passed, determine the .seconds for now
if (arguments.length === 0) {
iReturnVal = Math.floor(
Math.abs(new Date() - new Date(core.type.date.yyyymmdd() + ' ' + sMidnight)) / 1000
//# Else if the passed x .is .time, determine the .seconds from it
else if (core.type.date.time.is(x)) {
iReturnVal = (Math.abs(new Date('1970-01-01 ' + core.type.date.time.mk(x)) - new Date('1970-01-01 ' + sMidnight)) / 1000);
return iReturnVal;
/** Determines the date of the passed value formatted as <code>YYYY/MM/DD</code>.
* @$note The passed values are implicitly casted per <code>{@link ish.type.date.mk}</code>.
* @function ish.type.date.yyyymmdd
* @param {variant} [x=new Date()] Value representing the date.
* @param {variant} [vDefault=undefined] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @param {string} [sDelimiter="/"] Value representing the date delimiter.
* @returns {integer} Value representing the passed value formatted as <code>YYYY/MM/DD</code>.
*/ //#####
yyyymmdd: function (x, vDefault, sDelimiter) {
var dDate = core.type.date.mk(x, (arguments.length > 1 ? core.type.date.mk(vDefault) : new Date()));
sDelimiter = core.type.str.mk(sDelimiter, "/");
return (core.type.date.is(dDate) ?
dDate.getFullYear() + sDelimiter + core.type.str.lpad((dDate.getMonth() + 1), "0", 2) + sDelimiter + core.type.str.lpad(dDate.getDate(), "0", 2) :
//dCalDate.getHours() + ':' + core.type.str.mk(dCalDate.getMinutes()).lPad("0", 2) + ':' + core.type.str.mk(dCalDate.getSeconds()).lPad("0", 2)
}, //# date.yyyymmdd
/** Provides the current <code>window.performance</code>-based timestamp.
* @function ish.type.date.timestamp
* @param {boolean} [bWholeSeconds=false] Value representing if the return value is to include fractional seconds.
* @returns {float} Value representing the current <code>window.performance</code>-based timestamp.
*/ //#####
timestamp: function (bWholeSeconds) {
var _window_performance = _root.performance,
_window_performance_timing = core.resolve(_window_performance, "timing"),
fReturnVal = (
_window_performance && _window_performance.now && _window_performance_timing && _window_performance_timing.navigationStart ?
_window_performance.now() + _window_performance_timing.navigationStart :
return (bWholeSeconds === true ? Math.round(fReturnVal) : fReturnVal);
} //# timestamp
}, //# core.type.date
str: {
is: {
/** Determines if the passed value is valid JSON.
* @function ish.type.str.is:json
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a valid JSON string.
*/ //#####
json: function (x) {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
} //# type.str.is.json
}, //# core.type.str
arr: {
/** Clones the passed value into a new array.
* @function ish.type.arr.clone
* @param {variant[]} a_vArray Value to interrogate.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing a shallow copy clone of the passed value.
*/ //#####
clone: function (a_vArray) {
if (core.type.arr.is(a_vArray)) {
return a_vArray.slice(0);
}, //# type.arr.clone
/** Removes the passed target(s) from the passed array (optionally replacing them with updated values).
* @function ish.type.arr.rm
* @param {variant[]} a_vArray Values to interrogate.
* @param {variant|variant[]} vTargets Value(s) to remove.
* @param {variant|variant[]} vReplacements Value(s) to replace the removed items.<br/><b>Note:</b> The number of replacements must match the number of targets.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if one or more of the passed value(s) were successfully removed / replaced.
*/ //#####
rm: function (a_vArray, vTargets, vReplacements) {
var iTargetIndex, i,
iTotalReplacements = -1,
bHaveReplacements = (arguments.length === 3),
bReplacementsIsArray = core.type.arr.is(vReplacements),
a_vTargets = (core.type.arr.is(vTargets) ? vTargets : [vTargets]),
bReturnVal = false
//# If the passed a_vArray .is .arr, determine our vReplacements if we bHaveReplacements
if (core.type.arr.is(a_vArray, true)) {
if (bHaveReplacements && bReplacementsIsArray) {
iTotalReplacements = vReplacements.length;
//# Traverse our a_vTargets, determining the iTargetIndex of the current a_vTargets
for (i = 0; i < a_vTargets.length; i++) {
iTargetIndex = a_vArray.indexOf(a_vTargets[i]);
//# If we found the iTargetIndex, flip our bReturnVal
if (iTargetIndex > -1) {
bReturnVal = true;
//# If we bHaveReplacements
if (bHaveReplacements) {
//# If bReplacementsIsArray and we enough iTotalReplacements, replace the iTargetIndex with its related vReplacements
if (bReplacementsIsArray && i < iTotalReplacements) {
a_vArray[iTargetIndex] = vReplacements[i];
//# Else vReplacements is to be reused as it's a singular value
else {
a_vArray[iTargetIndex] = vReplacements;
//# Else we need to .splice the iTargetIndex from the a_vArray
else {
a_vArray.splice(iTargetIndex, 1);
return bReturnVal;
}, //# type.arr.rm
/** Determines if the passed array only contains values that conform to the passed test.
* @function ish.type.arr.of
* @param {variant[]} x Values to interrogate.
* @param {function|string} vTest Value representing the test function (accepting one argument, returning truthy) or a string referencing a type under <code>ish.type</code>.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed array only contains values that conform to the passed test.
*/ //#####
of: function (x, vTest) {
var i,
fnTest = (core.type.str.is(vTest) ? core.resolve(core.type, vTest + ".is") : vTest),
bReturnVal = (core.type.arr.is(x, true) && core.type.fn.is(fnTest))
//# If the arguments are properly recognized traverse the passed a(rray), fnTest'ing each current value as we go (flipping our bReturnVal and falling from the loop on a failure)
if (bReturnVal) {
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (!fnTest(x[i])) {
bReturnVal = false;
return bReturnVal;
} //# type.arr.of
}, //# core.type.arr.*
obj: {
/** Removes the passed target(s) from the passed object (optionally replacing them with updated values).
* @function ish.type.obj.rm
* @param {variant[]} a_vArray Values to interrogate.
* @param {variant|variant[]} vTargets Value(s) to remove.
* @param {variant|variant[]} vReplacements Value(s) to replace the removed items with.<br/><b>Note:</b> The number of replacements must match the number of targets.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if one or more of the passed value(s) were successfully removed / replaced.
*/ //#####
rm: function (vSource, vKeys, bSetToUndefined) {
var iReturnVal;
//# If the caller passed in an .is .str, reset vKeys to an array
if (core.type.str.is(vKeys, true)) {
vKeys = [vKeys];
if (core.type.arr.is(vKeys, true)) {
iReturnVal = processObj(vSource, vKeys, bSetToUndefined);
return iReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.rm
/** Determines the enumerable and/or non-enumerable keys of the passed value.
* @function ish.type.obj.ownKeys
* @param {object} oSource Value to interrogate.
* @param {object|boolean} [vOptions=false] Value representing if non-enumerable properties are to be included or the desired options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.includeNonEnumerable=false] Value representing if non-enumerable properties are to be included.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.onlyNonEnumerable=false] Value representing if only non-enumerable properties are to be returned.
* @returns {string[]} Value representing the requested keys of the passed value.
*/ //#####
ownKeys: function(oSource, vOptions) {
var a_sKeys, i,
bGetOwnPropertyNames = core.type.fn.is(Object.getOwnPropertyNames),
a_sReturnVal /* = _undefined */
//# Ensure the passed vOptions .is an .obj, defaulting .includeNonEnumerable to the truthy value of vOptions if its not an .obj
vOptions = core.type.obj.mk(vOptions, { includeNonEnumerable: vOptions === true });
//# If the passed oSource .is .obj, collect its .keys into our a_sReturnVal
//# NOTE: Object.keys is polyfilled for pre-IE9 while Object.getOwnPropertyNames is not, possible polyfill - https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v3.2.1/packages/core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-names.js
if (core.type.obj.is(oSource, { allowFn: true })) {
//# If we are to return .onlyNonEnumerable properties
if (vOptions.onlyNonEnumerable) {
a_sReturnVal = (bGetOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(oSource) : []);
a_sKeys = Object.keys(oSource);
//# Traverse the .getOwnPropertyNames, .splice'ing out any that also exist in our a_sKeys
for (i = 0; i < a_sReturnVal.length; i++) {
if (a_sKeys.indexOf(a_sReturnVal[i]) !== -1) {
a_sReturnVal.splice(i, 1);
else if (vOptions.includeNonEnumerable && bGetOwnPropertyNames) {
a_sReturnVal = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(oSource);
else {
a_sReturnVal = Object.keys(oSource);
return a_sReturnVal;
}, //# type.obj.ownKeys
/** Determines the value of the passed key within the passed value via a case-insensitive match, a <code>RegExp</code> match or truthy <code>function</code> return.
* @$note As the key is searched for, the first matching key enumerated by the <code>for...in</code> statement will be returned unless <code>bReturnAllMatching</code> is set to <code>true</code>.
* @function ish.type.obj.get
* @param {object|function} oSource Value to interrogate.
* @param {string|RegExp|function} vKey Value representing the key(s) to retrieve from the passed value or a <code>function(sCurrentKey)</code> returning truthy to indicate inclusion into the return value.
* @param {boolean} [bReturnAllMatching=false] Value representing if multiple keys are to be retrieve from the passed value.
* @returns {variant|variant[]} Value representing the value of the passed key or an array representing all values of the passed key.
*/ //#####
get: function (oSource, vKey, bReturnAllMatching) {
var fnTest, sCurrentKey,
vReturnVal /* = _undefined */
//# If the caller passed in a valid oSource
if (core.type.obj.is(oSource, { allowFn: true })) {
//# If the passed vKey is a RegExp, setup fnTest accordingly
if (core.type.is(vKey, RegExp)) {
fnTest = function (sTestKey) {
return vKey.test(sTestKey);
//# Else if the passed vKey is a function, set it into fnTest
else if (core.type.fn.is(vKey)) {
fnTest = vKey;
//# Else force vKey into a .str, .toLowerCase it and setup fnTest accordingly
else {
vKey = core.type.str.mk(vKey).toLowerCase();
fnTest = function (sTestKey) {
return (sTestKey.toLowerCase() === vKey);
//# If we are to bReturnAllMatching, setup our vReturnVal as an array
if (bReturnAllMatching) {
vReturnVal = [];
vReturnVal.keys = [];
//# Traverse the oSource
for (sCurrentKey in oSource) {
//# If our fnTest matches on the sCurrentKey
if (fnTest(sCurrentKey)) {
//# If we are to bReturnAllMatching, .push it into our vReturnVal
if (bReturnAllMatching) {
//vReturnVal[sCurrentKey] = oSource[sCurrentKey];
//# Else we're to return only the first value, so set our vReturnVal and break from the loop
else {
vReturnVal = oSource[sCurrentKey];
return vReturnVal;
} //# type.obj.get
}, //# core.type.obj.*
fn: function () {
//# Converts the passed argument from an arguments instance, array or single variable into an Array fit to pass to fn.apply().
function convert(vArguments) {
//return Array.prototype.slice.call(vArguments);
//# <ES5 Support for array-like objects
//# See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/apply#Browser_compatibility
return core.type.arr.mk(
vArguments, (vArguments === _undefined ? [] : [vArguments])
} //# convert
return {
is: {
/** Determines if the passed value represents an arguments instance.
* @function ish.type.fn.is:args
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents an arguments instance.
*/ //#####
args: function (x) {
return (Object.prototype.toString.call(x) === "[object Arguments]");
}, //# fn.is.args
/** Determines if the passed value represents an asynchronous function.
* @function ish.type.fn.is:async
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents an asynchronous function.
* @see {@link https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-detect-async-function|DavidWalsh.name}
*/ //#####
"async": function (x) {
return (
x && x.constructor && x.constructor.name === "AsyncFunction"
}, //# fn.is
/** Determines if asynchronous functions are supported in the current environment.
* @function ish.type.fn.asyncSupport
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if asynchronous functions are supported in the current environment.
*/ //#####
asyncSupport: function () {
var bReturnVal = false;
try {
//# If we are on the bServerside or we don't have access to _document.createElement, use a new Function to determine if async is supported
if (bServerside || !core.type.fn.is(_document.createElement)) {
new Function('async () => {}')();
bReturnVal = true;
//# Else use _document.createElement to determine async is supported
//# NOTE: We use an inline single pixel clear gif in the IMG tag and leverage the onload to functionally eval the test
//# NOTE: _root == window in non-bServerside environments
//# NOTE: There is a gap here as we could bServerside and not have , but we try/catch to avoid this error
else {
_document.createElement("div").innerHTML = '<img src="" onload="async () => {}; window.isAsyncAvailable = true;">';
//# As the call above is done (ironically) asynchronously, we need to setTimeout in order to test .isAsyncAvailable
setTimeout(function () {
bReturnVal = !!_root.isAsyncAvailable;
delete _root.isAsyncAvailable;
}, 0);
} catch (e) {}
return function () {
return bReturnVal;
}(), //# fn.asyncSupport
/** Casts the passed arguments instance, array or single value into an array fit to pass to <code>function.apply()</code>.
* @function ish.type.fn.convert
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {variant[]} Value representing the passed value as an array.
*/ //#####
convert: convert,
/** Null function with no body and no specified return value.
* @function ish.type.fn.noop
*/ //#####
noop: noop,
/** Executes the passed function.
* <br/>The passed function is executed via <code>function.apply()</code>.
* @function ish.type.fn.call
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to execute.
* @param {variant} [vContext=undefined] Value representing the context (e.g. <code>this</code>) the passed function is executed under.
* @param {variant} vArguments Value representing the arguments to pass into the passed function.<br/><b>Note:</b> This value is passed through <code>ish.type.fn.convert</code> to ensure an array.
* @returns {variant} Value representing the passed function's return value.
* @todo Refactor all <code>ish.type.fn.call</code> references to use <code>ish.type.fn.run</code> as it has a more consistent interface to the rest of ish.js.
*/ //#####
call: function (fn, vContext, vArguments) {
var vReturnVal /*= _undefined*/;
if (core.type.fn.is(fn)) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1: {
vReturnVal = fn();
case 2: {
vReturnVal = fn.apply(vContext);
default: {
vReturnVal = fn.apply(vContext, convert(vArguments));
return vReturnVal;
}, //# fn.call
/** Executes the passed function.
* <br/>The passed function is executed via <code>function.apply()</code>.
* @function ish.type.fn.run
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to execute.
* @param {arguments|variant[]|object} [vOptions] Value representing an arguments instance, an array of arguments or an object representing the desired options:
* @param {variant} [vOptions.context=undefined] Value representing the context (e.g. <code>this</code>) the passed function is executed under.
* @param {variant} [vOptions.default=undefined] Value representing the default value to return if the passed function is invalid.
* @param {function} [vOptions.asyncCallback=undefined] Value representing the default value to return if the passed function is invalid.
* @param {arguments|variant[]} [vOptions.args] Value representing the arguments to pass into the passed function.<br/><b>Note:</b> This value is passed through <code>ish.type.fn.convert</code> to ensure an array.
* @returns {variant} Value representing the passed function's return value or the default value if the passed function is invalid.
*/ //#####
run: function (fn, vOptions) {
var vReturnVal,
a_vArguments = (
core.type.fn.is.args(vOptions) ?
convert(vOptions) : (
core.type.arr.is(vOptions) ?
vOptions :
oOptions = processFnOptions(a_vArguments ? {} : vOptions, {
//context: {},
args: a_vArguments,
default: _undefined
} /*, _undefined*/)
//# Set our vReturnVal to the .default (which is _undefined if one isn't sent in via vOptions)
vReturnVal = oOptions.default;
//# If the passed fn .is a .fn, .apply the .context and .args
if (core.type.fn.is(fn)) {
if (core.type.fn.is.async(fn) && core.type.fn.is(oOptions.asyncCallback)) {
//# TODO
//# Else treat it as a normal fn (which will return a Promise if it .is.async so it'll be up to the caller to properly handle it)
else {
vReturnVal = fn.apply(oOptions.context, oOptions.args);
return vReturnVal;
}, //# fn.run
/** Wraps the passed function, ensuring it is executed no more than once.
* <br/>The passed function is executed via <code>function.apply()</code>.
* @function ish.type.fn.once
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to execute.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the desired options:
* @param {variant} [oOptions.context=undefined] Value representing the context (e.g. <code>this</code>) the passed function is executed under.
* @param {variant} [oOptions.default=undefined] Value representing the default value to return if the passed function is invalid.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.rereturn=true] Value representing if subsequent calls should return the first return value.
* @param {integer} oOptions.call <b>OUT</b> Value set by reference representing the number of calls to the passed function.
* @returns {function} Function that returns a value representing the passed function's return value or the default value if the passed function is invalid.
* @see {@link http://davidwalsh.name/essential-javascript-functions|DavidWalsh.name}
*/ //#####
once: function (fn, oOptions) {
var vReturnVal /*= _undefined*/;
oOptions = processFnOptions(oOptions, {
rereturn: true
} /*, _undefined*/);
oOptions.call = 0;
vReturnVal = oOptions.default;
return function (/*arguments*/) {
if (core.type.fn.is(fn)) {
vReturnVal = fn.apply(oOptions.context, convert(arguments));
fn = _null;
return (++oOptions.call === 1 || oOptions.rereturn ? vReturnVal : _undefined);
}, //# fn.once
/** Wraps the passed function, ensuring it is executed within a <code>try...catch</code> block.
* <br/>The passed function is executed via <code>function.apply()</code>.
* @function ish.type.fn.tryCatch
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to execute.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the desired options:
* @param {variant} [oOptions.context=undefined] Value representing the context (e.g. <code>this</code>) the passed function is executed under.
* @param {variant} [oOptions.default=undefined] Value representing the default value to return if the passed function errors.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.returnObj=false] Value representing if an object is to be returned representing the result and error.
* @returns {function} Function that returns a value representing the passed function's return value or the default value if the passed function errors.
* @see {@link http://davidwalsh.name/essential-javascript-functions|DavidWalsh.name}
*/ //#####
tryCatch: function (fn, oOptions) {
var oReturnVal;
oOptions = processFnOptions(oOptions, {
//default: _undefined,
returnObj: false
} /*, _undefined*/);
return function (/*arguments*/) {
oReturnVal = {
result: oOptions.default,
error: _null
try {
//# Collect the .result by calling .apply on the passed fn, passing in the .context and .convert'ing the arguments as we go
//# NOTE: Starting with ECMAScript 5 .apply's arguments can be a generic array-like object instead of an array; https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/apply
oReturnVal.result = fn.apply(oOptions.context, convert(arguments));
} catch (e) {
//# We bloweded up, so set our .error
oReturnVal.error = e;
return (oOptions.returnObj ? oReturnVal : oReturnVal.result);
}, //# fn.tryCatch
/** Wraps the passed function, executing it once per wait duration until it returns truthy or the maximum attempts are exhaused.
* <br/>The passed function is executed via <code>function.apply()</code>.
* @function ish.type.fn.poll
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to execute.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the desired options:
* @param {variant} [oOptions.context=undefined] Value representing the context (e.g. <code>this</code>) the passed function is executed under.
* @param {integer|function} [oOptions.wait=500] Value representing the number of milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second) or function called per attempt that returns the number of milliseconds between each call; <code>iWaitMilliseconds = oOptions.wait(iAttemptCount)</code>.
* @param {integer} [oOptions.maxAttempts=4] Value representing the maximum number of polling attempts.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.callback] Value representing the function to be called on completion; <code>oOptions.callback(bPollFunctionReturnedTruthy)</code>.
* @returns {function} Function that executes the passed function once per wait duration until it returns truthy or the maximum attempts are exhaused.
* @see {@link http://davidwalsh.name/essential-javascript-functions|DavidWalsh.name}
*/ //#####
poll: function () {
function poll(fn, oOptions) {
var vReturnVal, _a, iWait,
iAttempts = 0
//# Ensure the passed oOptions .is an .obj, scrubbing and defaulting values as we go
oOptions = core.extend({
//callback: _undefined,
//wait: 500,
//maxAttempts: 4,
//context: {}
}, oOptions);
iWait = core.type.int.mk(oOptions.wait, 500);
oOptions.wait = (core.type.fn.is(oOptions.wait) ? oOptions.wait : function (/*iAttemptCount*/) { return iWait; });
oOptions.maxAttempts = core.type.int.mk(oOptions.maxAttempts, 4);
return function (/*arguments*/) {
function polling() {
//# Inc our iAttempts and collect the vReturnVal
vReturnVal = core.type.fn.call(fn, oOptions.context, _a);
//# If we got a truthy vReturnVal from the .call above, we can .call our .callback (if any) indicating bSuccess
if (vReturnVal) {
core.type.fn.call(oOptions.callback, oOptions.context, [true, iAttempts, vReturnVal]);
//# Else if the condition isn't met but the timeout hasn't elapsed, .setTimeout
else if (iAttempts < oOptions.maxAttempts) {
setTimeout(polling, oOptions.wait(iAttempts));
//# Else we've failed and are over our iAttempts, so .call our .callback (if any) indicating !bSuccess
else {
core.type.fn.call(oOptions.callback, oOptions.context, [false, iAttempts, vReturnVal]);
//# .convert the arguments into an _a(rray)
_a = convert(arguments);
//# Kick off the polling function
//# NOTE: We need a named function below as we .setTimeout for each .wait interval
} //# fn.poll
/** Calculates the exponential back-off based on the passed base interval and attempt count.
* @function ish.type.fn.poll:expBackoff
* @param {integer} [iBaseInterval=100] Value representing the number of milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second) to base the exponential interval on, e.g. <code>100</code> results in intervals of <code>100</code>, <code>200</code>, <code>400</code>, <code>800</code>, <code>1600</code>, etc.
* @returns {function} Function that returns a value representing the number of milliseconds for the current polling attempt.
*/ //#####
poll.expBackoff = function (iBaseInterval) {
//# Force the iBaseInterval into an .int then return the exponential backoff .interval function to the caller
//# NOTE: We need to divide the iBaseInterval as we're raising 2 to the power of iAttemptCount below (e.g. 100 / 2 * 2^1 = 100).
iBaseInterval = (core.type.int.mk(iBaseInterval, 100) / 2);
return function (iAttemptCount) {
return (iBaseInterval * Math.pow(2, iAttemptCount));
}; //# fn.poll.expBackoff
return poll;
}(), //# fn.poll
/** Determines the metadata about the passed function.
* @function ish.type.fn.metadata
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to execute.
* @returns {object} =metadata Value representing the following properties:
* @returns {boolean} =metadata.is Value indicating if the passed function is a valid function.
* @returns {boolean} =metadata.async Value indicating if the passed function is an async function.
* @returns {boolean} =metadata.isArrow Value indicating if the passed function is an arrow function expression.
* @returns {boolean} =metadata.hasParens Value indicating if the passed function has parenthesis in its definition.
* <br/><note>Arrow function expressions allow for single parameter definitions to exclude parenthesis, e.g. <code>x => { console.log(x); }</code>.</note>
* @returns {string} =metadata.name Value indicating the name of the passed function or <code>[anonymous]</code> if one is not specified.
* @returns {string[]} =metadata.parameters Value indicating the names of the passed function's parameters.
*/ //#####
metadata: function (fn) {
var a_sParsedSignature, sArgs,
oReturnVal = {
//isArrow: false,
//hasParens: true,
//name: "",
//parameters: [],
isFn: false
//# If the passed fn .is a .fn
if (core.type.fn.is(fn)) {
//# .toString the passed fn into a_sParsedSignature
//# NOTE: [1] full match, [1] function+name, [2] name, [3] (parameters, [4] parameters, [5] SingleArrowParameter, [6] fat arrow
a_sParsedSignature = fn.toString().match(
); //# Non-Fat Arrow - .match(/function[\s]*?([a-zA-Z_$][^\(]*)?\s*?\(([^\)]*)/m);
//# If we could pull the a_sParsedSignature
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sParsedSignature, true)) {
//# Determine if it .isArrow and if it .hasParens
//# NOTE: Due to the RegExp above, non-paren'd argument version of a fat arrow function is in [5] rather than [4]
oReturnVal.isArrow = (a_sParsedSignature[0].indexOf("function") === -1);
oReturnVal.hasParens = !a_sParsedSignature[5];
//# Determine the function .name, where the sArgs are then .split them into our .parameters and finally set .is to true
oReturnVal.name = core.type.str.mk(a_sParsedSignature[2]).trim() || "[anonymous]";
sArgs = (a_sParsedSignature[4] || a_sParsedSignature[6]);
oReturnVal.parameters = (sArgs ?
sArgs.replace(/\s/g, "").split(",") :
oReturnVal.isFn = true;
oReturnVal.async = core.type.fn.is.async(fn);
return oReturnVal;
}, //# fn.metadata
/** Allows for the definition and validation of the passed function's signature.
* @function ish.type.fn.signature
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to define a signature for.
* @param {boolean|string} [vAttachToProperty='signature'] Value representing the property name to attach the return value to under the passed <code>fn</code>.
* @returns {object} =chainedInterface Value representing a chained interface with the following properties:
* @returns {function} =chainedInterface.parameter Defines the next parameter for the function; <code>parameter(vTest, sErrorMessage)</code>:
* <table class="params">
* <tr><td class="name"><code>vTest</code><td><td class="type param-type">function | string<td><td class="description last">Value representing the argument validator as a function or string referencing a <code>ish.types.*.is</code> function (e.g. <code>str</code>, <code>int</code>, <code>obj</code>, etc).</td></tr>
* <tr><td class="name"><code>sErrorMessage</code><td><td class="type param-type">string<td><td class="description last">Value representing the custom error message to display when an argument fails the <code>vTest</code>.<br/><note>The order of calls to <code>parameter<code> must match the order of the parameters in the passed function.<note></td></tr>
* </table>
* @returns {function} =chainedInterface.validate Determines if the passed arguments conform to the defined parameter tests; <code>validate(_arguments, bRaiseError)</code>:
* <table class="params">
* <tr><td class="name"><code>_arguments</code><td><td class="type param-type">arguments | variant[]<td><td class="description last">Value representing the arguments.<br/><b>Note:</b> This value is passed through <code>ish.type.fn.convert</code> to ensure an array.</td></tr>
* <tr><td class="name"><code>bRaiseError</code><td><td class="type param-type">boolean<td><td class="description last">Value representing if an error is to be <code>throw</code>n if an error occurs.</td></tr>
* </table>
* @returns {string} =chainedInterface.name Value indicating the name of the passed function or <code>[anonymous]</code> if one is not specified.
* @returns {string[]} =chainedInterface.parameters Value indicating the names of the passed function's parameters.
* @returns {boolean} =chainedInterface.valid Value indicating if the passed arguments conform to the function's signature.
* @returns {boolean} =chainedInterface.fn Value representing the function to define a signature for.
*/ //#####
signature: function (fn, vAttachToProperty) {
var oMetadata = core.type.fn.metadata(fn),
sAttachToProperty = (
vAttachToProperty ? (
core.type.str.is(vAttachToProperty) ? vAttachToProperty : "signature"
) : ""
a_oData = [],
oChained = {
parameter: function (vTest, sErrorMessage) {
var iIndex,
fnTest = (core.type.fn.is(vTest) ? vTest : core.resolve(core.type, [vTest, "is"]))
//# If we could resolve fnTest, calculate the related iIndex in a_sArguments and .push the metadata into a_oData
if (core.type.fn.is(fnTest)) {
iIndex = a_oData.length;
test: fnTest,
message: core.type.str.mk(sErrorMessage),
parameter: oChained.parameters[iIndex]
//# Else the passed vTest could not be resolved to a .fn, so throw the notFnError
else {
return oChained;
}, //# type.fn.signature.parameter
validate: function (_arguments, bRaiseError) {
var i,
sError = "",
a_vArgs = core.type.fn.convert(_arguments),
bValid = (a_vArgs.length === a_oData.length)
if (bValid) {
for (i = 0; i < a_oData.length; i++) {
if (!a_oData[i].test(a_vArgs[i])) {
a_oData[i].error = true;
bValid = false;
sError += a_oData[i].parameter + (a_oData[i].message ? ": " + a_oData[i].message : "") + "; ";
oChained.valid = bValid;
if (bRaiseError && !bValid) {
throw oChained.name + ": Parameter(s) do not match signature - " + sError.substr(0, sError.length - 2);
return oChained;
} //# type.fn.signature.validate
//# Throws a .is not .fn-based error
function notFnError(bFromParameter) {
var sVar = (bFromParameter ? "vTest" : "fn");
throw "ish.type.fn.signature" + (bFromParameter ? ".parameter" : "") + ": `" + sVar + "` could not be resolved to a function.";
} //# notFnError
//# If the passed fn .isFn, set the oChained properties
if (oMetadata.isFn) {
oChained.name = oMetadata.name;
oChained.parameters = oMetadata.parameters;
oChained.valid = _undefined;
oChained.fn = fn;
//# Else the passed fn was invalid, so throw the notFnError
else {
if (sAttachToProperty) {
fn[sAttachToProperty] = oChained;
return oChained;
} //# type.fn.signature
}() //# core.type.fn.*
}); //# core.type.*
/** Input/Output-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.io
* @ignore
*/ //############################################################################################
core.io = {
/** Console-based functionality.
* <p>Wraps the <code>window.console</code> interface, only displaying messages on the console if <code>ish.config.ish().debug</code> is truthy.</p>
* @namespace ish.io.console
*/ //############################################################################################
console: function () {
function doCall(sMethod, _a) {
if (core.config.ish().debug) {
core.type.fn.call(core.resolve(_root, ["console", sMethod]), _null, _a);
} //# doCall
return {
/** Logs the passed argument(s) to the console via the native <code>console.log</code> function if <code>ish.config.ish().debug</code> is truthy.
* @function ish.io.console.log
* @param {...varient} x Value(s) to log.
*/ //#####
log: function (/*arguments*/) {
doCall("log", arguments);
}, //# io.console.log
/** Logs the passed argument(s) to the console via the native <code>console.warn</code> function if <code>ish.config.ish().debug</code> is truthy.
* @function ish.io.console.warn
* @param {...varient} x Value(s) to log.
*/ //#####
warn: function (/*arguments*/) {
doCall("warn", arguments);
}, //# io.console.warn
/** Logs the passed argument(s) to the console via the native <code>console.error</code> function if <code>ish.config.ish().debug</code> is truthy.
* @function ish.io.console.error
* @param {...varient} x Value(s) to log.
*/ //#####
error: function (/*arguments*/) {
doCall("error", arguments);
}, //# io.console.err
}(), //# core.io.console
/** Event-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.io.event
*/ //############################################################################################
event: function () {
var oEvent, fnDocReady,
oData = {}
function unwatch(sEvent, fnCallback) {
return core.type.arr.rm(oData[sEvent], fnCallback);
} //# unwatch
//# @param {function} fnCallback Function to execute on completion of the registered callbacks.
function fire(sEvent, a_vArguments) {
var i,
a_fnEvents = oData[sEvent],
bReturnVal = core.type.arr.is(a_fnEvents, true)
//# If the passed sEvent isn't a .registered event, implicitly define it now
if (!bReturnVal) {
//# Set a_fnEvents and oData[sEvent] to an empty array, allowing us to set .last and .fired below
a_fnEvents = oData[sEvent] = [];
a_fnEvents.counter = 0;
//# Set the .last a_vArguments for this sEvent
//# NOTE: We do this here so if a .watch is called after this sEvent has .fired, it can be instantly called with the .last a_vArguments
a_fnEvents.last = a_vArguments;
//# Traverse the a_fnEvents, throwing each into doCallback while adding its returned integer to our i(terator)
//# NOTE: doCallback returns -1 if we are to unwatch the current a_fnEvents which in turn removes it from the array
for (i = 0; i < a_fnEvents.length; i++) {
i += doCallback(a_fnEvents[i], { name: sEvent, count: a_fnEvents.counter }, a_vArguments);
//# Set the .fired property on the array to true
//# NOTE: We do this after the for loop so that doCallback'd a_fnEvents can know if this is the first invocation or not
a_fnEvents.fired = true;
return bReturnVal;
} //# fire
function doCallback(fnCallback, oThis, a_vArguments) {
var iReturnVal = 0;
if (unwatch === core.type.fn.call(fnCallback, oThis, a_vArguments)) {
unwatch(oThis.name, fnCallback);
return iReturnVal;
} //# doCallback
oEvent = core.extend(fire, {
/** Fires the passed event, executing any registered functions with the passed arguments.
* @function ish.io.event.fire
* @$aka ish.io.event
* @param {string} sEvent Value representing the name of the event.
* @param {arguments|variant[]} [a_vArguments=undefined] Value representing the arguments to pass into the event's registered functions.<br/><b>Note:</b> This value is passed through <code>ish.type.fn.convert</code> to ensure an array.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if any registered functions were executed.
*/ //#####
fire: fire,
/** Determines if the passed event has been previously fired.
* @$note During the first call, <code>ish.io.event.fired</code> will return <code>false</code> to indicate this is the first run of the event.
* @function ish.io.event.fired
* @param {string} sEvent Value representing the name of the event.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed event has been previously fired.
*/ //#####
fired: function (sEvent) {
return (core.resolve(oData, [sEvent, "fired"]) === true);
}, //# fired
/** Watches the passed event, executing the passed function whenever the event is fired.
* @$note The passed function will be executed immediately if the passed event has been previously fired.
* @function ish.io.event.watch
* @param {string} sEvent Value representing the name of the event.
* @param {function} fnCallback Function to execute whenever the event is fired, accepting the arguments passed into <code>ish.io.event.fire</code> and executed with <code>{ name: sEvent, count: iEventCallCount }</code> as <code>this</code>.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed function was successfully registered against the event.
*/ //#####
watch: function (sEvent, fnCallback) {
var bReturnVal = core.type.fn.is(fnCallback);
//# If the passed fnCallback .is a valid .fn
if (bReturnVal) {
(oData[sEvent] = oData[sEvent] || [])
//# If the sEvent has already been .fired prior to this .watch, .doCallback now
if (oData[sEvent].fired) {
doCallback(fnCallback, { name: sEvent, count: oData[sEvent].counter }, oData[sEvent].last);
core.type.fn.call(oData[sEvent].callback, _undefined, oData[sEvent].last);
return bReturnVal;
}, //# watch
/** Unregisters the passed callback from the passed event.
* @function ish.io.event.unwatch
* @param {string} sEvent Value representing the name of the event.
* @param {function} fnCallback Function to unregister against the event.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed callback was successfully unregistered against the event.
*/ //#####
unwatch: unwatch,
/** Determines if the passed callback is registered against passed event.
* @function ish.io.event.registered
* @param {string} sEvent Value representing the name of the event.
* @param {function} fnCallback Function that may be registered against the event.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed callback is registered against the event.
*/ //#####
registered: function (sEvent, fnCallback) {
var vReturnVal;
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0: {
vReturnVal = core.type.obj.ownKeys(oData);
case 1: {
//# NOTE: We don't require entries as events can be implicitly defined within .fire and can have all of their events .unwatch'ed
vReturnVal = (
core.type.str.is(sEvent, true) &&
core.type.arr.is(oData[sEvent] /*, false*/)
case 2: {
vReturnVal = (
core.type.fn.is(fnCallback) &&
core.type.str.is(sEvent, true) &&
core.type.arr.is(oData[sEvent], true) &&
oData[sEvent].indexOf(fnCallback) > -1
return vReturnVal;
}, //# registered
/** Unregisters the passed event.
* @function ish.io.event.unregister
* @param {string} sEvent Value representing the name of the event.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed event has been successfully unregistered.
*/ //#####
unregister: function (sEvent) {
var bReturnVal = (
core.type.str.is(sEvent, true) &&
//# If the passed sEvent is within our oData, delete it
if (bReturnVal) {
delete oData[sEvent];
return bReturnVal;
} //# unregister
//# If we are not running on the bServerside, wire-up the jQuery's $(document).ready()-esque event
//# FROM: https://github.com/jfriend00/docReady/blob/master/docready.js and https://stackoverflow.com/a/7053197/235704
if (!bServerside) {
//# Setup fnDocReady to .fire our ready event only .once
//# NOTE: .once is required because we have fallback calls below that we don't want secondary calls from.
//# NOTE: As this is a proxy for .fire, other calls to .fire("docready") won't be affected (not that any should be made).
//# NOTE: As this is managed by .event, any late calls to .watch("docready", fn) will .fire as expected.
fnDocReady = core.type.fn.once(function () {
}); //# fnDocReady
//# If the _document has already been rendered, run fnDocReady
//# NOTE: IE only safe when .readyState is "complete", other browsers are safe when .readyState is "interactive"
if (_document.readyState === "complete" || (!_document.attachEvent && _document.readyState === "interactive")) {
//# Else if this is a modern browser, hook the addEventListener.DOMContentLoaded event (and addEventListener.load as a fallback)
//# NOTE: This event is the equivalent of jQuery's $(document).ready()
else if (_document.addEventListener) {
_document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fnDocReady);
_root.addEventListener("load", fnDocReady, false);
//# <IE6thru8Support>
//# Else fallback to the non-modern browser (IE <= 8) attachEvent.onreadystatechange event (and attachEvent.onload as a fallback)
else {
if (_document.attachEvent) {
_document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () {
if (_document.readyState === "complete") {
else {
_root.attachEvent("onload", fnDocReady);
//# </IE6thru8Support>
return oEvent;
}() //# core.io.event
}; //# core.io
/** Collection of require external JS-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.require
*/ //############################################################################################
core.require = function() {
var fnRequire,
oRequireOptions = {
//callback: function (a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded) {},
onError: function (_dom, sUrl) {
core.io.console.error("Unable to include `" + sUrl + "`.");
//# Returns the object structure representing a single a_oProcessedUrls entry
function processUrlEntry(_dom, sUrl, bLoaded, bTimeout) {
return {
dom: _dom,
url: sUrl,
loaded: !!bLoaded,
timedout: !!bTimeout
} //# processUrlEntry
//# Processes the variant version of vOptions into an object representation
function processOptions(vOptions) {
return core.extend(
(core.type.fn.is(vOptions) ? { callback: vOptions } : vOptions)
} //# processOptions
//# If we are running bServerside (or possibly have been required as a CommonJS module)
if (bServerside) {
//# Set our fnRequire base function to run bServerside
fnRequire = function () {
//function errorFactory(sInterface) {
// return function (/*vUrls, vOptions*/) {
// core.io.console.error("ish.require." + sInterface + " is not available server-side.");
// };
//} //# errorFactory
return core.extend(
function (vUrls, vOptions) {
var i,
a_sUrls = core.type.arr.mk(vUrls, [vUrls]),
oOptions = processOptions(vOptions),
sPath = __dirname + (/^win/.test(process.platform) ? "\\" : "/"), // (__dirname.indexOf("\\") > 0 ? "\\" : "/"),
a_oProcessedUrls = [],
bAllLoaded = true
//# Set the calculated bServerside sPath into our .baseUrl
//# NOTE: __dirname, __filename along with require.main contain the specific information for this module bServerside
core.config.ish({ baseUrl: oOptions.baseUrl || sPath });
//# Traverse the a_sUrls, .require'ing (while passing in core) and .push'ing each .processUrlEntry into our a_oProcessedUrls as we go
for (i = 0; i < a_sUrls.length; i++) {
try {
require(sPath + a_sUrls[i])(core);
processUrlEntry(_undefined, a_sUrls[i], true, false)
} catch (e) {
//# Since an error occured, flip bAllLoaded to false, .call our .onError and .push the errored .processUrlEntry into our a_oProcessedUrls
bAllLoaded = false;
core.type.fn.run(oOptions.onError, [_undefined, a_sUrls[i]]);
processUrlEntry(_undefined, a_sUrls[i], false, false)
//# .call the provided fnCallback (if any)
//# NOTE: With the exception of .onError and .callback, all of the clientside core.require features are unused bServerside
core.type.fn.run(oOptions.callback, [a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded]);
//links: errorFactory("links"),
//css: errorFactory("css"),
scripts: function (vUrls, vOptions) {
core.require(vUrls, vOptions);
); //# fnRequire
//# Else we are running in the browser
else {
//# .extend the additional clientside-only options into oRequireOptions
//# NOTE: Only .callback and .onError are used bServerside
core.extend(oRequireOptions, {
//callback: function (a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded) {},
//onAppend: function (_dom, sUrl) {},
//onError: function (_dom, sUrl) {},
waitSeconds: 7,
baseUrl: "",
urlArgs: "",
//# TODO
/*urlArgs: (oOptions.cache === false ?
"?nocache=" + Date.now() :
//# Set our fnRequire base function to run clientside
fnRequire = function () {
var _head = _document.head, //# code-golf
_document_querySelector = _document.querySelector.bind(_document) //# code-golf
//# Processes the passed a_sUrls via the passed fnProcessor
function processUrls(vUrls, oOptions, fnProcessor) {
var iLen, i,
a_sUrls = core.type.arr.mk(vUrls, [vUrls]),
a_oProcessedUrls = [],
bAllLoaded = true
//# Local load event handler, calling the required callbacks as required
function loadHandler(oEventHandler, _dom, sUrl, bError, bTimedOut) {
//# Ensure that we're only called once per sUrl by resetting the oEventHandler's events
oEventHandler.onError = oEventHandler.onLoad = core.type.fn.noop;
//# .push the current a_sUrls into our a_oProcessedUrls
processUrlEntry(_dom, sUrl, (bError !== true), (bError && bTimedOut))
//# If we were called by .onerror, .call the oOptions.onError callback
if (bError) {
core.type.fn.call(oOptions.onError, _null, [_dom, sUrl]);
//# If we have loaded all of our a_sUrls, .call our .callback
//# NOTE: We manage the calls via fnEventHandler above to (hopefully) ensure we only are called once per a_sUrls
if (a_oProcessedUrls.length === iLen) {
core.type.fn.call(oOptions.callback, _null, [a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded]);
} //# loadHandler
function eventHandler(_dom, bAlreadyLoaded, sUrl, iWaitSeconds) {
var iTimeout,
oReturnVal = {
onError: function (bTimedOut) {
//# Flip bAllLoaded and call the .loadHandler
bAllLoaded = false;
loadHandler(oReturnVal, _dom, sUrl, true, bTimedOut);
onLoad: function () {
//# clearTimeout (if any) and call the .loadHandler
//# NOTE: As per MDN, clearTimeout(undefined) does nothing, so we don't bother with an if() below
loadHandler(oReturnVal, _dom, sUrl /*, false, false*/);
//# If the _dom element was bAlreadyLoaded on the page, call the .loadHandler via .onLoad (which .fn.noop's the oReturnVal's events byref)
if (bAlreadyLoaded) {
//# Else we've got work to do, so setup our _dom element then .setTimeout at the passed .waitSeconds
//# NOTE: We wrap the oReturnVal call in functions to ensure the loadHandler's .fn.noop's updates are honored
else {
_dom.onload = function () { oReturnVal.onLoad(); };
_dom.onerror = function () { oReturnVal.onError(); };
iTimeout = setTimeout(function () { oReturnVal.onError(true); }, core.type.int.mk(iWaitSeconds, 7) * 1000);
return oReturnVal;
} //# eventHandler
//# If we have a_sUrls to fnProcessor
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sUrls, true)) {
//# .extend the passed oOptions into the defaults
oOptions = core.config.require(oOptions);
//# Determine the a_sUrls iLen and traverse them, tossing each into the fnProcessor
iLen = a_sUrls.length;
for (i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
//# Ensure a local var for the sUrl for use across the fnProcessor
//# NOTE: i is inc'ed past it's current value before the fnEventHandler is called
//# TODO: Array.each()?
fnProcessor(a_sUrls[i], oOptions, eventHandler);
//# Else the passed a_sUrls is empty, so .call the passed .callback now
else {
core.type.fn.call(oOptions.callback, _null, [a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded]);
} //# processUrls
return core.extend(
/** Includes functionality into the current context.
* @function ish.require.!
* @param {string|string[]} vUrls Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include.
* @param {object} [vOptions] Value representing the function to be called on completion or the following options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.callback=fire:ish.pluginsLoaded] Value representing the function to be called on completion; <code>oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.onAppend=setAttribute:importedBy] Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; <code>oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.onError=undefined] Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; <code>oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.waitSeconds=7] Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.baseUrl=""] Value representing the base URL to prepend on the <code>src</code> attribute (must end with <code>/</code>).
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.urlArgs=""] Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the <code>src</code> attribute (must start with <code>?</code>).
*/ //#####
function (vUrls, vOptions) {
var fnCallback, i,
a_oProcessedUrls = core.type.arr.mk(vUrls, [vUrls]), //# Borrow the use of a_oProcessedUrls for the array-ified vUrls
bAllLoaded = true,
a_sScripts = [],
a_sCSS = [],
a_sLinks = []
//# processOptions then set the fnCallback
vOptions = processOptions(vOptions);
fnCallback = vOptions.callback;
//# If we have vUrls (looking at the borrowed a_oProcessedUrls) to process
if (core.type.arr.is(a_oProcessedUrls, true)) {
//# Traverse the (borrowed) a_oProcessedUrls, sorting each into their related arrays
for (i = 0; i < a_oProcessedUrls.length; i++) {
switch (core.type.str.mk(a_oProcessedUrls[i]).match(/\.([^\./\?#]+)($|\?|#)/)[1].toLowerCase()) {
case "js": {
case "css": {
default: {
//# Now that we've sorted the passed vUrls, reset the a_oProcessedUrls and i for the checks below
a_oProcessedUrls = [];
i = 0;
//# Replace the .callback with our own processor
//# NOTE: The original fnCallback is called after all of the vUrls are processed
vOptions.callback = function (a_oEntryProcessedUrls, bEntryAllLoaded) {
//# If the a_oEntryProcessedUrls have values, .concat them into our a_oProcessedUrls and recalculate bAllLoaded
if (core.type.arr.is(a_oEntryProcessedUrls, true)) {
a_oProcessedUrls = a_oProcessedUrls.concat(a_oEntryProcessedUrls);
bAllLoaded = (bAllLoaded && bEntryAllLoaded);
//# If this is the final .callback, fnCallback the original .callback (if any)
if (--i === 0) {
core.type.fn.call(fnCallback, _null, [a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded]);
//# If we have a_sScripts/a_sCSS/a_sLinks values, inc i (for tacking in the .callback defined above) and call the series
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sScripts, true)) {
core.require.scripts(a_sScripts, vOptions);
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sCSS, true)) {
core.require.css(a_sCSS, vOptions);
if (core.type.arr.is(a_sLinks, true)) {
core.require.links(a_sLinks, vOptions);
//# Else no vUrls were passed, so call the fnCallback (if any)
//# NOTE: As vUrls was .arr.mk'd above into the borrowed a_oProcessedUrls which then failed .arr.is, we know it's a null-length array for the call below
else {
core.type.fn.call(fnCallback, _null, [a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded]);
/** Includes Javascript-based functionality into the current context.
* @function ish.require.scripts
* @param {string|string[]} vUrls Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include.
* @param {object} [vOptions] Value representing the function to be called on completion or the following options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.callback=fire:ish.pluginsLoaded] Value representing the function to be called on completion; <code>oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.onAppend=setAttribute:importedBy] Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; <code>oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.onError=undefined] Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; <code>oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.waitSeconds=7] Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.baseUrl=""] Value representing the base URL to prepend on the <code>src</code> attribute (must end with <code>/</code>).
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.urlArgs=""] Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the <code>src</code> attribute (must start with <code>?</code>).
*/ //#####
scripts: function (vUrls, vOptions) {
//# <IE6thru9Support>
function IE6thru9SupportFactory(_script) {
return function () {
if (_script.readyState == "loaded" || _script.readyState == "complete") {
_script.onreadystatechange = _null;
} //# </IE6thru9Support>
//# Pass the call off to .processUrls, .process(ing the v)Options as we go
vOptions = processOptions(vOptions);
function /*fnProcessor*/(sUrl, oOptions, fnEventHandler) {
var sSrc = oOptions.baseUrl + sUrl + oOptions.urlArgs,
_script = _document_querySelector("script[src='" + sSrc + "']")
//# If there was a _script already, call .onLoad on the fnEventHandler for the _script
//# NOTE: Technically the .onLoad call below is unnecessary as fnEventHandler has already called it and reset it to .fn.noop
if (core.type.dom.is(_script)) {
fnEventHandler(_script, true, sUrl, vOptions.waitSeconds)/*.onLoad()*/;
//# Else there wasn't a _script already, so build it
else {
_script = _document.createElement('script');
fnEventHandler(_script, false, sUrl, vOptions.waitSeconds);
//# <IE6thru9Support>
//# If our _script has .readyState defined, we need to monitor .onreadystatechange
//# NOTE: In order to keep the _tcript in scope for .onreadystatechange, we use the IE6thru9SupportFactory
//# NOTE: It costs us 9 lines of code to support IE v6-v9
//# Based on: https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/speed/script-loading/ and https://www.nczonline.net/blog/2009/07/28/the-best-way-to-load-external-javascript/
_script.onreadystatechange = (_script.readyState ? IE6thru9SupportFactory(_script) : _null);
//# </IE6thru9Support>
//# .setAttribute's then append the _script to our _head
//# NOTE: We set the src after the events because some browsers (IE) start loading the script as soon as the src is set
_script.setAttribute('type', "text/javascript");
_script.setAttribute('src', sSrc);
//# Call .onAppend now that the _script has been .appendChild'd
core.type.fn.call(oOptions.onAppend, _null, [_script, sUrl]);
} //# fnProcessor
}, //# require.scripts
/** Includes link-based functionality into the current context.
* @function ish.require.links
* @$clientsideonly
* @param {string|string[]} vUrls Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include.
* @param {object} [vOptions] Value representing the function to be called on completion or the following options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.callback=fire:ish.pluginsLoaded] Value representing the function to be called on completion; <code>oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.onAppend=setAttribute:importedBy] Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; <code>oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.onError=undefined] Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; <code>oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.waitSeconds=7] Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.baseUrl=""] Value representing the base URL to prepend on the <code>src</code> attribute (must end with <code>/</code>).
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.urlArgs=""] Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the <code>src</code> attribute (must start with <code>?</code>).
*/ //#####
links: function (vUrls, vOptions) {
//# Pass the call off to .processUrls, defaulting and .process(ing the v)Options as we go
vOptions = core.extend({
rel: "",
type: "", //# SEE: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Link_types
media: "" //# SEE: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Media_Queries/Using_media_queries
}, processOptions(vOptions));
function /*fnProcessor*/(sUrl, oOptions, fnEventHandler) {
var oHandler,
sHref = oOptions.baseUrl + sUrl + oOptions.urlArgs,
_link = _document_querySelector("link[href='" + sHref + "']")
//# If there was a _link already, call .onLoad on the fnEventHandler for the _link
//# NOTE: Technically the .onLoad call below is unnecessary as fnEventHandler has already called it and reset it to .fn.noop
if (core.type.dom.is(_link)) {
fnEventHandler(_link, true, sUrl, vOptions.waitSeconds)/*.onLoad()*/;
//# If there wasn't a _link already, build it and collect our oHandler
else {
_link = _document.createElement('link');
oHandler = fnEventHandler(_link, false, sUrl, vOptions.waitSeconds);
//# <NonLinkOnloadSupport>
//# If our _link is missing the .onload event, steal the use of an IMG tag, which pulls the non-IMG .src and .onerror's (thus accomplishing the same goal)
//# NOTE: We wrap the oHandler call in functions to ensure the loadHandler's .fn.noop's updates are honored
if (!('onload' in _link)) {
oHandler.i = _document.createElement("img");
oHandler.i.onload = oHandler.i.onerror = function () { oHandler.onLoad(); };
oHandler.i.src = sHref;
//# </NonLinkOnloadSupport>
//# Set the _link based on our oOptions then .appendChild
//# TODO: use setAttribute?
_link.rel = oOptions.rel;
_link.type = oOptions.type;
_link.href = sHref;
_link.media = oOptions.media;
//# Call .onAppend now that the _link has been .appendChild'd
core.type.fn.call(oOptions.onAppend, _null, [_link, sUrl]);
} //# fnProcessor
}, //# links
/** Includes CSS-based functionality into the current context.
* @function ish.require.css
* @$clientsideonly
* @param {string|string[]} vUrls Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include.
* @param {object} [vOptions] Value representing the function to be called on completion or the following options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.callback=fire:ish.pluginsLoaded] Value representing the function to be called on completion; <code>oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.onAppend=setAttribute:importedBy] Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; <code>oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.onError=undefined] Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; <code>oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.waitSeconds=7] Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.baseUrl=""] Value representing the base URL to prepend on the <code>src</code> attribute (must end with <code>/</code>).
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.urlArgs=""] Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the <code>src</code> attribute (must start with <code>?</code>).
*/ //#####
css: function (vUrls, vOptions) {
//# Ensure the passed vOptions .obj.is, defaulting the values as we go
core.require.links(vUrls, core.extend({
rel: "stylesheet",
type: "text/css",
media: "all"
}, processOptions(vOptions)));
} //# css
); //# fnRequire
/** <code>ish.require</code> configuration values.
* @function ish.config.require
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the updated configuration values.
* @returns {object} Value representing <code>ish.require</code>'s configuration values.
*/ //#####
core.config.require = core.config(oRequireOptions);
//# Return the full core.require interface
//# NOTE: .modules is included below because it is available on both the client and server-side.
return core.extend(fnRequire, {
/** Includes functionality into the current context in the defined order.
* @function ish.require.modules
* @param {string[]|Array<Array<string>>} a_vModuleUrls Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include, each entry representing a bundle that is loaded in series in the defined order.<br/><b>Note:</b> Each entry, along with the passed options, is handed off to <code>ish.require</code>. Once <code>ish.require</code> completes an entry, the next entry is processed.
* @param {object} [oOptions] Value representing the following options:
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.callback=fire:ish.pluginsLoaded] Value representing the function to be called on completion; <code>oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.onAppend=setAttribute:importedBy] Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; <code>oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.onError=undefined] Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; <code>oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl)</code>.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.waitSeconds=7] Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.baseUrl=""] Value representing the base URL to prepend on the <code>src</code> attribute (must end with <code>/</code>).
* @param {boolean} [oOptions.urlArgs=""] Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the <code>src</code> attribute (must start with <code>?</code>).
*/ //#####
modules: function (a_vModuleUrls, oOptions) {
var fnPassedCallback,
iLoaded = 0,
bAllLoaded = true,
a_oProcessedModules = []
//# Call .require to load the current a_vModuleUrls
function doLoad() {
core.require(a_vModuleUrls[iLoaded++], oOptions);
} //# doLoad
//# Call the fnPassedCallback (if any) with the collected a_oProcessedModules
function loaded() {
core.type.fn.call(fnPassedCallback, _null, [a_oProcessedModules, bAllLoaded]);
} //# loaded
oOptions = processOptions(oOptions);
fnPassedCallback = oOptions.callback;
oOptions.callback = function (a_oProcessedUrls, bEntryAllLoaded) {
//# Flip bAllLoaded if bEntryAllLoaded failed and .push the a_oProcessedModules in
bAllLoaded = (bAllLoaded && bEntryAllLoaded);
module: a_oProcessedUrls,
loaded: bEntryAllLoaded
//# Recurse if we have bAllLoaded til now and still have a_vModuleUrls to process, else call loaded
(bAllLoaded && iLoaded < a_vModuleUrls.length ? doLoad : loaded)();
//# If the caller passed in valid a_vModuleUrls, kick off .doLoad, else call .loaded to return a null result to the .callback
(core.type.arr.is(a_vModuleUrls, true) ? doLoad : loaded)();
} //# modules
/** Stub for Library-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.lib
* @property {object} ish.lib.data Stub for Library-based data.
* @property {object} ish.lib.ui Stub for Library-based UI functionality.
*/ //############################################################################################
core.lib = oInterfaces.pub(); //# core.lib
/** Stub for Application-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.app
* @property {object} ish.app.data Stub for Application-based data.
* @property {object} ish.app.ui Stub for Application-based UI functionality.
*/ //############################################################################################
core.app = oInterfaces.pub(); //# core.app
//# If we are running bServerside (or possibly have been required as a CommonJS module)
if (bServerside) {
//# Procedural code
//# Requires:
//# <core.extend>, <core.resolve>,
//# <core.type.obj.mk>
oPrivate.init = function () {
//# If we are running server-side
//# NOTE: Compliant with UMD, see: https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/templates/returnExports.js
//# NOTE: Does not work with strict CommonJS, but only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = core;
//# Else if we are running in an .amd environment, register as an anonymous module
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], core);
//# Set our sTarget in the root
//# NOTE: this === `window` in the browser (which is `undefined` per above) and `global` on the server.
//this[core.config.ish().target] = core;
//# Else we are running in the browser, so we need to setup the _document-based features
else {
(function () {
var _head = _document.head, //# code-golf
//_body = _document.body, //# code-golf
_document_querySelector = _document.querySelector.bind(_document) //# code-golf
//_document_querySelectorAll = _document.querySelectorAll.bind(_document), //# code-golf
//# Procedural code
//# Optionally create then .extend our _root variable to expose core as the developer defined in SCRIPT[ish]'s JSON
//# NOTE: Since document.currentScript is not universally supported, we look for SCRIPT[ish] as a fallback
oPrivate.init = function () {
var sTemp,
_script = _document.currentScript || _document_querySelector("SCRIPT[" + sTarget + "]"),
oOptions = core.config.ish(),
sTarget = oOptions.target,
bProcessAttributeInit = false
function process(bProcessAttribute) {
var oTarget = core.resolve(_root, sTarget),
bOverride = core.type.obj.is(oTarget)
//# If we have an _script[ish] to process
if (bProcessAttribute) {
//# Reset the .plugins.baseUrl to the developer-defined inline value (if any, borrowing sTemp as we go)
sTemp = core.config.require().baseUrl || _script.src;
core.config.require({ baseUrl: sTemp.substr(0, sTemp.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) });
//# .import any .plugins defined in our oOptions (flagging them as .importedBy SCRIPT[sTarget])
core.type.is.ish.import(oOptions.plugins.import, core.extend({
importedBy: "SCRIPT[" + sTarget + "]"
}, oOptions.plugins));
//# Reset our sTarget to the developer-defined inline value (if any)
//# NOTE: This is done here and not in the `if` above so that all _script's are attributed with [ish]
sTarget = oOptions.target;
//# If we have an existing oTarget under _root[sTarget] to bOverride core
if (bOverride) {
//# bOverride core functionality with any functionality under oTarget then also reflect those changes in the _root object's reference
//# NOTE: The .resolve to _root[sTarget] above pulls the object reference to oTarget, so this reference also need to be updated with the core functionality AFTER core has been bOverride'd by oTarget's interfaces
core.extend(core, oTarget);
core.extend(oTarget, core);
//# If bProcessAttribute isn't _null and we have a valid sTarget under _root, set the _root object's reference so that its a globally accessible object
//# NOTE: We need to create the _root[sTarget] in the .resolve(true, ...) below in case it is not already defined, else the .resolve assignment will fail.
if (bProcessAttribute !== _null && core.type.str.is(sTarget, true)) {
core.resolve(true, _root, sTarget, (bOverride ? oTarget : core));
} //# process
//# If we were able to locate our _script tag and a _script[ish] attribute is present, .getAttribute its [ish] into sTemp
//# NOTE: oOptions.target will be "ish" (or whatever it is set to at the top of the file) as it has yet to be modified
if (_script && _script.hasAttribute(sTarget)) {
sTemp = _script.getAttribute(sTarget);
//# If the _script[ish] .getAttribute .is a non-null .str
if (core.type.str.is(sTemp, true)) {
//# If the _script[ish] .getAttribute .is.json, .extend it into our oOptions
if (core.type.str.is.json(sTemp)) {
core.extend(oOptions, core.type.obj.mk(sTemp));
bProcessAttributeInit = true;
//# Else if the value of _script[ish] is under our _root, .extend it into our oOptions
else if (core.type.obj.is(core.resolve(_root, sTemp))) {
core.extend(oOptions, core.resolve(_root, sTemp));
bProcessAttributeInit = true;
//# Else attempt to load the value of _script[ish] as a JSON file, flag bProcessAttributeInit to skip the .process below and .extend it into our oOptions on bSuccess
else {
bProcessAttributeInit = _null;
core.io.net.get(sTemp, function (bSuccess, oResponse /*, vArg, $xhr* /) {
core.extend(oOptions, bSuccess ? oResponse.data : _null);
//# Else the _script is missing or the _document.currentScript isn't attributed with [ish]
else {
//# If the _script is missing, dummy one up with .createElement then .appendChild it
//# NOTE: This is done so we can use the SCRIPT[ish] DOM element to collect ish in the plugins
if (!_script) {
_script = _document.createElement("SCRIPT");
//# Set _script[ish] so other scripts can auto-resolve
_script.setAttribute(sTarget, "");
//# Ensure there is a reference to core available on our _script tag and the _head (for redundancy) so that other scripts can auto-resolve it then .process
_script[sTarget] = core;
_head[sTarget] = core;
}; //# oPrivates.init
/** Determines if the passed value is a valid CSS selector.
* @function ish.type.str.is:selector
* @$clientsideonly
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a valid CSS selector.
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/42149818/235704|Based on this example}
*/ //#####
core.type.str.is.selector = function isSelector() {
var _dummy = _document.createElement('br');
return function (x) {
var bReturnVal = false;
//# Attempt to .querySelector under the _dummy BR using the selector, with a thrown error indicating a non-compliant selector
try {
bReturnVal = true;
} catch (e) {/*oTypeIsIsh.public.expectedErrorHandler(e);*/}
return bReturnVal;
}(); //# core.type.selector
/** Document Object Model-based type functionality.
* @namespace ish.type.dom
* @$clientsideonly
*/ //#####
core.type.dom = function () {
var a_oWrapMap = {
_: [1, "<div>", "</div>"],
option: [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"],
legend: [1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>"],
area: [1, "<map>", "</map>"],
param: [1, "<object>", "</object>"],
thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"],
tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"],
col: [2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"],
td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"],
body: [0, "", ""]
//# Map the matching tags to their base definitions
a_oWrapMap.head = a_oWrapMap.body;
a_oWrapMap.optgroup = a_oWrapMap.option;
a_oWrapMap.th = a_oWrapMap.td;
a_oWrapMap.tbody = a_oWrapMap.tfoot = a_oWrapMap.colgroup = a_oWrapMap.caption = a_oWrapMap.thead;
return {
/** Determines if the passed value is a DOM element.
* @function ish.type.dom.is
* @param {variant} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {object|boolean} [vOptions=false] Value representing if CSS selectors that successfully resolve to DOM elements are to be reconized or the desired options:
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.allowSelector=false] Value representing if CSS selectors that successfully resolve to DOM elements are to be reconized.
* @param {boolean} [vOptions.allowHTML=false] Value representing if HTML that successfully parses to DOM elements are to be reconized.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a DOM element.
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/42149818/235704|Based on this example}
*/ //#####
is: function isDom(x, vOptions) {
vOptions = core.type.obj.mk(vOptions, { allowSelector: vOptions === true });
if (core.type.str.is(x, true)) {
//# If we are to .allowSelector, attempt to convert x to a DOM element
if (vOptions.allowSelector && core.type.str.is.selector(x)) {
x = _document_querySelector(x) || _document.getElementById(x);
//# Else if we are to .allowHTML, attempt to convert x to a DOM element
else if (vOptions.allowHTML) {
x = core.resolve(core.type.dom.parse(x), "0");
return !!(
x &&
core.type.str.is(x.tagName, true) &&
//core.type.fn.is(x.cloneNode) &&
}, //# dom.is
/** Casts the passed value into a DOM element.
* @$note <code>_fileInput</code> can be a CSS Selector (used by <code>document.querySelector</code>), jQuery reference (<code>x[0]</code> will be returned), HTML string defining a single root element or DOM element.
* @$note If the value to interrogate represents multiple top-level DOM elements, they will be returned under a single <code><div></div></code> who has a property of <code>parsedMultiple=true</code>.
* @function ish.type.dom.mk
* @param {variant|string} x Value to interrogate.
* @param {element} [_defaultVal=<div></div>] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @param {boolean} bReturnMultipleAsArray Value representing if we are to return multiple DOM elements as an array.
* @returns {element|element[]} Value representing the passed value as a DOM element.
*/ //#####
mk: function (x, _defaultVal, bReturnMultipleAsArray) {
var a__parsed, i,
_div = _document.createElement("div"),
vReturnVal = (arguments.length > 1 ? _defaultVal : _div)
//# If the passed x .is .str, .trim it
if (core.type.str.is(x, true)) {
x = x.trim();
//# If the passed x .is a .selector, try and collect it
if (core.type.str.is.selector(x)) {
vReturnVal = _document_querySelector(x) || _document.getElementById(x) || vReturnVal;
//# Else try to parse the passed .is .str as HTML
//# NOTE: Old logic for reference
/*else if (true) {
_div.innerHTML = x;
//# If we were able to parse a single non-#text node, set it into our vReturnVal
if (_div.childNodes.length <= 2 && _div.childNodes[0].nodeType !== 3) {
vReturnVal = _div.childNodes[0];
//# Else if our vReturnVal was defaulted to the _div above, reset the _div's .innerHTML
else {
_div.innerHTML = "";
//# Else try to .parse the passed .is .str as HTML
else {
//# Since .parse will return based on a passed _defaultVal or not, we .run .parse with our own arguments to ensure proper behavior
a__parsed = core.type.fn.run(core.type.dom.parse, arguments);
//# If we a__parsed out elements
if (core.type.arr.is(a__parsed, true)) {
//# If we parsed out more than one element
if (a__parsed.length > 1) {
//# If we are supposed to bReturnMultipleAsArray, set our vReturnVal to a__parsed
if (bReturnMultipleAsArray) {
vReturnVal = a__parsed;
//# Else we need to .append the a__parsed elements into the _div, so loop over them, adding each under the generic _div, then set .parsedMultiple and reset our vReturnVal accordingly
else {
for (i = 0; i < a__parsed.length; i++) {
_div.parsedMultiple = true;
vReturnVal = _div;
//# Else we only a__parsed out a single element, so set it into our vReturnVal
else {
vReturnVal = a__parsed[0];
//# Else if the passed x .is .dom, set our vReturnVal to it
else if (core.type.dom.is(x)) {
vReturnVal = x;
//# Else if the first index of the passed x .is .dom, set our vReturnVal to it
//# NOTE: This is pretty much to support jQuery objects
//# TODO: is this a good idea? Should we loop over them like above?
else if (x && x[0] && core.type.dom.is(x[0])) {
vReturnVal = x[0];
return vReturnVal;
}, //# dom.mk
/** Parses the passed value as a DOM element.
* @function ish.type.dom.parse
* @param {string} sHTML Value to parse.
* @param {element} [_defaultVal=undefined] Value representing the default return value if casting fails.
* @returns {element} Value representing the passed value as a DOM element.
* @see {@link http://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/article/Revealing-the-magic-how-to-properly-convert-HTML-string-to-a-DOM-element|Based on this example}
*/ //#####
parse: function (sHTML, _defaultVal) {
var a__returnVal, _dom, a_vMap, sTag, bHeadTag, bBodyTag, i;
//# .trim any empty leading/trailing #text nodes then safely determine the first sTag (if any) within the passed sHTML along with if it's a bBodyTag
//# NOTE: /g(lobal) only returns the first <tag> for whatever reason(!?) but as that's the desired effect, it's all good.
sHTML = core.type.str.mk(sHTML).trim();
sTag = core.type.str.mk(
(/<([^\/!]\w*)[\s\S]*?>/g.exec(sHTML) || [0,''])[1]
bHeadTag = (sTag === 'head');
bBodyTag = (sTag === 'body');
//# Determine the a_vMap entry then construct our _dom including its .innerHTML
//# NOTE: While we can and do parse multiple elements/nodes, we only look at the first sTag to determine the a_vMap
a_vMap = a_oWrapMap[sTag] || a_oWrapMap._;
//var _dom = (bBodyTag ? _document.implementation.createDocument('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'html', _null) : _null);
_dom = _document.createElement(bHeadTag || bBodyTag ? 'html' : 'div');
_dom.innerHTML = a_vMap[1] + sHTML + a_vMap[2];
//# Set the i(ndex) and traverse down the a_vMap'd elements to collect the parsed sHTML
//# NOTE: This is done to peal off the required wrapping a_oWrapMap elements from the .innerHTML above
i = a_vMap[0];
while (i-- /* > 0*/) {
_dom = _dom.children[0];
//# .mk .arr'd .childNodes into our a__returnVal
a__returnVal = core.type.arr.mk(_dom.childNodes);
if (bBodyTag) {
else if (bHeadTag) {
a__returnVal = (
core.type.arr.is(a__returnVal, true) ?
a__returnVal : (
arguments.length > 1 ? [_defaultVal] : []
return a__returnVal;
}, //# dom.parse
/** Generates a unique DOM ID.
* @function ish.type.dom.id
* @param {string} [sPrefix=""] Value representing the DOM ID's prefix.
* @returns {element} Value representing a unique DOM ID.
*/ //#####
id: core.extend(
function (sPrefix) {
var sID;
sPrefix = core.type.str.mk(sPrefix);
do {
sID = sPrefix + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,5);
} while (_document.getElementById(sID));
return sID;
}, {
/** Determines if the passed value represents a reconized DOM ID.
* @function ish.type.dom.id:is
* @param {string} sID Value representing the DOM ID to test.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value represents a reconized DOM ID.
*/ //#####
is: function (sID) {
return !!_document.getElementById(sID);
) //# dom.id
}(); //# core.type.dom
/** Collection of UI-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.ui
* @$clientsideonly
*/ //############################################################################################
core.ui = {
/** Scrolls the browser's viewpoint to the passed DOM element.
* @function ish.ui.scrollTo
* @param {element} vElement Value to scroll the browser's viewpoint to.
* @param {boolean} [bSetHash=false] Value representing if the <code>document.location.hash</code> is to be set.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a valid DOM element.
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/36929383/235704|Based on this example}
*/ //#####
scrollTo: function (vElement, bSetHash) {
var _element = core.type.dom.mk(vElement, null),
bReturnVal = (_element !== null), // _element && core.type.fn.is(_element.getBoundingClientRect)), //# .fn.is probably not req: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect
doScroll = function (iLastJump) {
var iScroll = parseInt(_element.getBoundingClientRect().top * 0.2);
_document.body.scrollTop += iScroll;
_document.documentElement.scrollTop += iScroll;
if (!iLastJump || iLastJump > Math.abs(iScroll)) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 20);
else if (bSetHash && core.type.str.is(vElement)) {
_document.location.hash = "#" + vElement;
} //# doScroll
if (bReturnVal) {
return bReturnVal;
}, //# scrollTo
/** Clears any page selection(s) from the browser.
* @function ish.ui.clearSelection
*/ //#####
clearSelection: function () {
if (_root.getSelection) {_root.getSelection().removeAllRanges();}
else if (_document.selection) {_document.selection.empty();}
}, //# clearSelection
/** Client-side file-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.ui.fs
* @$clientsideonly
*/ //#####
fs: {
/** Downloads the provided contents as a file via the browser.
* @function ish.ui.fs.save
* @note Was <code>ish.ui.downloadToFile</code>.
* @param {string} vContents Value representing the file contents.
* @param {string} [sFilename] Value representing filename.
* @param {string} [sContentType] Value representing content type of the file.
*/ //#####
save: function (vContents, sFilename, sContentType) {
var $a = _document.createElement("a");
//# Try/catch around the URL and Blob uses just in case stuff blows up
try {
//# Set the .href based on a new Blob, set the sFilename for the .download, initiate the download via .click then .revoke the Blob
$a.href = URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([vContents], { type: sContentType })
$a.download = sFilename;
} catch (e) {
(console.error || console.log)("Unable to create URL or Blob to download file!", e);
}, //# ui.fs.save
/** Loads the provided file via the browser.
* @function ish.ui.fs.load
* @param {function} fnCallback Function to be called on load which receives `sFileContents` and `$loadEvent` as arguments.
* @param {string} [sInputFileSelector=input[type=file]] Value representing the CSS selector to the file input.
*/ //#####
load: function (fnCallback, sInputFileSelector) {
//# Ensure the passed sInputFileSelector is a string
sInputFileSelector = core.type.str.mk(sInputFileSelector, "input[type=file]");
//# Try/catch around the FileReader uses just in case stuff blows up
try {
var $input = _document_querySelector(sInputFileSelector),
$fileReader = new _window.FileReader()
//# If the $input isn't as expected, throw the error
if (!core.type.dom.is($input) || !$input.files || !$input.files[0]) {
throw("Insure `" + sInputFileSelector + "` supports `files` and has a file selected.");
//# Else if the fnCallback
else if (!core.type.fn.is(fnCallback)) {
throw("`fnCallback` is not a function.");
//# Else the arguments are valid so setup the $fileReader
else {
$fileReader.onload = function ($event) {
fnCallback(core.resolve($event, "target.result"), $event);
} catch (e) {
(console.error || console.log)("ish.ui.file.load error:", e);
} //# ui.fs.load
//# Determines if the referenced elements overlap in the 2D plane.
//# NOTE: This function really only needs to run correctly under those browsers that have Z-Index issues with certain elements, so true cross-platform compatibility is not really required for this function
//# Last Updated: April 19, 2006
overlapping: function(oElement1, oElement2) {
var bReturn = false;
var iX1, iX2, iA1, iA2, iY1, iY2, iB1, iB2;
//#### Set the Y (vertical) coords
iB1 = this.Top(oElement1);
iB2 = iB1 + this.Height(oElement1);
iY1 = this.Top(oElement2);
iY2 = iY1 + this.Height(oElement2);
//#### If the elements seem to be in the way vertically
if ((iY1 <= iB1 && iY2 > iB1) || (iY1 >= iB1 && iY1 < iB2)) {
//#### Set the X (horizontal) coords
iA1 = this.Left(oElement1);
iA2 = iA1 + this.Width(oElement1);
iX1 = this.Left(oElement2);
iX2 = iX1 + this.Width(oElement2);
//#### If the passed elements also overlap horizontally, flip bReturn to true
if ((iX1 <= iA1 && iX2 > iA1) || (iX1 >= iA1 && iX1 < iA2)) {
bReturn = true;
//#### Return the above determined bReturn to the caller
return bReturn;
}; //# core.ui
//# Procedural code
//# Return core to allow for chaining
return core;
//# ish mixins target for programmatic insertion of code
}(/*global, module, require, process, __dirname*/)); //# NodeJS-specific features that will be undefined in the browser; see: https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/globals.html + https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/modules.html#modules_dirname