Type Definitions

fnIshIoEvaler(vJS, oInjectDataopt, bReturnAsMetadataopt) → {variant|object}

Interface to evaluate Javascript under the established this/context and environment.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
vJS string | Array.<string> Value representing the Javascript string(s) to evaluate.
oInjectData object <optional>
Value representing the variables to expose to the code to be evaluated.
bReturnAsMetadata boolean <optional>
false Value representing if the metadata object { js: string[], results: variant[], errors: object[{ index: integer, error: object, js: string }] } is returned in place of any returned value(s) from the evaluated Javascript.
Type Description
variant | object Value representing the returned value(s) (if any) from the evaluated Javascript or the metadata object.

fnIshIoNetCallback(bSuccess, oResponse, vArg, $xhr)

Callback utilized by ish.io.net on completion of a XMLHttpRequest request.
Name Type Description
bSuccess boolean Value representing if the request returned successfully.
oResponse object Value representing the results of the request:
Name Type Description
ok boolean Value representing if the request returned successfully.
status integer Value representing the XMLHttpRequest's status.
url string Value representing the URL of the request.
verb string Value representing the HTTP Verb of the request.
async boolean Value representing if the request was asynchronous.
aborted boolean Value representing if the request was aborted prior to completion.
loaded boolean Value representing if the URL was successfully loaded (DEPRECATED).
response variant Value representing the XMLHttpRequest's responseText or response.
text string Value representing the XMLHttpRequest's responseText.
json object Value representing the XMLHttpRequest's responseText as parsed JSON.
vArg variant Value representing the value passed in the original call as vCallback.arg.
$xhr object Value representing the underlying XMLHttpRequest management object.

fnIshIoNetCallback(bSuccess, oResponse, vArg, $xhr)

Callback utilized by ish.io.net on completion of a XMLHttpRequest request.
Name Type Description
bSuccess boolean Value representing if the request returned successfully.
oResponse object Value representing the results of the request:
Name Type Description
ok boolean Value representing if the request returned successfully.
status integer Value representing the XMLHttpRequest's status.
url string Value representing the URL of the request.
verb string Value representing the HTTP Verb of the request.
async boolean Value representing if the request was asynchronous.
aborted boolean Value representing if the request was aborted prior to completion.
loaded boolean Value representing if the URL was successfully loaded (DEPRECATED).
response variant Value representing the XMLHttpRequest's responseText or response.
text string Value representing the XMLHttpRequest's responseText.
json object Value representing the XMLHttpRequest's responseText as parsed JSON.
vArg variant Value representing the value passed in the original call as vCallback.arg.
$xhr object Value representing the underlying XMLHttpRequest management object.