/** @file OOP Dynamic Polymorphism (Function Overloading) mixin for ish.js
* @mixin ish.oop.overload
* @author Nick Campbell
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2014-2023, Nick Campbell
*/ //############################################################################################
/*global module, define */ //# Enable Node globals for JSHint
/*jshint maxcomplexity:9 */ //# Enable max complexity warnings for JSHint
(function () {
'use strict'; //<MIXIN>
function init(core) {
/** Collection of OOP Dynamic Polymorphism (Function Overloading)-based functionality.
* @namespace ish.oop.overload
* @ignore
*/ //############################################################################################
core.oop.partial(core.oop, function (/*oProtected*/) {
var a_fnOverloads = [];
function registerAlias(fnOverload, fn, sAlias) {
if (core.type.str.is(sAlias, true) && !fnOverload[sAlias]) {
fnOverload[sAlias] = fn;
} //# registerAlias
return {
overload: core.extend(
/** Initiates a wrapper function that marshals calls to the proper function overload based on argument signature.
* @function ish.oop.overload.!
* @param {function} [fnDefault] Value representing the default overload function to execute if the arguments cannot be matched to an available overload.
* @returns {object} =interface Value representing the following properties:
* @returns {function} =interface.add Adds another function to the available overloads; <code>add(fn, sAlias, a_vArgumentTests)</code>:
* <table class="params">
* <tr><td class="name"><code>fn</code><td><td class="type param-type">function<td><td class="description last">Value representing the function to add to the available overloads.</td></tr>
* <tr><td class="name"><code>sAlias</code><td><td class="type param-type">string<td><td class="description last">Value representing the unique alias for the passed function.</td></tr>
* <tr><td class="name"><code>a_vArgumentTests</code><td><td class="type param-type">function[] | string[]<td><td class="description last">Value representing the argument validators as functions or strings referencing <code>ish.types.*.is</code> functions (e.g. <code>str</code>, <code>int</code>, <code>obj</code>, etc).</td></tr>
* </table>
* @returns {function} =interface.default Default function overload to execute if the arguments cannot be matched to an available overload; <code>default()</code>.
* @returns {function} =interface.list Lists the available overloaded functions; <code>list(iArgumentCount)</code>:
* <table class="params">
* <tr><td class="name"><code>iArgumentCount</code><td><td class="type param-type">integer<td><td class="description last">Value representing the desired argument count to limit the returned list to.</td></tr>
* </table>
*/ //#####
function (fnDefault) {
var oData = {
/** Interface under the returned <code>ish.oop.overload</code> wrapper function that defines the default function overload to execute if the arguments cannot be matched to an available overload.
* @function ish.oop.overload.*:default
* @throws <code>Overload not found for arguments</code> unless defined at initiation.
* @ignore
*/ //#####
default: (core.type.fn.is(fnDefault) ?
fnDefault :
function (/*arguments*/) {
throw "ish.oop.overload: Overload not found for arguments " + core.type.arr.mk(arguments).join(",");
fnOverload = core.extend(
function (/*arguments*/) {
var oEntry, i, j,
a = arguments,
oArgumentTests = oData[a.length] || []
//# Traverse the oArgumentTests for the number of passed a(rguments), defaulting the oEntry at the beginning of each loop
for (i = 0; i < oArgumentTests.length; i++) {
oEntry = oArgumentTests[i];
//# Traverse the passed a(rguments), if a .test for the current oArgumentTests fails, reset oEntry and fall from the a(rgument)s loop
for (j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
if (!oArgumentTests[i].tests[j](a[j])) {
oEntry = undefined;
//# If all of the a(rgument)s passed the .tests we found our oEntry, so break from the oArgumentTests loop
if (oEntry) {
//# If we found our oEntry above, .fn.call its .fn
if (oEntry) {
return core.type.fn.call(oEntry.fn, this, a);
//# Else we were unable to find a matching oArgumentTests oEntry, so .fn.call our .default
else {
return core.type.fn.call(oData.default, this, a);
}, //# overload*
/** Interface under the returned <code>ish.oop.overload</code> wrapper function that adds another function to the available overloads.
* @function ish.oop.overload.*:add
* @param {function} fn Value representing the function to add to the available overloads.
* @param {string} sAlias Value representing the unique alias for the passed function.
* @param {function[]|string[]} [a_vArgumentTests] Value representing the argument validators as functions or strings referencing <code>ish.types.*.is</code> functions (e.g. <code>str</code>, <code>int</code>, <code>obj</code>, etc).
* @ignore
*/ //#####
add: function (fn, sAlias, a_vArgumentTests) {
var i,
bValid = (core.type.fn.is(fn) && core.type.str.is(sAlias, true) && !fnOverload[sAlias]),
iLen = (core.type.arr.is(a_vArgumentTests) ? a_vArgumentTests.length : 0)
//sAlias = 'fn_'+arguments.length+Array.from(arguments).map((arg)=>typeof arg).join('_')
//# TODO: use ish.type.fn.signature?
if (bValid) {
//# Traverse the a_vArgumentTests, processing each to ensure they are functions (or references to )
for (i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
if (!core.type.fn.is(a_vArgumentTests[i])) {
a_vArgumentTests[i] = core.resolve(core.type, [a_vArgumentTests[i], "is"]);
if (!core.type.fn.is(a_vArgumentTests[i])) {
bValid = false;
//# If the a_vArgumentTests are bValid, set the info into oData under the a_vArgumentTests' iLen
if (bValid) {
oData[iLen] = oData[iLen] || [];
fn: fn,
tests: a_vArgumentTests,
calls: 0
registerAlias(fnOverload, fn, sAlias);
//return fnOverload;
//# Else one of the passed arguments was not bValid, so throw the error
else {
throw "ish.oop.overload: All tests must be functions or strings referencing `type.*.is`.";
}, //# overload.*.add
/** Interface under the returned <code>ish.oop.overload</code> wrapper function that lists the available overloaded functions.
* @function ish.oop.overload.*:list
* @param {integer} [iArgumentCount] Value representing the desired argument count to limit the returned list to.
* @returns {object} Value representing the available overloaded functions categorized by argument count.
* @ignore
*/ //#####
list: function (iArgumentCount) {
return (arguments.length > 0 ? oData[iArgumentCount] || [] : oData);
} //# overload.*.list
) //# fnOverload = core.extend(
//registerAlias(fnOverload, oData.default, oData.alias);
return fnOverload;
}, //# oop.overload
/** Determines if the passed value is a wrapper function that marshals calls to the proper function overload based on argument signature.
* @function ish.oop.overload.is
* @param {function} fnTarget Value representing the function to test.
* @returns {boolean} Value representing if the passed value is a wrapper function that marshals calls to the proper function overload based on argument signature.
*/ //#####
is: function (fnTarget) {
return (a_fnOverloads.indexOf(fnTarget) > -1);
} //# oop.overload.is
}); //# core.oop.overload
//# .fire the plugin's loaded event
//# Return core to allow for chaining
return core;
} //# init
//# If we are running server-side
//# NOTE: Compliant with UMD, see: https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/templates/returnExports.js
//# NOTE: Does not work with strict CommonJS, but only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { //if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && this.module !== module && module.exports) {
module.exports = init;
//# Else if we are running in an .amd environment, register as an anonymous module
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], init);
//# Else we are running in the browser, so we need to setup the _document-based features
else {
return init(window.head.ish || document.querySelector("SCRIPT[ish]").ish);