
Collection of require external JS-based functionality.



ish.require(vUrls, vOptionsopt)

Includes functionality into the current context.
Name Type Attributes Description
vUrls string | Array.<string> Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include.
vOptions object <optional>
Value representing the function to be called on completion or the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
callback boolean <optional>
fire:ish.pluginsLoaded Value representing the function to be called on completion; oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded).
onAppend boolean <optional>
setAttribute:importedBy Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl).
onError boolean <optional>
Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl).
waitSeconds boolean <optional>
7 Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
baseUrl boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the base URL to prepend on the src attribute (must end with /).
urlArgs boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the src attribute (must start with ?).

[client] ish.require.css(vUrls, vOptionsopt)

Includes CSS-based functionality into the current context.
Client-Side Only: This functionality is only available under a browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc.).
Name Type Attributes Description
vUrls string | Array.<string> Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include.
vOptions object <optional>
Value representing the function to be called on completion or the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
callback boolean <optional>
fire:ish.pluginsLoaded Value representing the function to be called on completion; oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded).
onAppend boolean <optional>
setAttribute:importedBy Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl).
onError boolean <optional>
Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl).
waitSeconds boolean <optional>
7 Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
baseUrl boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the base URL to prepend on the src attribute (must end with /).
urlArgs boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the src attribute (must start with ?).
Includes link-based functionality into the current context.
Client-Side Only: This functionality is only available under a browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc.).
Name Type Attributes Description
vUrls string | Array.<string> Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include.
vOptions object <optional>
Value representing the function to be called on completion or the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
callback boolean <optional>
fire:ish.pluginsLoaded Value representing the function to be called on completion; oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded).
onAppend boolean <optional>
setAttribute:importedBy Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl).
onError boolean <optional>
Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl).
waitSeconds boolean <optional>
7 Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
baseUrl boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the base URL to prepend on the src attribute (must end with /).
urlArgs boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the src attribute (must start with ?).

ish.require.modules(a_vModuleUrls, oOptionsopt)

Includes functionality into the current context in the defined order.
Name Type Attributes Description
a_vModuleUrls Array.<string> | Array.<Array.<string>> Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include, each entry representing a bundle that is loaded in series in the defined order.
Note: Each entry, along with the passed options, is handed off to ish.require. Once ish.require completes an entry, the next entry is processed.
oOptions object <optional>
Value representing the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
callback boolean <optional>
fire:ish.pluginsLoaded Value representing the function to be called on completion; oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded).
onAppend boolean <optional>
setAttribute:importedBy Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl).
onError boolean <optional>
Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl).
waitSeconds boolean <optional>
7 Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
baseUrl boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the base URL to prepend on the src attribute (must end with /).
urlArgs boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the src attribute (must start with ?).

ish.require.scripts(vUrls, vOptionsopt)

Includes Javascript-based functionality into the current context.
Name Type Attributes Description
vUrls string | Array.<string> Value representing the URL(s) of the functionality to include.
vOptions object <optional>
Value representing the function to be called on completion or the following options:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
callback boolean <optional>
fire:ish.pluginsLoaded Value representing the function to be called on completion; oOptions.callback(a_oProcessedUrls, bAllLoaded).
onAppend boolean <optional>
setAttribute:importedBy Value representing the function to be called when the DOM element is added; oOptions.onAppend(_dom, sUrl).
onError boolean <optional>
Value representing the function to be called when an error occurs; oOptions.onError(_dom, sUrl).
waitSeconds boolean <optional>
7 Value representing the maximum number of seconds to wait before an error is returned.
baseUrl boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the base URL to prepend on the src attribute (must end with /).
urlArgs boolean <optional>
"" Value representing the URL's querystring to append on the src attribute (must start with ?).